CTG should...
Option 1: win ZakStunts 2011
votes: 4
Option 2: retire
votes: 2
Option 3: shut up
votes: 6
Option 4: skid hot teenage girls
votes: 6
Option 5: böff an öblös one
votes: 5
I decided to open a topic just for silly/idiot/useless messages. You can also write B?FFs here or any other things that suits nowhere (for example: I reached 1700th message, wheeeeeeeeeee :P).
Ok, let's write one of my oldest signature :
B????????????????????????FFFFFFFF!!!!!!!! :smt078
Okay, I'll take the chance:
:smt031 :smt031 :smt031 :smt031 :smt031
Save a bee, eat a golden retriever
Save a beer, eat a reaver!
Laura is a big Helen! B?FF! :D
Having to stay at home all day (for the 3rd day already to be exact) because of a cold sucks!
Diesel Joe: P?linka would solve all of your problems! :rolleyes:
B????????????????FFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!! :smt078
Yeah, if the next meeting will take place in Hungary, I will smuggle some bottles back to Germany! :smt030
I want pina. At the moment, I desperately want a pina on my dick. It is without pina for a long time now, and it is craving for it. ?gi's pina. Yes, it would be one of the acceptable pinas on my dicks. I'm going to get it. I have to quote Ganxsta Zolee (famous and notorious Hungarian rapper):
Quote from: "Ganxsta Zolee"PINA PINA PINA PINA PINA!!!
Who the skid is ?gi????? :shock:
Anyway, I have to quote BT (famous Hungarian band):
QuoteATOMHAL?L, PARTYTIME!!! ("atomhal?l"="nuclear death")
Quote from: "Usrin"Who the skid is ?gi????? :shock:
Well, maybe if you had answered my last mail by now, I would have written about her. ;)
She is a first-year student girl here, in Debrecen. Roommate of a friend girl of mine, who is from Kazincbarcika, also doing her first year there (the Barcikian colony is gathering here --->>> more frequent parties in Debrecen, less freqent parties in Kazincbarcika). When I see her, I always think about stallin her. Not my kind, short, (dyed) blonde and pussycat-style a bit, but there's something in her, she is mysterious and sexually very attractive, my dick likes her very much. Her face and eyes radiates sexually so heavy that my dick couldn't not notice it.
Anyway, B?FF!
There was a very beautiful next to me here in the computer room, and she asked me to help her. I could help her and I could teach her something on the computer, so I feel very satisfied now. She was a really good slut. But I think she was from the average slut girls. My guess is because she watched and saved some pictures of very expensive cars all the time. Anyway, she was very nice, kind to me, and her brown eyes shone on me very gratefully - my dick also felt this.
As you can see, Akoss Poo is in very horny mood at the moment. I want pina! B?FF!
I've no idea what does this want to mean, but maybe it's related to the famous Poo. :)
RIVERKILLERS, GO HOME!!! (I'm drunken! B?FF!!!)
Quote from: "Usrin"RIVERKILLERS, GO HOME!!! (I'm drunken! B?FF!!!)
You are lucky. Counting from Saturday, I only have 3 beers at my throat. But here is the weekend. If there's no party tonight with my friends, CTG, online drinking party on msn? :D
Hello, tourist, on the right side...
GRUNGE no HAMSTER otona bite
REVENGE no LOBSTER hiki tsurete
Important message: Akoss Poo feels something like love. Not sure if it is love or if it will stay longer than a week, but I feel something for a girl. What am I writing this for? Because this girl is not Laura. Despite I don't have any chance I think, this feelings make me happy, because I got over Laura. Great B?????????FFFFFFFFFF for this!
More information: I don't have an erection anymore, since I used handwork two times this evening. Well, this post is rather useless than the previous was, but this was the topic.
Well it seems as for me, this topic tends to be Akoss Poo dick, heart and b?ff diary... but who cares? Don't read if you aren't interested. B?FF. Okay? Another B?FF.
Now I'm sleepy. I'm tired of playing Rise of Nations. I'm going to sleep after this stormy day - in my heart. B????????????????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!
B?FF! I've erection - for no more than 99 HUF (0.40 EUR). Thanks to SPAR(R)! :P
I see this topic is full of useless messages and maniacs so the name is perfect!
Nevermind the comment on my football team
Deutscher Meister wird nur der THW, nur der THW, nur der THW!
Sieht ganz danach aus!
ultramarine nigritude.
do you mind if your neighbour is a serial killer? what would YOU do about it?
do somebody understood yet that our societies are crap because nobody cares of nothing anymore? evil happens because people let it crawl.
Quote from: "al il professore"
do somebody understood yet that our societies are crap because nobody cares of nothing anymore? evil happens because people let it crawl.
That's complete nonsense :D
1. Evil doesn't happen. Only christian fundamentalist believe in evil.
2. People let it crawl - well no, if "evil" is found out, it will never be let do anything.
3. What do you expect before it's found out - pre-emptive strikes at potentially mass-destruction-weapon-holding countries?
I'm afraid the title of the following article (found on index.hu) can't be translated... but it's a bit ambiguous in Hungarian. :D
complete nonsense
not really, one people on ten does not think his life was driven, that evil and good fight each other and still, one people on ten can be right.
1. Evil doesn't happen. Only christian fundamentalist believe in evil.
lots of other religious communities believe in evil. the bouddhist think you must love your friends AND fight your enemies until they die. like the muslims. the words and the sword. asking ourselves what are the consequences (for example catholics about the protestants: "kill them all, god will choose its sheeps") make us believe a god cannot say that.
2. People let it crawl - well no, if "evil" is found out, it will never be let do anything.
how could i explain myself clearly... e.g. the very small things we do are modifying the karma.
3. What do you expect before it's found out - pre-emptive strikes at potentially mass-destruction-weapon-holding countries?
i think that in a breaking fast future everyone's ID will contain his personal history, acts and choices, and that the next dictatures will be much powerful. in those days will humans be able to say what is evilness? our enemies are attacking us. like the beef wait quietly for the butcher to cut its throat.
"an aware man equal two. and with internet much more." lao tseu
"enslave an enemy without killing him is the acme of excellence" sun tzu
I do not believe in evil because evil does not believe in me. :evil:
I wanted to eat spaghetti with some sauce last week. I wanted to add tinned meat to the sauce, but when I saw the ingredients' list, I decided to eat bread and butter with vegetables... It was a DEKO tinned meat, and the ingredient I found the most edible was meat of the pig's head... :shock: :?
Quote from: "JTK"I do not believe in evil because evil does not believe in me. :evil:
Muuuahahahahahahahahahahahahah ! :lol: :smt046
I ate S?LET an hour ago. That will make me fart heavily. :D
P???????????????????????????!!! :toimonster: :smt117 :axe:
Each tomato tastes differently.
vademecum vagocomolisso
Vamologocomisso? :roll:
Quote from: "DieselJoe"Vamologocomisso? :roll:
Vamossim... Vam'i'j?? Vom'i't?o?
vaya como paillasso? vaca como plisso? caga como risotto? last time he sent a replay i remembered how to spell his name... :(
qwertz - qwertz.
Malkovich Malkovich? :D
- Malkovich
I went through a very important change of lifestyle in summer. Before that, I always did it in the evenings, but for some reason it became harder and harder. Finally, I get to the point when I always had to postpone it to next morning. But than I could enjoy it as almost never before! After waking up, I always started to fart heavily, and started to strongly feel that I MUST shit; at the first time I was afraid I had diarrhoea. But I hadn't any problem: the result was big and smelly, but it didn't need too much wiping. That was very good, because Detox was true: shitting is good, but wiping is shit!
photos. please.
Quote from: "al il professore"photos. please.
Just waiting for CTG to open the separated topic designed for them. :) But I can recommend you
http://www.ratemypoo.com! As Akoss said: forever POO! :-D
Signed: god
JTK states: At least there seemed to be one believer.
CTG is a big spammer. He posts his silly messages everywhere, just to 1.) reach Alain in post number (completed) 2. reach 1900 posts (completed) 3. reach 2000 posts (he will reach it in 3-5 days I guess).
There are more than 10.000 maniacs here...
Zak should delete about 300 of your posts and give you a 2 week ban.
It hadn't happen, but other things did. 'No new rank for spammers'. :D:D:D I like it. :D CTG you deserved this! ;)
I ain't keen on learning... I'm just suffering in front of my monitor... Gotta learn about 2 hours and gotta get up at 7 a.m.... It is so crap. I have to say some things there which make me happy.
Yesterday evening I thought it over. I could hardy sleep, thinking. Still this morning I thought. Now I think, it's gone. Energy for nothing? Or will it change my life? Somehow? Somewhen?
this one soudned suspicious! :shock:
Forever Sexual Harassment Panda!!! :D:D:D
In front of me on my table there is a little children's book called "Das Geburtstagsgeschenk". I think, I'll read it now.
btw Zak: Don't put suspicion in any "useless" message :wink:
B????????????????????????????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!! I would like to lick Bea's pina today! :D
skid off observer from Herend on MetNet!
Have you heard that human shit contains 25 weight % (!)bacteria?! :shock: :shock: :shock: :D:D:D
Quote from: "CTG"I plan to mix few milligramms shit to my roommate's milk in the fridge. He'll be ill at least for a week. :D:D:D
You are envious of him because he went to womanize last week? At least do this when your girlfriend isn't menstruating! :D
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"Have you heard that human shit contains 25 weight % (!)bacteria?! :shock: :shock: :shock: :D:D:D
most of them are essential for your digestion to work well and are not harmful.
Quote from: "zaqrack"Quote from: "Akoss Poo"Have you heard that human shit contains 25 weight % (!)bacteria?! :shock: :shock: :shock: :D:D:D
most of them are essential for your digestion to work well and are not harmful.
And if you want to have shit sex? You have to face with shit's harmful effects, so you'd rather avoid swallowing that exciting smelly shit... :?
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"
And if you want to have shit sex?
I'd rather not :?
Shitty, shitty, shitty milk in the fridge!!! :D
the shit wear the bacterias. the dick wear the holes.
Mostly incredible!
Why does noone know minitar...?
Merry christmas! Fisse fotze foufounne pina pizda! That holy hole for everyone here! Happy new year! White christmas! Oi! B???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!! :D:D:D
Yeah, merry christmas to all of you! :D
Peace! :smt109
Akoss Poo, you seemed to be very drunken! :D Btw, white Christmas to everybody! I go out, and throw the pee about! :smt039
Max up your life!
Merry X-Max to all of you! :P
Quote from: "Usrin"Akoss Poo, you seemed to be very drunken! :D
Yes, I was. Moreover, I forgot that I had posted this message here at that night! By the way, I drank 7x0,05 Hubertus, 1 Borsodi and 2x0,03 p?linka.
General information: I've just farted! :D:D:D
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"General information: I've just farted! :D:D:D
And which type of fart was it? (We know at least 4 types, as you can remember. :D )
Quote from: "CTG"Maybe P? type :D By the way, forever "Le Petomane". :-D
Le petomane ! :lol:
Do you dare compare yourself with the Marvelous Joseph Pujol ?!
More infos (in French) about the REAL Petomane :
http://www.udenap.org/groupe_de_pages_06/pujol_joseph.htmProut !
...vomiting across my keyboard...
b i t c h = nice girl :D
skid that stallin Helen...?
Quote from: "Motley Crue"Girls! Girls! Girls!
Quote from: "Leo Ramone"Quote from: "Motley Crue"Girls! Girls! Girls!
Sabrina wrote : boys ! Boys ! Boys !
