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The Thank You thread

Started by dreadnaut, March 19, 2024, 08:02:13 PM

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Can't believe we didn't have one yet!

Thanks to @alanrotoi for building four versions of the Melange, over 20 years, so that he could have people race them against each other last Sunday!


I second that one!  And thanks all of you guys for keeping this community going. This is very special and pretty unique!
Earth is my country. Science is my religion.


Quote from: dreadnaut on March 19, 2024, 08:02:13 PMThanks to @alanrotoi for building four versions of the Melange, over 20 years, so that he could have people race them against each other last Sunday!

Thank you @dreadnaut ! It was a very special event for me. Melange is my first car and still my favourite.

I want to thank you all for building this community. Every idea, every chat, every participation counts


Thanks to @HunterBoy344 for developing, hosting and organising an Online race today!

Exciting event, one more way to enjoy Stunts!


Quote from: dreadnaut on June 15, 2024, 06:44:27 PMThanks to @HunterBoy344 for developing, hosting and organising an Online race today!

Exciting event, one more way to enjoy Stunts!

Thanks for attending @dreadnaut ! I may have hosted the race, but you, @Duplode , and @Erik Barros were the stars of the show. You guys also helped me discover several quirks and inconsistencies with Stunts Online that I would've never considered if not for your attendance, such as the inability to unfocus the chat by clicking on the game and inability to save replays while connected to a server.

In fact, if not for @dreadnaut unintentionally crashing the server by abbreviating seconds with a quotation mark, I would never have realized that I never programmed escaping special characters in chat messages for both the client and server. At best, that would result in a server crash, and at worst, it could allow for remote arbitrary code execution on the server! I owe you a huge thanks for accidentally pointing out the huge "hack me" banner I didn't even realize I was hosting. ;)

Erik Barros

Thank you @HunterBoy344, It was a really cool race and experience.
Thank you @dreadnaut and @Duplode, It's always an honor to race with you two!!
Hope @Cas can join in the next session, @HunterBoy344 has the server code on github, if you want we can test it.

Erik Barros

As a complement to the topic I created to promote the Megapack, I would like to thank @alanrotoi, @Duplode, @Cas e @dreadnaut, I bother you many times to explain the obvious to me  ;D .

Thank you @Overdrijf, @Zapper, @Daniel3D, @KyLiE, @CTG, @crazy jimmy, @cody, @Mark L. Rivers and Ryoma organizing the car files I see that you were and are very important to the community.

Thank you @Spoonboy, you were the trigger for the creation of this project.

Most likely I may have forgotten someone, it's not personal.


Quote from: Erik Barros on July 21, 2024, 08:04:49 PMAs a complement to the topic I created to promote the Megapack, I would like to thank @alanrotoi, @Duplode, @Cas e @dreadnaut, I bother you many times to explain the obvious to me  ;D .

Thank you @Overdrijf, @Zapper, @Daniel3D, @KyLiE, @CTG, @crazy jimmy, @cody, @Mark L. Rivers and Ryoma organizing the car files I see that you were and are very important to the community.

Thank you @Spoonboy, you were the trigger for the creation of this project.

Most likely I may have forgotten someone, it's not personal.

@Erik Barros thankyou for this - from first try it seems to work very well!
It's a real achievement to get all cars together like this. I look forward to helping with this in any way I can.