Quote from: "Depeche Mode"Tora! Tora! Tora!
tally ho!
Quote from: "Akoss Poo & CTG"Noja! Noja! Noja!
Quote from: "Trio"
Da da da
Quote from: "And further on they"
Aha aha aha
Forever Congoan footballists who were wounded to death by lightning bolt!!! (October 1998)
The book is on the table
Oh, my God... CTG, you should have been very drunken this night!
OH, my car is fixed! New (used) clutch, new (used) gear box - 1.100,00 ? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Smelly cat, smelly cat...
no no no: "Smelll-ly cat"
Laura egy kiscica :)
Attention, gas attack has started!!! I had a huge plate of chili beans (I was hungry, but it wasn't easy to eat the whole portion) for lunch on 2nd floor of Feh?rv?ri Road Market Hall - for only 480 HUF! :P It was really delicious, even if it could have been a bit spicier... (It can get 8 points of 10, if the original chili beans of Zak gets 10/10.) Now I'm full of gas, and I fart much more than any of you could imagine! 8)
There's terrible fart smell in the room! I hope my roommate is just sleeping, and haven't died of gas poisoning. :D
I also ate beans yesterday. :D It was a Globus Beangulasch.
Surprisingly, it didn't cause considerable farting. :?
It seems you have listened to the Radik?lis Amput?ci? songs I sent to you, at last; and you like them! ;):D
M?sf?l m?teres ?llat van benned
V?resre vakarod a segged
B?ff... I had a great night, just arrived at home. I was drunken and I visited the nostalgia disco called 'Cha Cha Cha' with my friends. Before that, we were drinking in Pap?, and of course we played table football. Viki is a dangerous name... Why do I always feel that it's 5% more than a simple very good friendship between a boy and a girl? Btw I'm still drunken a bit. It's snowing out there. P?! Faszszop? ?jpest! D?g?lj?n meg Haynau! B?FF!
Btw this message is not so useless. Let's make it useless! B????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!! :D
Me working, you free.
Thx for THAT!
Quote from: "Leo Ramone"
Yeah, THAT was useless. :wink:
hahaha, Leo Ramone is the champion :lol:
Quote from: "JTK"Quote from: "Leo Ramone"
Yeah, THAT was useless. :wink:
no, because you got to know lots of intresting web links!
and also you can vote for the 2004 stunts lol awards! :) :)
I'm ill :( I hope it's not H5N1
it must be springsickness dont worry :)
Well, I was taking a walk on a beach yesterday, and I was really hungry. Then I saw a dead bird, and ate it. But I don't think that could have anything to do with it.
Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"I'm ill :( I hope it's not H5N1
The western(iest) part of europe that h5n1 reach so far was turkey, right ?
America (south, central and north) dont have any case yet, but the fear is everywhere. price of chicken meat dropped a lot (its nonsense, for now :? )
its already in whole Europe since weeks.
the whole thing is silly anyway - bird flu was here in the past years, each year some died because of it (for example houesehold birds spread it)
Now its hyped and everyone is scared. Processed dead chicken wont make you sick, just buy a lot until its cheap :)
Quote from: "zaqrack"its already in whole Europe since weeks.
the whole thing is silly anyway - bird flu was here in the past years, each year some died because of it (for example houesehold birds spread it)
Now its hyped and everyone is scared. Processed dead chicken wont make you sick, just buy a lot until its cheap :)
you said bird flu was in europe for years, but it wasnt exactly h5n1, right ? This type is new from china and have killer and spread potential (or Am I wrong?). the few I know its from the news...
And you said that processed chicken wont make me sick. Of course, the bird have to sneeze at my nose, right ? :wink: :wink:
Quote from: "zaqrack"its already in whole Europe since weeks.
the whole thing is silly anyway - bird flu was here in the past years, each year some died because of it (for example houesehold birds spread it)
Now its hyped and everyone is scared. Processed dead chicken wont make you sick, just buy a lot until its cheap :)
You take it too easy, but the media takes it too seriously. The danger is real, maybe a pandemic would really evolve, but till it would reach Europe, immunization would help mankind in coping with that deadly flu. I really don't think Europe would be affected, but if it is, not too much people.
The H5N1 viruses die at 70 Celsius. So if poultry is well cooked/baked (the inner parts as well), you will never get birdflu. Wild and stronger birds, and birds like pigeon are not too vulnerable to this virus, and you really need a close contact, so it's unlikely that we could get the disease. Even in the worst affected area, like Nagybaracska, Hungary, where cca. 30 birds died so far.
Quote from: "vamologocomisso"The western(iest) part of europe that h5n1 reach so far was turkey, right ?
We have it in northern Germany as well... Personally, I am not afraid (although I've got a cold, too). :?
Getting bird flu is easy to avoid. Just stay away of any bird you see carring a handkerchief! :lol: :lol: :lol:
handkerchief ??? :shock:
what a complicated word, hehehe :-D
did you use the translator ? :wink:
Quote from: "vamologocomisso"handkerchief ??? :shock:
what a complicated word, hehehe :-D
did you use the translator ? :wink:
No, I hardly ever use it since I studied English for 7 years though I must say I learn new words in the forum
words like "skid", "stallin" and "Helen"? ;-)
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"The H5N1 viruses die at 70 Celsius.
Can you tell me at which temperature dies H2G2 then ?
Ok, I'm stupid. :-D
L???????????????????????????????????????????????????????PINA!!! :-D :-D :-D
2000th post! I must post something useless! :D:D:D
B?FF! P?! skid off workout girls! skid off maleish bitches! skid off girls who wear high heeled shoes! skid off Gheorghe Funar! skid off Viktor Orb?n! skid off Manchester United, Beckham, Real Madrid! skid off policemen (and especially policewomen of course)! skid off Kimi Raikk?nen! Laura is a big Helen! She must die! skid the USA! Long live my holy dick! Forever Kazincbarcikai SC, Juventus! Forever B?la Ill?s! Forever Michael Schumacher! Forever beer, wine, p?linka! Chilli beans rulez! Oi!
I don't know why that was so funy :lol:
and now presenting....
the stupidest man on Earth in Budapest!
so they threatened you ;)
Quote from: "CTG"Okay, I'm kidding.
how sad :(
I liked you as a revolted spoiled non-sense :!:
but the system got you :shock:
you were sold :evil:
raise the vigilant capitalism :o
after that dumbass held his speech, around 6pm the sky over whole Budapest went totally black and there were lots of lightnings, but there was no rain.
This was probably a sign
In the southeastern part of Budapest (around the airport) there was extremely heavy rain and hail at that time. If only I could say "forever American presidents wounded to death by lightning stroke"... :wink:
Bin Laden sent a private message to Georges W. Bush.
Bush read it and saw "37OHSSV O773H".
He didn't understood it, and so he asked CIA, FBI, NSA and all other American secret agents agencies to try to uncode this message.
They all failed.
Then, during his last visit to France, Georges W. Bush asked Jacques Chirac if French secret agents could translate this coded message. Chirac read the paper, laughed, and answered : "You simply held the paper head over heels...".
To know what was the message, turn your head upside-down and read the message. :wink:
For slow-thinking people, message was "HELLO ASSHOLE"
I've known an other version: before a press conference George W. Bush asked CIA what were the reasons for attacking Iraq. Considering his IQ, CIA answered by a simple 3-letter message. Bush looked on it and saw "7IO", so he said: "we had 710 reasons for that war". (He just had to turn the paper round...)
Question to G.W. Bush before USA attacked Iraq :
"What will you do to Iraq once winning to get rid of Saddam Hussein ?"
Bush answer : "We'll divide it in 3 zones : Diesel, Unleaded and Super fuel."
Quote from: "Krys TOFF"Question to G.W. Bush before USA attacked Iraq :
"What will you do to Iraq once winning to get rid of Saddam Hussein ?"
Bush answer : "We'll divide it in 3 zones : Diesel, Unleaded and Super fuel."
So Diesel Joe has a new place to live!
:-D Yeah, a third of Iraq for me!
Bush will come to Germany, too, and the newspaper say, that this will be the most expensive stay of a polititian in Germany ever (some millions, for security reasons, of course...)! :x
Quote from: "JTK"Bush will come to Germany, too, and the newspaper say, that this will be the most expensive stay of a polititian in Germany ever (some millions, for security reasons, of course...)! :x
USA team was humiliated (I liked it) during this WC. What the skid is Bush still around there, let him leave Europe as USA football team did : humiliated.
Quote from: "Krys TOFF"What the praise
Mmmm. this is not what I wrote as you could guess. :-D
I am at the moment. :-X
Quote from: CTG on July 21, 2006, 11:16:30 AM
I am
- ill
- hungry
- thirsty
- tired
- bored
at the moment.
You should be
checking latest USC replays sent
update USC website with results
make the race stats
upload race stats
write on USc that I won the race of Jbereny track ;D
at the moment.
Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy CTG (http://www.kalpen.de/stunts/zip/Fisse.mid)!
The last day of summer :'(
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 31, 2006, 07:10:26 PM
The last day of summer :'(
Doesn't summer last until 21st September? That's when Winter ends in the Southern Hemisphere!
Quote from: Chulk on August 31, 2006, 07:24:09 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 31, 2006, 07:10:26 PM
The last day of summer :'(
Doesn't summer last until 21st September? That's when Winter ends in the Southern Hemisphere!
100% true Chulk.
edit : not 100% true, sorry. End of summer is 22nd, and 1st day of autumn is 23rd.
Fingszag B?cs?n van!
Here, summer is said to be June 1 - August 31.
Sep 21 is the even day (whatever that's called in english), I think it's a bit confusing if that's not autumn.
Sep 22 is the day when the length of the day meets the length of the night - so it's called the start of the astrological autumn.
Autumn in general and autumn in meteorology means the period between September 1st and November 30th.
After 2 portions of chilli beans eaten in City Burger, Debrecen, I've been farting for more than 24 hours now. These are very disgusting farts. They're of the stinkyest farts, smell like decayed radish, or even worse... I shitted 3 times today, but they didn't bring release (although I had a terribly loud fart when I was shitting on the closet, my ass were about to explode): I'm farting heavily...
i have also eaten chili beans there once, two years ago, and they really are special :)
Quote from: Akoss Poo on September 08, 2006, 12:55:33 AM
After 2 portions of chilli beans eaten in City Burger, Debrecen, I've been farting for more than 24 hours now. These are very disgusting farts. They're of the stinkyest farts, smell like decayed radish, or even worse... I shitted 3 times today, but they didn't bring release (although I had a terribly loud fart when I was shitting on the closet, my ass were about to explode): I'm farting heavily...
Firey, firey...
I'm stallin rotfl :)
Great, really great! :D
Great math skills there !
I'm also skidding rotfl.
Excellent and funny way to (mis)understand mathematics !
first line i saw, but couldn't read from 3 metres: M I N G V A ' S D I C K
first line i could read with knowing it could be a driver's name: Mark L. Rivers
first line i could clearly read from letter to letter: Leo Ramone
In front of computer until vamologocomissio
from 3 meters until Leo Ramone
from 3 meters without glasses until JTK.
I am a helicopter.
The sky is blue.
Smurfs? ;)
No, he was thinking of Pope's sperm. :D
So I have put myself on the night-train, the one that goes into the wastelands without a driver. It is dark, and the darkness inside and the emptiness of the cars that are meant to be full of people give off an air of comfort and seclusion from all time. However, there is always an air of anxiety in this train. You can never quite relax, because you never know where you are going. Surely tales have been told of the wonderful cities that have been found in the wastelands, but it can not be assumed that this train will go to any of those places. Actually it has never been proven that any train has stopped at any of these cities. There are several legends about exactly that, but they are ages old, and although they are widely believed, they can not be proven. There are some who go to the wasteland because they believe in these legends, and there are others who don't need to believe in the past legends in order to believe that they themselves will find these cities. Now, while you are in this train, it is too dark to see anything out of the windows. And since there is no driver you can ask where it is going, you only find out where you are when the train has stopped, and you step out. At the times when I have been on this train before, the moment of stepping out has been very intense. You step down the ladder, and while the train silently vanishes in the fog, you see the wasteland rising before you, and a feeling of excitement sets in. Although I have never stepped out in one of the wonderful cities, I have seen light on the horizon gleaming like gold. On occasions, I have walked toward this light, but it never appeared to come closer. At other times, the wasteland has been nearly as dark as the train, in fact so dark that the only way to tell that you were not still on the train was by the absence of the soothing feeling you get in the stomach from the movement of the train (which moves so smoothly that you can't feel the movement in any other way). But what all these times have in common is that after walking the wasteland for a while, it has suddenly turned out that I was only metres from home. In fact, in the darkness and in my elevated state of mind, I had not noticed that I had been searching around the area before my front door, despite the long time spent travelling away in the train. At those times, I disappointedly walk in, and although the warmth of my home is then a welcome pleasure, there is a certain air of disappointment in watching the same flies crawling up my wall as when I left, and the moonlight lazily drawing shapes on the floor like nothing had happened.
If a skeptical person should then ask why I keep taking this train, when, despite driving for hours, it always takes me to a place only metres from my home, I would say something like this: "that is because the destination of the train is unknown. It might be claimed that every voyage with the train has ended at about the same place that it has begun, and that if one takes the consequence of this fact, it might be assumed that the train never even goes anywhere, but only stands still on a side-track by my home, and that the soothing feeling of travelling that one feels in the train is only a product of the excitement one must inevitably feel upon travelling into the wasteland. But even if this is true, and I must stress that it is not necessarily true, surely this feeling of excitement must not be taken out of consideration. The true joy of the travels with this night-train is not the arrival to what may or may not be the wasteland, but the thrill of the expectation of possibly finding one of the glorious cities, and the soothing feeling one derives from travelling".
This particular night,
Sperm is white, that's true. Only Istv?n HoffmanNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN's sperm is yellow, as we now. Just to inform the others.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 22, 2007, 07:37:51 PM
So I have put myself on the night-train [...]
This particular night,
Yes...? Go on! :)
Quote from: JTK on January 25, 2007, 12:09:41 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 22, 2007, 07:37:51 PM
So I have put myself on the night-train [...]
This particular night,
Yes...? Go on! :)
Guns 'n Roses - Nightrain (1988)
Loaded like a freight train
Flyin' like an aeroplane
Feelin' like a space brain
One more time tonight
Well I'm a west coast struttin'
One bad mother
Got a rattlesnake suitcase
Under my arm
Said I'm a mean machine
Been drinkin' gasoline
And honey you can make my motor hum
Well I got one chance left
In a nine live cat
I got a dog eat dog sly smile
I got a Molotov cocktail with a match to go
I smoke my cigarette with style
An I can tell you honey
You can make my money tonight
Wake up late honey put on your clothes
Take your credit card to the liquor store
That's one for you and two for me by tonight
I'll be loaded like a freight train
Flyin' like an aeroplane
Feelin' like a space brain
One more time tonight
I'm on the nightrain
Bottoms up
I'm on the nightrain
Fill my cup
I'm on the nightrain
Ready to crash and burn
I never learn
I'm on the nightrain
I love that stuff
I'm on the nightrain
I can never get enough
I'm on the nightrain
Never to return - no
Loaded like a freight train
Flyin' like an aeroplane
Speedin' like a space brain
One more time tonight
I'm on the nightrain
And I'm lookin' for some
I'm on the nightrain
So's I can leave this slum
I'm on the nightrain
And I'm ready to crash an' burn
Bottoms up
I'm on the nightrain
Fill my cup
I'm on the nightrain
Whoa yeah
I'm on the nightrain
Love that stuff
I'm on the nightrain
An I can never get enough
Ridin' the nightrain
I guess I
I guess, I guess, I guess I never learn
On the nightrain
Float me home
Ooh I'm on the nightrain
Ridin' the nightrain
Never to return
Quote from: CTG on January 25, 2007, 01:13:10 PM
Okay, okay, I have to open a topic: "Tell a word and Mr T?ff will quote a song" ;D
When will you open this topic ? ;D
Quote from: CTG on February 20, 2007, 08:56:28 AM
Check the poll, I always change it. :D
seems like some people want to be me :)
Aaaaah- some nice Water. I am Zak! ;D
Do it. :)
B??????FF!!! So many topics to catch up! :o
Cheers! :D
4 votes for "I'm Zak"? HIHETETLEN! It seems that Zak has at least 3 ghosts! ;)
I saw a car with the number plate "B?-FF" (and of course some numbers)! :D
Btw I would really like to drink a P?linka right now! ::)
Quand je bois du vin clairet,
Ami tout tourne, tourne, tourne, tourne,
Aussi d?sormais je bois Anjou ou Arbois,
Chantons et buvons, ? ce flacon faisons la guerre,
Chantons et buvons, les amis, buvons donc!
Quote from: BonzaiJoe
Quand je bois du vin clairet,
Ami tout tourne, tourne, tourne, tourne,
Aussi d?sormais je bois Anjou ou Arbois,
Chantons et buvons, ? ce flacon faisons la guerre,
Chantons et buvons, les amis, buvons donc!
LOL, from where do you know this old French Tourdion song from XVIth century ?
I do study the arts... It's such a brilliant song. So joyful and sorrowful at the same time. It describes myself quite well too. My favourite drinking song.
Quote from: BonzaiJoeMy favourite drinking song.
How do you sing it ? Slow version or fast version ? Slow one is the original one, with multiple voices singing with a small difference in start (French word is "chanter en canon", I don't know the English term for that). But now we do a faster one (simply increasing the rythm) with only one
drinker singer. :D
I only sing it with one voice, but if I had three more voices, I would sing it with four. I would say it's neither fast nor slow. I know what you mean by "canon", it's the same word in danish. But I haven't heard it that way.
What is Izevsk CTG ?
Quote from: BonzaiJoeI only sing it with one voice, but if I had three more voices, I would sing it with four. I would say it's neither fast nor slow. I know what you mean by "canon", it's the same word in danish. But I haven't heard it that way.
I'll try to find you a version "en canon". ;)
Last weekend, when I was tottering around the streets of my hometown (guess if I was drunk or not :D ), I noticed a car with a Hungarian number plate. I thought the owner would be happy to be welcomed in our country with a greeting in his native language. Unfortunately I only know three Hungarian sentences... So I tried to choose the most applicable one and put a piece of paper behind his windscreen wiper on which I wrote "Kurva anyad baszd meg". I wonder if I could please him! ;D
;D ;D ;D I'm laughing heavily! Well done, friend!
Can someone translate "Kurva anyad baszd meg" so I can laugh too. ;D
Just some weeks ago I found the sheet again, where we collected the most important sentences of our languages for each other in Arhus... :)
Guess it was translated with "skid your bloody mother" or something like that ::)
Nyald ki a seggem!
Quote from: DieselJoeJust some weeks ago I found the sheet again, where we collected the most important sentences of our languages for each other in Arhus... :)
Sadly, I lost my sheet many months ago... :-\
Why is my left knee hurting that much and why the skid are my arms painted!?
You were at a party last night at one of your friends' place. It was a great party, but at one point, when you had had a lot to drink, you decided it was time to go outside. Then, out on the road, you developed some kind of livestunts game which may or may not have included shopping karts. You crashed and fell on to the road with your left knee first, but didn't care. Then you went into the house again, drank a glass of rum while still laughing (it was a good glass of rum, you almost couldn't taste the alcohol). Then you sat down in a couch with some girls who were all very beautiful, and the only problem was that you fell asleep. Your friends then carried you off into some distant room, someone called for a marker, which was then brought in, and they started to paint on you. Unfortunately you woke up quite soon because they were too drunk, noisy and hard on you, and you tried to hit them. So they only managed to paint your arms and not the rest of your body, and then they left you there because they were too afraid that you would try to hit them again.
Quite soon, your friends are also going to tell you some funny things you said while you were half asleep. Hopefully not too revealing.
Sounds about right?
Really not bad! :)
There really was a party at one of my friends' place. And there was a shopping cart involved in that night! :D But my girlfriend and me drove home with it... And I was told by the hosts, that I asked them if they had seen my knee-cap, so my injury must have already happened on the party! ;D
And I was conscious as I got painted. Later that night, when we were all very drunk, we thought it would be cool to paint watches on each other's arms. Mine was an atomic clock with a "destroy" button and some other special functions. 8) But as details are hard to paint with a fat marker, these watches stretched across the whole arm... ;D And it didn't only stick to watches in the further night... :D
I will post pictures as soon as I get them! ;)
I wonder, where I heard of that shopping cart thing before... ;) :D ;D :D ;)
I still have a scar at my left elbow from the crash in ?rhus... ;)
Quote from: DieselJoe on May 14, 2007, 10:37:43 PM
I still have a scar at my left elbow from the crash in ?rhus... ;)
LOL really?! :) Then "Diesel, Diesel, Diesel Joe's still bleeding"!!! :)
I also remember that crazy night, fortunately I didn't get a long-existing scar there, but I remember how f*cking afraid I was for a while when Thomas let me run fast and uncontrolledly with that damned cart! :) And when I fell off beside the bushes, everybody was laughing heavily to say the least (especially Zak)... ahhh, unforgettable! :) Best night ever on a stunts meeting! :) Still it has to be continued once somewhere...
Quote from: Akoss Poo on May 15, 2007, 01:23:47 AM
And when I fell off beside the bushes, everybody was laughing heavily to say the least (especially Zak)... ahhh, unforgettable! :)
Yeah, Zak laying on the road, laughing was great. But for me the best thing that night was: "Watch out Jacky, a car's coming" - And Jacky immediatly jumped in the bushes. Somewhere. Just - jump! :D :D :D
There HAS to be a meeting in 2008, folks!
Bronzolnom kell...
I had an erection this morning again... :-\
Quote from: Akoss Poo on June 17, 2007, 05:31:06 PM
I had an erection this morning again... :-\
I have one almost each morning ;)
no, I just wake up every morning next to my beautiful naked or half naked girl 8)
Quote from: Akoss Poo on June 17, 2007, 05:31:06 PM
I had an erection this morning again... :-\
HOLY stallin SHIT!!! :o
3000 ! ;D
After "makes love with Stunts" I'm now with "Smelling spam in the air". :D
I fear to see the "spam and eggs" level coming...
I was a bit shocked, as my mobile phone told me today, that it's credit was exhausted. As I thought that it should still have more than 10 euros on it, I checked the last dialed numbers...
When the skid did I call you, Zak!? ::) Was I SO drunk or did my mobile phone go into business for itself? :D
Quote from: DieselJoe on July 04, 2007, 11:06:21 PM
I was a bit shocked, as my mobile phone told me today, that it's credit was exhausted. As I thought that it should still have more than 10 euros on it, I checked the last dialed numbers...
When the skid did I call you, Zak!? ::) Was I SO drunk or did my mobile phone go into business for itself? :D
The feeling is familiar! :D Sometimes I'm also shocked when I get up and feeling ah another hangover day... and I check my phone call list and I saw some names there, and I can't remember when I had called them... once I admitted being in love with a beautiful girl, my friends told me later...
Quote from: DieselJoe on July 04, 2007, 11:06:21 PM
I was a bit shocked, as my mobile phone told me today, that it's credit was exhausted. As I thought that it should still have more than 10 euros on it, I checked the last dialed numbers...
When the skid did I call you, Zak!? ::) Was I SO drunk or did my mobile phone go into business for itself? :D
So it was you after all :)
You called me on June the 2nd, at 21:08. Unfortunately I wasn't near my phone, so my voicemail picked you up. I have never ever used my voicemail before, you must have ringed me for a long time :) I had to activate to find out what message did I get from Germany - first I thought it's an important call from the hostel I'll be sleeping at on monday/tuesday. But all I got was lots of static noise! I was listening to it for about 3 minutes and then had enough and hanged up. Probably your call lated as long as your credits did.
Bad luck! :)
so helpful: ;D
I guess Diesel Joe's keyboard on the phone became unlocked by mistake in his pocket or wherever it was. That can be a factor which causes strange unremembered phone calls with unidentificable noise. Maybe it wasn't the problem of drunkenness.
Reply from Mrs B, Essex was probably this: "Thanks Miriam! You're very helpful. It's good to know how to repair my car so I can leave my travesti husband!"
Quote from: zaqrack on July 05, 2007, 08:23:31 AM
so helpful: ;D
ROTFL!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Quote from: JTK on July 05, 2007, 09:32:02 AM
Quote from: zaqrack on July 05, 2007, 08:23:31 AM
so helpful: ;D
ROTFL!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Can I add more :D :D :D smileys ? Excellent !
Some ":D" from me, too!
Quote from: zaqrack on July 05, 2007, 05:04:36 AM
So it was you after all :)
You called me on June the 2nd, at 21:08. Unfortunately I wasn't near my phone, so my voicemail picked you up. I have never ever used my voicemail before, you must have ringed me for a long time :) I had to activate to find out what message did I get from Germany - first I thought it's an important call from the hostel I'll be sleeping at on monday/tuesday. But all I got was lots of static noise! I was listening to it for about 3 minutes and then had enough and hanged up. Probably your call lated as long as your credits did.
Bad luck! :)
I was driving home from the fusion festival at that time, so drunkenness can not be considered. ;) Must have been something like Akoss suggested. I hope you didn't have to pay too much to check your voicemail...
Quote from: CTG on July 12, 2007, 03:57:17 PM
Snowing in Buenos Aires? LOL!
YES! And also in La Plata (My hometown!) 60 Km. away from BA. Last snow was in 1918 so you can imagine how exciting it was for everyone here. Even if someone has seen the snow before (like me), it's amazing to see you own backyard white with snow. The feeling you have when watching the snow fall with your love ones really reaches your heart.
I can imagine that! Must feel like seeing the sun here once! :D
Here's a picture of "Ciudad de La Plata" stadium covered with snow. I'll post more once I find them.
Here a record has broken recently: the new highest temperature ever measured in Hungary is 41.9 degrees!!! :) B?FF! More funny: there was a practically snowless winter this year here...
We'll laugh till we drop...
Quote from: CTGIn your age it's a miracle to keep the pee before arriving to the WC. Well-done, Mr T?ff! :P
:D :D :D :D
2 messages away from ranking change. Let's see what's next!
Only 1 more message to go!
600th message. New ranking is...
Did you realise that when there is rain on your window in the night, the night gains another level if obscurity and inscrutability, and thereby another level of magic, if it wasn't for the fact that the moment you go out there, you can see the rain on the window no more, and the night becomes a little more clear and thereby less magic again. Maybe if you can transfer the window-obscurity to somewhere in your own eyes, this magic can be kept up - and maybe that's what Depeche Mode mean when in "Waiting For The Night", they say "to my surprise, with half-closed eyes, things looked even better than when they were open". Now there is always the discrepancy between something you imagine and the actual realization of what you imagine, and does the degree of that discrepancy define the magic of the particular event or the lack of quality of your own imagination? That's an interesting question, and possible something you can alter by yourself to your own advantage. And music, though appearing as sound, presents a land which, if it was real and not just imagined, would have a geographical area and features, quite unearthly and innovative features that is, a sort of dreamland. That's where I want to go.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on September 28, 2007, 09:13:41 PM
And music, though appearing as sound, presents a land which, if it was real and not just imagined, would have a geographical area and features, quite unearthly and innovative features that is, a sort of dreamland. That's where I want to go.
I am able to go there! I made a piece of music together with two friends, the things we play 90% improvisational, except the lyrics we put together in 5 minutes (I sent the song to you, listen with eyes wide shut!):
Es ist wieder Nacht
Sp?rst Du sie
F?hlst Du ihre Macht
Die Energie
Es ist wieder Nacht
H?r ihr Lied
Was hast Du blo? gedacht
Wei?t Du was geschieht
Komm, wir geh'n.
Bad day for CTG! Do elevator doors open vertically? Otherwise, how did you hit your head before hitting the door with your feet?
Quote from: Chulk on October 01, 2007, 04:51:22 AM
Bad day for CTG! Do elevator doors open vertically?
Now that would be fun! :)
I LOVE paternosters:
however, I never dared to go below/over the last story of the building :)
We have a paternoster in our mayor's house - each time I'm there I have to go one full round with it, going up, turning down and going up again. It's great fun! :)
This is the one in our mayor's house:
This one is in the Ministry of Education:
And the third one in Kiel at the Schleswig-Holstein parliament:
There ist a page about Paternosters with pictures of them all (http://www.flemming-hamburg.de) but it is very slow. There it is written, that in Hungary there are some Paternosters for Zak to conquer, too:
- Corvina, V?r?smarti ter
- ELM? - Budapester Elektrizit?tswerke, Zentrale
- Jahn Ferenc Hospital
- Ministerium f?r Erziehung und Kultur
- MOL - Magyar Oil Corporation
Quote from: zaqrack on October 04, 2007, 01:57:47 PM
I LOVE paternosters:
however, I never dared to go below/over the last story of the building :)
What are paternosters and what's the story?
its an elevator which has not one, but several cabins going each after each round and round. There is no door, it's open while travelling, and constantly moving - great for some stunts when stepping in/out :)
check one in movement:
(music recommended to CTG:))
the list of Budapest is not complete, we have one at the main court and also in the ministry of economy and traffic - I visit quite often the latter one :)
So next time you go there, just do the 360? round! Dare it, pipsqueak! 8)
Now I get it. If you don't leap out in the last floor, you turn around and go down with your feet over your head! At least until you re-accomodate yourself.
no :)
but this is what kids are afraid of :)
Isn't there any accident with such kind of elevators ?
I mean, especially with children trying to enter or leave these elevators and get an arm or a leg blocked ?
Quote from: zaqrack on October 06, 2007, 04:35:55 PM
no :)
So cabins are hanging, so to avoid flipping over, right?
Quote from: CTG on October 10, 2007, 02:42:49 PM
Or head chopped...
That would be awful, are those elevators that dangerous or they have some kind of stop activated by some sort of sensor or anything like that? I don't think so as they appear to be very old but still I ask...
there is no security at all - that's why it isnt used anymore anywhere and children are not allowed to use it.
Well, a dead dog or a really old dog...
Quote from: CTG on October 18, 2007, 12:10:08 PM
We thought that only Rotoi is a dog. NOT ONLY ROTOI, ARGAMMON TOO!!! Check this: http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/gsd/pedigree/432238.html ;D
Classified : top female one ! looooooooooooooooool ! :D
I'll be away for business - not for 14 days but 4 days :)
Tuesday night - Budapest-Munich (wuick visit and sightseeing) -Ingolstadt-Neuburg an der Donau
holding two presentations on bike tourism and recent improvements in Hungary - back on friday.
Drink 10 cups of coffee, you won't be bored anymore...
It is impossible to be dead.
Two things:
1st. I can't believe you like Dragon Ball, it's the stupidest anime ever!
2nd. Shouldn't you be taking a crap?
Quote from: CTG on November 27, 2007, 01:24:06 AM
I want to eat words and let them carry out their meaning (even if it's abstract) through me.
Currently I feel like eating the word "spopsky" and watching the flying shirt that keeps hovering around my head as I become an expression of the power of water which, sadly, nobody else can see.
And let it be known that there are several different kinds of animals sitting inside me, all fighting for the right to use my voice. They don't know the exponentially decreasing curve of the reality of dreams, which makes me keep inventing new ones until the old ones can be recycled to equal adrenaline levels.
Damn, I want to be in a train to nowhere, but it has to be an empty train, which is not just straight, the train has to be some kind of maze, where I can get lost. Then I would "space out", leaving one body safely in the seat and another out there getting lost.
I feel like colourful paint on a wall. Paint that is made of acid, dissolving the wall, breaking it down with a crash, only to find out that it was a completely unimportant useless wall anyway, and nobody will notice I broke it down, I will even forget it myself. The paint seethes and multiplies itself with all restlessness within a radius of about 10 meters. It is perhaps a myth that something is in merely one place. That which you think about has its main representation where it actually is, or rather where you believe it is, but all sorts of minor representations, holograms or shadows, elsewhere. Currently, a grid of chandeliers hovers around the desk and the air, darkened diminutive shadows of the real one. And this world is once again unique, because of something so trivial...
Can you measure a human being in its degree of liquidity, gaseousness and solidity? And interpret anything from a map showing this? The actions that cause mindly, figurative if you wish, liquidation are the purest actions, I want to commit several of them and become as liquid as possible, so I can soak through everything and cover as big an area as possible, then I can see with a thousand eyes and dress my decay up in beautiful colours of complexity.
A cluster of angels has gathered in the air outside the room, I wonder what they are up to. Those made of paper and those made of flesh get along perfectly well. You'd think they had something better to do than just flying through my head really fast and leaving no particular impressions except an increased whiteness. But then again, is that not a big thing? Surely I can find a use for whiteness. Shall I rain it from the sky? Shall I censor something? Shall I purify a person I know with it? Shall I equal out some blackness with it? Surely I can find a use. But conveniently I conjure up a cat and ask it to store the whiteness cat. I now have a whiteness-cat, which I can use when I feel like it. If indeed cats are able to store whiteness.
Then I looked at a parked yellow truck, and immediately the trucked jumped into the song I was listening to, where it looked like fireworks as it tried to dodge the beats, which came at speedy intervals. It succeeds, all the while the song gracefully tries to ignore how it has a truck dancing around inside it. And now they swap order, and suddenly it's like the song's beats are where they are to avoid the truck hitting them. Now the truck is the original, and there is nothing documenting any previous order. But you cannot dodge string chords, so it must either leave, or try to drive on them. But they are slippery! The song is tumbling down the hill like an avalanche, the beats hopping and the strings floating, the bass lines jumping like balls. I try to follow, but it's hard to keep up, some parts get lost in echoes of other thoughts.
Is uphill the same as ascension? A Forest erupts like a mole ascends from the ground, undiscovered, lurking among the lights, it calls me out, and as I arrive, I see it happens to be liquid, so I swim around in it. The treetops are constantly wavering, but as when reflected in water, not because of the wind. It gets darker and darker, suddenly I see that it is infinite, and that there is no way out, but it's okay because I know it will become finite again because I haven't turned my head in all possible directions yet. It is so easy to consume the blue of the water in the sky, so I do, and I'm too light and liquid for the forest to keep me in. I could be a rain cloud now, but I am on to bigger and better things, so I dissolve myself dramatically onto a piece of paper and die. Then I'm back.
I want to shoot out my tongue like a toad and eat the street lights. Just tasting the light with my tongue will burn up a square of blinking numbers inside me, a concentrated core of strong-willed randomness. Should I get a random-cat? No. I know there is a new world inside the street light, but I can only taste the distorted and distorting effects shooting out from it. Two levels of distortion hitting the innocent ground and anyone who passes. But my tongue is long like a toad's, and I only take it in the mouth, not on my skin.
But now the new is old, nothing is new and old is nothing. That may be a trinity, but it is one that denies both itself and everything else from existing - you must deny it before you accept it, and you must even try to deny it without accepting its existence, or it may come back like a cloud. What if we all see a different sky? What if we all see different colours? What if my reaction to the colours random passer-by girl sees would be to face the ground and imitate radio noise? Exactly how fragile are we? Exactly how much exactation do we require? Or have we already failed? Was there a state none of us ever reached? I give a little of my blood and pay an entity of exclusion with it to leave the question unanswered.
Den troskyldige snegl triumferer st?dig. ST????DIGT, forst?et som lyd med ekstra ?'er. Kogler har ikke ret til at bestemme over konveksitet, men de falder bevidst utydeligt gennem arrig luft. Jeg skyder efter Kafka mens han skubber et luftigt maleri frem for sig i cirkler med sin h?ndflade. At fl?nse kegler, at klaske BL?K. Energien skal affyres som en bazooka i b'erne og l'erne. BL?ST. Bl?sten v?lter alle mine hidtidige s?tninger spydigt omkuld. Det er ogs? en vej, og hastighedsbegr?nsningen er sat op. Kryds.
CTG arrives, unexpectedly accompanied by Cordi Montserrat, and forgives Bonzai Joe's mind for going danish for one post in the useless topic.
Did an hour just pass, or did I really, metaphorically, eat time and spit it out, while pondering on doing it as literally as possible, as documented by this: Why was it not until now that I came upon the idea of swallowing time? I captured a passing bird and used it to capture time, then ate it, adding some spices which would linger on time as I spat it out again, and now a minute is no longer a minute, but nobody notices.
I think Mark beating BJ's old time on Default made him loose his mind!!! :D
I should have noticed 13 post ago, but I just saw Krys T?ff's new rank. LOL!
Double stars - 200th post!! ;D
I think it will be long before you advance another star... I have 3 and over 800 post!
500 posts = 3 stars I think, then 1000 posts = 4 stars.
/me raises hand
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 11, 2007, 04:13:10 PM
Who voted for Cherry ?! :D
I did too. I prefer brunettes to blondes.
shit, I wanted to vote for Cherry, because Helen is a b*tch, but now the competition is too fierce. And I don't want Bernie :)
Although I prefer brunettes, I voted for Helen, because he is tall and cute, unlike Cherry, who has a lame face and a lame hairstyle, she seems to be an unintelligent Helen, and I also don't really like her reactions after races. I'm sure that Cherry wears picsacip?, unlike Helen, who wears shoes and boots without ugly heels.
boots.... yum ;D
But Helen is a Helen, there can be no doubt about that :)
There are only 10 kind of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't. ;)
Quote from: Chulk on December 12, 2007, 08:22:40 PM
There are only 10 kind of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't. ;)
lol, indeed ;D
There are 1000 kinds of people in the world: those who totally understand every aspect of the binary numbers system, those who understand binary numbers, those who nearly understand binary numbers, those who understand some parts of binary numbers, those who only understand a little bit of binary numbers, those who have heard the expression "binary numbers" but don't know what it means, those who have never even heard of binary numbers and those who haven't even heard of regular numbers.
Nice BJ! ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 12, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
But Helen is a Helen
I once was her lover and I never will be again. I'd rather chose Bernie than return to her! :-X
Quote from: BonzaiJoeWrong...
True. :P 10 or 01 kind of people. It's boolean, order doesn't care but it's funnier written 10 than 01. ;D
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 13, 2007, 02:01:31 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoeWrong...
True. :P 10 or 01 kind of people. It's boolean, order doesn't care but it's funnier written 10 than 01. ;D
It's not wrong. 00=0, 01=1, 10=2.
Quote from: Chulk on December 13, 2007, 02:38:31 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 13, 2007, 02:01:31 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoeWrong...
True. :P 10 or 01 kind of people. It's boolean, order doesn't care but it's funnier written 10 than 01. ;D
It's not wrong. 00=0, 01=1, 10=2.
Talking purely binary, you're right. I talked of it regarding boolean point of view : you're 0 or you're 1. ;D :D
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 13, 2007, 03:34:03 PM
Talking purely binary, you're right. I talked of it regarding boolean point of view : you're 0 or you're 1. ;D :D
OK, I see. I don't know what that boolean thing is.
Boolean is a variable element with 2 values : true or false. Or, if you prefer, ON or OFF (light interruptor is a boolean trigger), 1 or 0 (for each bite in binary), ...
It was wrong on a factual level, not a syntactic one :P
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 13, 2007, 04:31:21 PM
Boolean is a variable element with 2 values : true or false. Or, if you prefer, ON or OFF (light interruptor is a boolean trigger), 1 or 0 (for each bite in binary), ...
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 13, 2007, 06:06:43 PM
It was wrong on a factual level, not a syntactic one :P
Thanks for the explanation guys, now I see what you meant.
Who voted for Bernie? Lise (I don't think so) or someone... different? :D
Quote from: JTK on December 13, 2007, 09:27:51 AM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 12, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
But Helen is a Helen
I once was her lover and I never will be again. I'd rather chose Bernie than return to her! :-X
JTK did I think. :D
JT, JT... JTK loves Bernie. ;D :D
(fisse song rythm)
It's up to you to follow! Come on, show us the REAL CTG! :P
Quote from: JTK
It's up to you to follow! Come on, show us the REAL CTG! :P
The Who - The real me
I went back to the doctor
To get another shrink.
I sit and tell him about my weekend,
But he never betrays what he thinks.
Can you see the real me, doctor ?
I went back to my mother
I said, "I'm crazy ma, help me."
She said, "I know how it feels son,
'Cause it runs in the family."
Can you see the real me, mother ?
The cracks between the paving stones
Look like rivers of flowing veins.
Strange people who know me
Peeping from behind every window pane.
The girl I used to love
Lives in this yellow house.
Yesterday she passed me by,
She doesn't want to know me now.
Can you see the real me, can you ?
I ended up with the preacher,
Full of lies and hate,
I seemed to scare him a little
So he showed me to the golden gate.
Can you see the real me preacher ?
Can you see the real me doctor ?
Can you see the real me mother ?
Can you see the real me ?
Damn, I almost feel like becoming homosexual in pure defiance...
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 17, 2007, 03:47:33 PM
Damn, I almost feel like becoming homosexual in pure defiance...
You got it, mate! 8)
That's very stupid of you... You could become president of the USA.
Quote from: CTG on December 22, 2007, 12:10:59 PM
Santa Claus knows how to make a magic carpet over the snowy terrain. ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
LOOOOL!!! Very nice picture! Maybe Santa Claus is Gutix ghost... ;D.
I wish you a Crappy Happy New Year!!!
I've found out why CTG was away around Christmas... He was writing letters to Santa!
I was looking through some old Zakstunts scoreboards and found this one, which made me laugh ;D
1 Gutix MeganiuM Aces High 1:13.90 manual 11-06 21:00 20
2 Bonzai Joe Cork`s Crew 1:14.35 manual 11-06 21:00 16
3 CTG Damage Inc. 1:14.45 manual 11-06 21:00 14
4 Akoss Poo Looping Warriors 1:14.60 manual 11-06 21:00 12
5 Stunts Oracle MeganiuM Aces High 1:15.65 manual 10-18 06:54 10
6 Krys TOFF Damage Inc. 1:16.75 manual 11-06 21:00 8
7 DieselJoe Damage Inc. 1:17.05 manual 11-06 21:00 6
8 Zak McKracken Cork`s Crew 1:17.05 manual 11-06 21:00 6
9 Usrin Looping Warriors 1:17.35 manual 10-31 14:25 4
10 Mingva Mimas Racing 1:17.65 manual 11-06 21:00 3
11 Dark Chaser The Guns Of Brixton 1:18.70 manual 11-04 21:21 2
12 satanziege Cork`s Crew 1:28.25 manual 10-10 19:42 1
13 lise No Team 1:34.05 auto 11-06 21:00 0
14 Alain il professore Mimas Racing 1:34.60 auto 10-11 16:53 0
One listfiller replay of Alain. Good performance of Lise, beating Alain. ;D
Yes, Alain is one of the few pipsqueaks who have been beaten by a girl :P
Statistic that CTG should make: which are the most popular winning time decimals? I have a feeling ".95" will be popular, and there will be few ".35"s. I think there will be more ending in 0 than 5.
Chulkj is drunbk after 7 50-50 Fernet Brsanca - Coke! B?OOFFF!!!!!!
World class post! :D
What was the result?
Quote from: CTG on January 14, 2008, 02:34:30 PM
There was only one race with .95 winning time there... ;D
That was me... ZCT25 :) I'll put that on my CV: "Only person ever to have won a Zakstunts race with the decimals .95"
that wont fit on a cd :)
but it means huge luck in China! :)
That was really weird!
awww, how sweet!
Hahaha, stop deleting your messages :P
I prefer b?ffing!!! :)
Farting is great! Specially when you see your friends dying for smelling it!
LOL 4-1 to farting! What a farty community this is! Am I the only b?ffman here? Who voted for farting apart from CTG and Chulk?
Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 29, 2008, 09:11:24 PM
LOL 4-1 to farting! What a farty community this is! Am I the only b?ffman here? Who voted for farting apart from CTG and Chulk?
I did. ;)
Wow, the forum is really dead...
I wish I could think of a thread to start...
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on February 03, 2008, 05:26:54 PM
Wow, the forum is really dead...
I wish I could think of a thread to start...
CTG is at home - forum is dead. No spamming.
Oh, that explains everything :)
Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 03, 2008, 05:47:24 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on February 03, 2008, 05:26:54 PM
Wow, the forum is really dead...
I wish I could think of a thread to start...
CTG is at home - forum is dead. No spamming.
But he spammed hard before leaving :
Quote from: CTG on January 29, 2008, 01:32:35 PM
Why... I deleted one, there's still 6527 left. ;D
6527 posts 29th of January, 6596 now (and no spam since yesterday, so it's 69 posts in 3 days. :o)
Csilluci aranyos! :)
I'm watching the moon eclipse right now. Beautiful! I'll try to get a nice picture of it to upload it to photo gallery topic.
Quote from: Chulk on February 21, 2008, 03:33:06 AM
I'm watching the moon eclipse right now. Beautiful! I'll try to get a nice picture of it to upload it to photo gallery topic.
Yep, it's quite near to the "climax" now... 8)
LOL! I was watching 'Who's online' and saw this
Chulk 11:24:07 AM Viewing BonzaiJoe's profile.
BonzaiJoe 11:24:02 AM Viewing Chulk's profile.
:D :D :D
That was weird!
Nice profile you have - don't worry I made sure to leave everything the way I found it :)
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on February 21, 2008, 06:53:50 PM
That was weird!
Nice profile you have - don't worry I made sure to leave everything the way I found it :)
How can a profile be "nice"? I thought they all looked the same...
Quote from: CTG on May 12, 2008, 01:35:55 PM
Oh my God, so many horny pipsqueaks... 4-0 already... ;D
LOL, you changed the yes and no position. :D ;D
Quote from: CTG on May 29, 2008, 05:24:27 AM
Let's increase the number of visitors - see my method... ;D
Well, I'll make exception for this topic title, because Chemistry is cool! :)
Quote from: CTG on June 02, 2008, 08:53:32 PM
Hey you spy!!!
Quote from: Who is online?Krys TOFF 19:45:09 Viewing CTG's profile.
I clicked on your nick to send you a PM for the quizz answer, paranoïd man ! :P ;D
I'm not going to be angry just because he is successful, good-looking and fucks beautiful girls. Cheers to C. Ronaldo, I hope the same will happen to all of you :)
Quote from: CTG on June 13, 2008, 11:46:46 AM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on June 13, 2008, 11:42:31 AM
I'm not going to be angry just because he is successful, good-looking and fucks beautiful girls. Cheers to C. Ronaldo, I hope the same will happen to all of you :)
The main problem is he's very high and mighty. I wish him a long and serious injury breaking his career forever (Akoss: agreement? ;D). There are several big talents on the field with modest behaviour...
Now I'm not agreeing with you. But if you come to msn, you little asshole, then I will.
Quote from: CTG on June 13, 2008, 08:47:57 PM
(5-6x amount of hot pepper compared to my former one, killer...).
I'm so glad that went international! I'm very proud of this man... We all need more nights like that
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on July 01, 2008, 11:45:14 AM
I'm so glad that went international! I'm very proud of this man... We all need more nights like that
It wasn't you, right? (Well, imagine a suspicious smiley here)
No, it was a 78-year old Swedish guy :) I swear it wasn't me.
If it was Argammon, I will have gained a whole new level of respect for him.
I wonder where he is, by the way. His reappearance is due, and he could give Ayrton some trouble.
tomorrow I'll undergo epidural anesthesia while having a minor surgery... sounds interesting.
infusion is the only thing I fear :-\ never had any of these before.
in case you're interested, my surgery will solve this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varicocele
A varicocele is usually harmless .... the outlook is usually excellent.
You'll be alright :) But it's always unpleasant to undergo operations. It will be over soon though!
I also had a varicocele operation back in 1995 (it was needed because the doctors made a small mistake during my hydrocele operation in 1984). I survived that, I'm still alive (though my right testicle is a bit more vulnerable than the left). :) Btw I had no infusion there. (I never had an infusion, but once I had a needle kept in my veins, after an other operation, in order to sleep me back easier if it's needed... it was awful...)
I had infusion. Two of them. it sucked big time.
And finally got no epidural an but slept through the process - did not mind, as after ep. you are not supposed to move or even lift your head for a day.
And yes, I'm alright, at home, with a hole under my stomach and with definitely colder testicles. :)
That must have been a really rough ride :-[ :o
COPENHAGEN (AFP) — Four people were injured late Friday in a roller-coaster accident at the Tivoli fairground in Aarhus, eastern Denmark, a police spokesman said Saturday.
"Four people have been injured in an accident in Tivoli. They have been transported to the hospital where they are at the moment," Aarhus police spokesman Americ Chadha told AFP.
Asked about their condition, he replied: "I don't know if it's serious or not."
Fairground spokesman Henrik Olesen said the two young men and two young women, aged in their early 20s, "have been injured but not seriously. The exact circumstances are unclear at the moment."
The accident in Denmark's second city happened on a roller-coaster type ride called the Cobra, 400 metres (yards) long and 25 metres (80 feet) high, which reaches speeds of up to 70 kilometres (45 miles) an hour.
The first part of the train broke away from the rest and plunged to the ground, Olesen told AFP.
"There are some investigations and experts are working at the moment on the attraction," he said. "Cobra was designed by an Italian company. Cobra is a new attraction, it's its first season in Tivoli."
Yeah, Chile eastern zone too :D
Happy New Year! (Just in case we have some Muslim visitors)
Not sure, maybe. But he is vegetarian for sure.
He is a bad muslim if he is :D
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on July 17, 2008, 05:51:21 PM
He is a bad muslim if he is :D
Sure, muslims are not supposed to dring alcohol, nor to smoke (even legal smoking ;D). :D
Quote from: CTG on February 21, 2008, 08:29:02 AM
I missed it... No problem, I've seen that about 10 times before... ;D
Solar eclipse was a lot more important in 1999. I won't ever forget!
Damn, damn, damn!
I'll be only late 3 hours to go through a perfect total solar eclipse with my plane on the way back home. Still, I'll be flying in partial eclipse for almost an hour.
Quote from: zaqrack on July 25, 2008, 06:05:23 PM
Quote from: CTG on February 21, 2008, 08:29:02 AM
I missed it... No problem, I've seen that about 10 times before... ;D
Solar eclipse was a lot more important in 1999. I won't ever forget!
Damn, damn, damn!
I'll be only late 3 hours to go through a perfect total solar eclipse with my plane on the way back home. Still, I'll be flying in partial eclipse for almost an hour.
That's great! Please try to take some pics and upload them to the forum...
I just biked 5 km on an empty motorway in the sunset...
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on July 29, 2008, 10:44:35 PM
I just biked 5 km on an empty motorway in the sunset...
Me: 44 kms, 29 of it with a girl, most of the 29 in the rain (in the end it was dark, after sunset)... (901 kms this year so far.)
Well, I rode 65 km today, but the motorway was particularly interesting... Surreal, moreover.
now I am envious. Had no luck to sit on any of my bikes in the past 5 weeks :(
I've just farted twice. Both were soundless, but they were quite stinky. Yesterday evening I ate a lot of chilli beans. I took a shit an hour ago. A huge pile of shit came out of my anus, it was really corny and runny. ;D
Nice to see you around again, man ;)
This is what I have done today:
- worked 3,5 hours
- finished a lap on a Stunts competition track
- compiled 4 texts to a larger document
- grocery shopping
It is not enough.
What I did today:
Got up at 5.40 (!!!!!) and went to a fitness class with my friend (a bet..I know it's insane)
Went to class 8-11
Went to the library to sit in their couch and read
Got home, made coffee and started on a new book
Went for a long walk
Made (and ate) pizza and drank wine with some friends
And now it's time for a bit of The Simpsons :D
What I did yesterday:
- Woke up, played with the cats
- Went to a funeral
- Went to work
- Dinner with some frieds at a greek restaurant
- Sleeping, having meatful dreams
meatful dreams :)
so here is my previous day. It was special, as it was 30 hours long...
- woke up at 8am in Beijing
- went down to the hotel lobby, checked out and had some dim-sum breakfast
- took the ABC express train to Beijing Airport Terminal 3
- Relaxed for two hours on a bench listening to birds from the airport speakers and my new rock CD's bought in Beijing.
- Took a walk on the aiport, took some photos, did some window-shopping and checked who are whaiting for the plane to North Korea (apparently 1 passenger and 2 members of the secret police, who were watching me very intrested)
- Took a 10,5 hour flight to Munich, I was watching The Office on my laptop (4 hours, then battery dead) and was reading Asimov (4 hours, then book finished). Spent the reamining time idling and watching the Mongolian-Russian border area near Irkutsk from the window (it is probably the most amazing place on Earth, no settlements seen for 40 minutes while flying)
- Had 20 minutes to transfer in Munich, and there was a problem with my ticket so I was running from assistant to assistant, but catched the plane after all
- Had a loud but boring 1,5 hour flight to BUD on a Dash-8 turbojet
- Had a ride from the aiport home by my father
- I was shocked how small and quiet Budapest is
- Talked with Andi and gave hermy presents brought
- Had a bath and enjoyed that water from the tap is drinkable
- Ordered and ate a pizza with artichokes
- Fell in the bed half-dead at midnight.
Two typical Zakiisms:
Quote from: zaqrack on October 23, 2008, 07:35:24 AM
- went down to the hotel lobby, checked out and had some dim-sum breakfast
Zak is where Seafood is waiting. ;)
Quote from: zaqrack on October 23, 2008, 07:35:24 AM
- Had a bath and enjoyed that water from the tap is drinkable
Flight time gap?
Get from tap
Zaki's best
from Budapest.
How do you say 'Sex' in Japanesse?
Good find - with slightly different proportions it could well pass for a real kanji for the naïve... :D But Japanese (or Chinese) ideograms can be a bit shocking at times. For instance, I was quite perplexed to find in an online dictionary that this kanji, (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f283/Duplode/k2.png), which is just the one for "woman" ((http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f283/Duplode/k1.png)) written three times, is used in the verb "to commit adultery", as well in words for a number of perversions...
One symbol = 1 woman, 3 symbols = lots of women = you're not a reliable husband as you go to see many women.
This is the same way that "forest" is represented : 3 times the symbol for a tree = lots of trees = a forest.
Quite simple language, main problem is to learn all these bloody symbols...
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 01, 2008, 04:17:34 PM
One symbol = 1 woman, 3 symbols = lots of women = you're not a reliable husband as you go to see many women.
3 symbol = lots of women could also mean a lesbian orgy!
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 01, 2008, 04:17:34 PM
One symbol = 1 woman, 3 symbols = lots of women = you're not a reliable husband as you go to see many women.
This is the same way that "forest" is represented : 3 times the symbol for a tree = lots of trees = a forest.
Quite simple language, main problem is to learn all these bloody symbols...
Yes, I was aware of that - just pointing out how in-your-face the ideograms can get at times. Anyway that reminds me: if (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f283/Duplode/k2.png) is too many women, and (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f283/Duplode/k4.png) is a lot of trees, then (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f283/Duplode/k3.png) must be a lot of... things! That kanji is, in fact, a generic suffix for goods or stuff. :D
Quote from: CTG on November 06, 2008, 09:15:05 AM
Lactalis (FRA) wants to buy Sole-Mizo dairy products company (HUN). If they do, Hungarian dairy market changes hands to French... I'm not really happy about that - it reminds me on another french mammoth, Danone: they f.u.c.k.e.d up my hometown's famous biscuit factory (they moved production elsewhere, mainly to Poland/Czech Republic and to other towns in Hungary, like Székesfehérvár), so now it's 99% dead (producing only mint/anise candies with a few workers).
For info, Danone sold all his biscuits activities to Cadbury last year.
About Lactalis, they are French leaders in cheese market and are growing in the dairy market since they bought the dairy business of Nestle.
Quote from: CTG on November 06, 2008, 12:06:07 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 06, 2008, 12:03:45 PM
For info, Danone sold all his biscuits activities to Cadbury last year.
Györi Biscuit was killed earlier...
I know, but this is to say that maybe Cadbury will bring back activity in the mentionned plant (even if I don't think so but yet, who knows ?).
Just decided to change my signature. Here's my old one:
"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide."
Quote from: JTK on November 07, 2008, 12:27:08 PM
JTK is drunk?
Let's say he is posting on behalf of CTG, who was drunk (http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=1895.msg38693#msg38693)... ;D
Quote from: JTK on November 07, 2008, 12:27:08 PM
that was a proper German keyboard layout in the following order: CAPS - NORMAL - ALT - NUMPAD :)
my keyboard is
Quote from: zaqrack on November 07, 2008, 06:22:50 PM
that was a proper German keyboard layout in the following order: CAPS - NORMAL - ALT - NUMPAD :)
There you go, Mr. Right! ;)
French keyboards are better. :P
caps :
standard :
Alt Gr :
Numpad :
French keyboard is the second most evil creation of the world after the A-Bomb. Whose idea was to enter numbers only when pressing shift? Insane... I remember typing 3 lines for half an hour in a Paris hostel last time...
Really, those numbers suck!
Mine is
Alt Gr:
Num Pad:
come on people, you can't beat a Hungarian keyboard, check AltGr. :)
Brazilian Portuguese, for the record... ;D
A bit more conventional than the European ones (the French...!!). The sequence is with a "standard" WinXP box, for a while ago I found there is a whole lot of extra stuff (European special chars, math symbols, etc.) under AltGr on my Linux (or at least on home my home computer setup).
For some reason my message gets truncated in the middle of the lower case character set, even though if I click edit I can read the whole thing...?! ??? ???
Quote from: CTG on November 14, 2008, 12:51:54 PM
DAMN!!! I just read the new Live Messenger will show to your MSN partners which website are you visiting at the moment. From now people have to be careful with visiting porn sites... >:( One more reason for Töff to ignore MSN ;D
such a stupid feature... when Google Chome and also Firefox tends to cloak your visited sites, Microsoft makes them totally public... makes no sense - if its true
Quote from: zaqrack on November 14, 2008, 12:59:38 PM
Quote from: CTG on November 14, 2008, 12:51:54 PM
DAMN!!! I just read the new Live Messenger will show to your MSN partners which website are you visiting at the moment. From now people have to be careful with visiting porn sites... >:( One more reason for Töff to ignore MSN ;D
such a stupid feature... when Google Chome and also Firefox tends to cloak your visited sites, Microsoft makes them totally public... makes no sense - if its true
As long as you don't use IE but FF or Opera, I don't think MSN can display anything. Isn't there a setting to adjust like "show my sites" or anything like that ? This is, indeed, a stupid feature of MSN...
It will surely be possible to disable it, like "Waht I'm listening to" feature.
All of this won't motivate me to install MSN. :P ;D
I recommend this article especially for Akoss Poo:
I adore David Bowie
I guess there is another Christmas wish for you here CTG ;)
Quote from: lised on December 07, 2008, 11:56:14 PM
I guess there is another Christmas wish for you here CTG ;)
Quote from: CTG on December 08, 2008, 08:09:19 PM
I have a better Christmas wish: Lise dancing out of a big present box - without clothes... ;D
Yuk! That would just be another Nightmare Before Christmas :S
Quote from: CTG on December 08, 2008, 08:26:46 PM
Quote from: lised on December 08, 2008, 08:26:02 PM
Quote from: CTG on December 08, 2008, 08:09:19 PM
I have a better Christmas wish: Lise dancing out of a big present box - without clothes... ;D
Yuk! That would just be another Nightmare Before Christmas :S
Rather a sweet one for the horny CTG. ;D
I'm rather sure the horny part of you would die if I came out of a box without clothes
But that was Zak McKracken of Digital Dynamite... Zak McKracken of Cork's Crew loves the Countach.
Quote from: CTG on December 18, 2008, 04:35:46 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 18, 2008, 04:33:57 PM
Zak McKracken of Cork's Crew loves the Countach.
Brainwashing... ;D
but true. I loved the Acura the most when I was not racing competitions (or only for a shorter time). Since I race mainly in competitions my favourite is the contach. Simple :)
WOW!!! Stunts at the front page of the biggest Hungarian news portal! :o 8) ;D :D ;)
http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html (http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html)
Wow :o
Now why oh why a YouTube replay from a total crap pipsqueak, and why oh why no links to any part of this community? :'(
Can you or Zak make a comment to the story, linking to us in an enticing way? Quickly?
I did a short comment, maybe it'll help
Quote from: CTG on December 21, 2008, 02:27:55 PM
WOW!!! Stunts at the front page of the biggest Hungarian news portal! :o 8) ;D :D ;)
http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html (http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html)
Great! The first 4 games mentioned here were all big favourites, the next 3: I didn't know them, the last one: crap. Good CD overall!
Quote from: Akoss Poo on December 22, 2008, 05:58:02 PM
Quote from: CTG on December 21, 2008, 02:27:55 PM
WOW!!! Stunts at the front page of the biggest Hungarian news portal! :o 8) ;D :D ;)
http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html (http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html)
Great! The first 4 games mentioned here were all big favourites, the next 3: I didn't know them, the last one: crap. Good CD overall!
You didn't know the original Alone in the Dark, The Incredible Machine and Micro Machines ??? :o Don't ever pretend to be a videogame specialist then. :P ;D
Quote from: CTG on December 21, 2008, 02:27:55 PM
WOW!!! Stunts at the front page of the biggest Hungarian news portal! :o 8) ;D :D ;)
http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html (http://www.origo.hu/techbazis/szamitogep/20081221-egy-korongon-a-klassz-osjatekok.html)
I played almost all of them. I didn't like Tomb Raider and I didn't know The Incredible Machine. The rest are all-time favourites for me.
An ordinary TNT bomb involves atomic reaction, and could be called an atomic bomb. What we call an A-bomb involves nuclear reactions and should be called a nuclear bomb.
At a jet plane's speed of 1,000 km (620mi) per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length.
In 1980, Namco released PAC-MAN, the most popular video game (or arcade game) of all time. The original name was going to be PUCK MAN, but executives saw the potential for vandals to scratch out part of the P and write F.uck.
Back in the mid to late 80's, an IBM compatible computer wasn't considered a hundred percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft's Flight Simulator, probably because of the fact that it is one of the hardest programs to get running.
STASI, the East German secret police organization, devised a devilishly clever way to prevent someone from giving them the slip during the Cold War: they managed to synthesize the scent of a female dog in heat, which they applied to the shoes of the person under surveillance. Then they simply had a male dog follow the scent.
Quote from: Chulk on December 26, 2008, 09:04:08 PM
In 1980, Namco released PAC-MAN, the most popular video game (or arcade game) of all time. The original name was going to be PUCK MAN (...)
...sorry, I didn't hear - PUKE-MAN?
My last message (and Duplode's reply) go into Useless yet interesting... please move them Zak, I misposted it here...
The animal instinct
Last wish...
Bad ear...
Be carefull with her if it's dark...
It's new year's eve, and I really don't care...
don't worry about that, I never did. We are staying home alone the two of us watching Star Wars and eating prawns :)
That sounds lovely :) Happy wednesday then ;)
This post is to show just how little I care.
Happy new year to all of you! (Even if you don't care at all)
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 31, 2008, 11:59:54 PM
This post is to show just how little I care.
did you at least get a good sleep? :)
Thanks Chulk, same to you :)
Zak: I got phoned up by a friend a few minutes after that, who wanted me to come over to a party he was at. I've been trying lately not to say no to things, so I went there. Anyway it was alright, not totally crazy and nice people. So it got late, but I guess I got up late too!
I think I would have preferred to watch Star Wars and eat prawns with my fiancée though :)
she is my fiancee since already a year. She'll only be my wife in 17 days :)
Quote from: CTG on January 07, 2009, 08:03:32 PM
I quoted Bonzai Joe (so we are talking about his fiancée). Or did I miss something from the topic? :D
I think he wishes he had a fiancée to watch Star Wars with. And I wish my girlfriend liked Star Wars...
BTW, This topic really IS useless, but fun at the same time.
Merely stating that watching Star Wars with my fiancée (if I had one), AND eating prawns, sounds like a great new year's eve.
This would of course not apply if my fiancée was an annoying idiot. But in that case, it is unlikely that she would be my fiancée in the first place, and therefore I assume it would be a lovely way to spend new year's. If the prawns are decent anyway.
I would also like to state that I do NOT wish I had a fiancée. I can take at least 7 years more of not being married, so it would have to be very long engagement anyway.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 08, 2009, 10:45:56 AM
If the prawns are decent anyway.
Depends on where you are. Here in this country damned being landlocked we were totally happy with our half-decent prawns :)
What are thesse "prawns" you talk about?
Quote from: CTG on January 08, 2009, 11:04:22 PM
Kind of seafood, maybe garnela sounds more familiar.
No, not really. But being seafood I probably don't like it...
yummy! :)
I think it's called "Camarones" here (Not sure, though). Not a fan of sea product (not even fish). Give me a cow or a pig instead!
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 07:57:55 PM
I think it's called "Camarones" here (Not sure, though). Not a fan of sea product (not even fish). Give me a cow or a pig also!
Fixed that :)
Podrías mostrarle el plato con piezas asadas que yo te envié para este fin de año, para que sepan cual es nuestro gusto argentino...
No lo pongo yo porque no se como se hace...
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 09, 2009, 09:05:50 PM
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 07:57:55 PM
I think it's called "Camarones" here (Not sure, though). Not a fan of sea product (not even fish). Give me a cow or a pig also!
Fixed that :)
I don't get it... is it a real correction or a joke?
Quote from: AbuRaf70 on January 09, 2009, 09:11:01 PM
Podrías mostrarle el plato con piezas asadas que yo te envié para este fin de año, para que sepan cual es nuestro gusto argentino...
No lo pongo yo porque no se como se hace...
A la orden!
This is what Aburaf cooked (barbequed, actually) for New Year. I'd eat that before any other thing! Too bad you will never come to Argentina, you'd really be delighted by our barbequed meat (Asado, as we call it).
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 09:24:45 PM
This is what Aburaf cooked (barbequed, actually) for New Year. I'd eat that before any other thing! Too bad you will never come to Argentina, you'd really be delighted by our barbequed meat (Asado, as we call it).
that is some Hurka, as we can see on the commercial I linked before here :)
Hurka is great too, but I'd exhcnage it anytime for some seafood ;)
and I ate once Argentinian meat - unforgettable.
Quote from: zaqrack on January 09, 2009, 09:43:19 PM
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 09:24:45 PM
This is what Aburaf cooked (barbequed, actually) for New Year. I'd eat that before any other thing! Too bad you will never come to Argentina, you'd really be delighted by our barbequed meat (Asado, as we call it).
that is some Hurka, as we can see on the commercial I linked before here :)
Hurka is great too, but I'd exhcnage it anytime for some seafood ;)
and I ate once Argentinian meat - unforgettable.
It's not only the meat, but the way it's prepared too. Come to Argentina for your honeymoon and I'll make a barbeque for you myself!
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 09:24:45 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 09, 2009, 09:05:50 PM
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 07:57:55 PM
I think it's called "Camarones" here (Not sure, though). Not a fan of sea product (not even fish). Give me a cow or a pig also!
Fixed that :)
I don't get it... is it a real correction or a joke?
It's a joke. But I think I should have removed the first part of the quote...
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 07:57:55 PM
I think it's called "Camarones" here (Not sure, though). Not a fan of sea product (not even fish). Give me a cow or a pig instead!
Wouldn't shrimp be an alternative English term for this kind of camarones/camarões?
Anyway, I prefer my food not being able to swim or float as well... but I can make an exception for these lil' things on a proper beach setting :)
Quote from: zaqrack on January 09, 2009, 09:43:19 PM
Quote from: Chulk on January 09, 2009, 09:24:45 PM
This is what Aburaf cooked (barbequed, actually) for New Year. I'd eat that before any other thing! Too bad you will never come to Argentina, you'd really be delighted by our barbequed meat (Asado, as we call it).
that is some Hurka, as we can see on the commercial I linked before here :)
Hurka is great too, but I'd exhcnage it anytime for some seafood ;)
and I ate once Argentinian meat - unforgettable.
Lucky me, having just returned from dinner at a "barbecue house", and now feeling completely appeased and lazy... :)
Quote from: zaqrack on December 31, 2008, 07:22:01 PM
don't worry about that, I never did. We are staying home alone the two of us watching Star Wars and eating prawns :)
How's it going with your wedding plans? :)
I wish it'd be over already. So much to do and keep together!
But almost everything is done now. Yesterday our rings also arrived from the UK, and luckily they both fit perfectly.
Still we have to talk with my photographer friend, visit the restaurant and pay the first part of the dinner fee, arrange flowers and decorations, call the music arranger of the ceremony, find Andi a proper shoe, hand out 2 more invitations, change money for the honeymoon, go to the ultraosound to check the baby, define the fruit basket'sa contents, give the wedding cake receipt to my father, go to the cosmetician (not that I want to, but I have to :) and a lot of other stuff to do before the wedding day. And let's not forget about my job and my Chinese studies
Quote from: zaqrack on January 13, 2009, 12:31:14 PM
I wish it'd be over already. So much to do and keep together!
But almost everything is done now. Yesterday our rings also arrived from the UK, and luckily they both fit perfectly.
Still we have to talk with my photographer friend, visit the restaurant and pay the first part of the dinner fee, arrange flowers and decorations, call the music arranger of the ceremony, find Andi a proper shoe, hand out 2 more invitations, change money for the honeymoon, go to the ultraosound to check the baby, define the fruit basket'sa contents, give the wedding cake receipt to my father, go to the cosmetician (not that I want to, but I have to :) and a lot of other stuff to do before the wedding day. And let's not forget about my job and my Chinese studies
Sounds like you're very busy...but it also sounds like lovely things to do together. I hope you'll have time to enjoy this planning too. Before you know it, it's over :)
Where are will you go on your honeymoon?
I hope the baby is well! :)
we're going to spend five days in London, which I'm really looking forward to :)
the baby seems well, though I can only inform myself from Andi's reports at this stage :)
Gracias Chulk por haber puesto "mi asado", para que lo vean los demás...
No participo de los comentarios, por cuanto mi traductor no lo hace bien, y como bien dicen: Quien mal entiende, peor contesta...
En lo que a Zak se refiere, espero que el bebé ande bien, para que disfruten del casamiento y el viaje de bodas, precisamente...
Quote from: zaqrack on January 13, 2009, 01:11:18 PM
we're going to spend five days in London, which I'm really looking forward to :)
the baby seems well, though I can only inform myself from Andi's reports at this stage :)
London...what a cool city to spend your honeymoon in!...Please tell Berwick Street that I miss it ;)
Glad to hear the baby is well....I guess it means that Andi is well too :)
I'd love to go to London! My folks where there 2 years ago and they say it's lovely. They only complained because they were there 4 days and not even one had the famous London mist... :D
Quote from: Chulk on January 13, 2009, 11:11:14 PM
I'd love to go to London! My folks where there 2 years ago and they say it's lovely. They only complained because they were there 4 days and not even one had the famous London mist... :D
Oh you really should go! I love London very much - when I get rich I have to have a penthouse there :)
Intellectual conversations should take place in other topics. This is the useless forum.
Cristiano Ronaldo is G-A-Y!!!
Forever villámcsapás által halálra sebesített kongói futballisták!!!
CSILLU is mine!!!
Quote from: CTG on January 16, 2009, 10:34:58 AM
Csillu is not yours because she's mine! :P
Csillu is not the one who is yours... you have a fixed ligandum on your dick since 7 years. So Csillu is mine!
My dog's BMI is 90,2
mine is 18,21, but don't have a dog :)
Quote from: CTG on January 18, 2009, 11:14:47 PM
Quote from: lised on January 18, 2009, 11:12:55 PM
My dog's BMI is 90,2
Was he/she standing on the two rear legs? If not, try to measure in that position - like humans. What kind of dog anyway?
No she was standing on all 4....she's a black labrador and is called Trille :)
Quote from: CTG on January 18, 2009, 11:38:05 PM
Quote from: lised on January 18, 2009, 11:27:53 PM
she's a black labrador and is called Trille :)
Nice one, I like labradors very much. Mine (okay not mine, she's at my parents) is an old German shepard.
I... well, my sister has a 4 YO golden Labrador (Thor, for Nordic God of thunder, you know, the one with the huge hammer). He is around 110 cm standing in his rear legs and weights around 30 kg. My girlfriend's (although I'm his "Dad" and he loves me more than he loves everybody else but my girl) is a 2 1/2 YO German shepard (Ares, for Greek God of war) who is around 165 cm standing in his rear legs and weights around 52 Kg.
I don't need a dog, I already have 4 children at home. :P ;D
Quote from: CTG on January 21, 2009, 11:19:45 AM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on January 21, 2009, 09:03:30 AM
I don't need a dog, I already have 4 children at home. :P ;D
Any daughters close to 18? ;D (kidding)
1 daughter, soon to celebrate her 9th birthday.
Touch her and I'll kill you (not kidding ;D).
Well it sounds like some lovely dogs (and children ;)) you and your families have. My dog lives with my parents - and how I really miss having her around me all the time.
Quote from: lised on January 21, 2009, 09:24:05 PM
how I really miss having her around me all the time.
I'm sure CTG would aggree to be your dog and get hanged around you all the time. ;D
Quote from: Krys TOFF on January 21, 2009, 10:44:25 PM
Quote from: lised on January 21, 2009, 09:24:05 PM
how I really miss having her around me all the time.
I'm sure CTG would aggree to be your dog and get hanged around you all the time. ;D
Well I DO miss my dog very much, but I don't think I could imagine something worse than having a man around my legs all day :)
Quote from: lised on January 21, 2009, 10:55:32 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on January 21, 2009, 10:44:25 PM
Quote from: lised on January 21, 2009, 09:24:05 PM
how I really miss having her around me all the time.
I'm sure CTG would aggree to be your dog and get hanged around you all the time. ;D
Well I DO miss my dog very much, but I don't think I could imagine something worse than having a man around my legs all day :)
Anyway, talking about dog, I'll post a song lyrics in the appropriated topic. ;)
Dog topic is gayish, as CTG said earlier on msn. Open a new topic for it.
Quote from: CTG on January 26, 2009, 12:38:36 AM
What about "doggy position" in sex? ;D
Doggy style... every man loves it, most girls hate it. At least as far as
s I know. ;D
Quote from: Chulk on January 26, 2009, 03:36:49 AM
Quote from: CTG on January 26, 2009, 12:38:36 AM
What about "doggy position" in sex? ;D
Doggy style... every man loves it, most girls hate it. At least as far ass I know. ;D
Well...ehm...you don't know then :-X :)
Quote from: lised on January 26, 2009, 08:55:10 AM
Quote from: Chulk on January 26, 2009, 03:36:49 AM
Quote from: CTG on January 26, 2009, 12:38:36 AM
What about "doggy position" in sex? ;D
Doggy style... every man loves it, most girls hate it. At least as far ass I know. ;D
Well...ehm...you don't know then :-X :)
I said "most" not "all". But maybe you are right...
Quote from: CTG on January 26, 2009, 10:42:18 AM
Quote from: lised on January 26, 2009, 08:55:10 AM
Quote from: Chulk on January 26, 2009, 03:36:49 AM
Quote from: CTG on January 26, 2009, 12:38:36 AM
What about "doggy position" in sex? ;D
Doggy style... every man loves it, most girls hate it. At least as far ass I know. ;D
Well...ehm...you don't know then :-X :)
"Let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel..." ;D
LOL! ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Chulk on January 26, 2009, 03:36:49 AM
Doggy style... every man loves it, most girls hate it.
And for some girls it's the favorite one ;)
Quote from: zaqrack on January 27, 2009, 09:22:44 PM
Quote from: Chulk on January 26, 2009, 03:36:49 AM
Doggy style... every man loves it, most girls hate it.
And for some girls it's the favorite one ;)
I didn't mean "exactly" doggy style... look closer at the "mistiped" letter in my original message to see what I meant...
Quote from: Chulk on January 28, 2009, 04:23:48 AM
Quote from: zaqrack on January 27, 2009, 09:22:44 PM
Quote from: Chulk on January 26, 2009, 03:36:49 AM
Doggy style... every man loves it, most girls hate it.
And for some girls it's the favorite one ;)
I didn't mean "exactly" doggy style... look closer at the "mistiped" letter in my original message to see what I meant...
I understood what you meant, and it reminds me of a song from the Happy Mondays : Bob's yer uncle (band is more known for songs like Kinky Afro or Step on, but my favorite is Bob's yer uncle ;D)
What do you want to hear when we're making love
What do you want to hear when we're making love
Can I take you from behind and hold you in my arms
What do you want to hear when we're making love
Can I take you from behind and feel you in my heart
What do we need to re-live to bring us close
Why don't you do it to me
Why don't you do those things to me
Why don't you do it to me
Why don't you do those things to me
Four fall in a bed, three giving head, one getting wet
Four fall in a bed, three giving head, one getting wet
What do you want to hear when we're making love
Can I hold you from behind and tell you that it's me
Why don't you do it to me
Why don't you do those things to me
Why don't you do it to me
Why don't you do those things to me
The love drug is a bug that cuts us both uo
Why don't you do those things to me
Why don't you do it of me, why don't you do those things to me
What can I say to you when we're making love
I could take you from behind and make you live
What do you need me to say when we're making love
I can take you from behind and then I'll forgive
Why don't you do it to me
Why don't you do those things to me
Why don't you do it to me
Why don't you do those things to me
Quote from: CTG on February 03, 2009, 01:30:49 PM
Hungary has a shape of fried meat... ;D
Nice! Now I dare you find one with Argentina shape!
Hmmm.... meat... :)
Lucky day! Yeah!
Quote from: JTK on February 13, 2009, 09:14:42 AM
Lucky day! Yeah!
Sure, the 3rd track of Kalpen 2007 will be offcially published today. :D It will, won't it JTK ? ;D
Quote from: JTK on February 13, 2009, 09:14:42 AM
Lucky day! Yeah!
yes, absolutely lucky! Our boss is so afraid of friday 13's, that he never leaves his home on these days. Lucky for us :)
Weeehhh! Just had a Pancake with 'Dulce de Leche', for good luck!
Quote from: zaqrack on February 13, 2009, 10:50:09 AM
Quote from: JTK on February 13, 2009, 09:14:42 AM
Lucky day! Yeah!
yes, absolutely lucky! Our boss is so afraid of friday 13's, that he never leaves his home on these days. Lucky for us :)
Another friday 13th will be in March, you'll get another lucky day without boss next month then. ;D
Stupid thing to be superstitious and believe that a date means luck or not in my opinion anyway. If your destiny is to die today, then it will happen, whether it's friday 13th or any other date.
I don't believe in destiny anyway. That would mean that if my destiny is to die in a year from now, I won't die even if I shoot myself in the head over and over again. That's stupid.
a fun game: create your own rock band!
your band name will be the title of this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random)
your album name will be the last 4-5 word of the last quote shown on this page: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 (http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3)
finally, your album cover will be the third image on this site: http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days (http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days)
only click once on each link, don't cheat!
Look's like I'll have a true alternative indie/electro band:
Trematosphaeridium: Distuingish man from animals
- far is gentle courtesy -
What kind of band should that be...??? ??? :D
Quote from: JTK on February 23, 2009, 02:47:39 PM
What kind of band should that be...??? ??? :D
Progressive rock revival. Think Peter Gabriel at early 70's...
Pedro Muñoz Machín Rodríguez - Your Enemy Change His Mind
Er...?? ?? Must be some odd sort of electro-experimental artist, or something like it.
(on another note, CTG's black metal band was pretty amazing ;D)
Here is mine : Cardinal Local School District - Labor Day Weekend
This is a killer album, go buy it!
The Logic of Violence In Civil War: "You Can Not Remain Still"
(must be a dance album :D) here's the cover:
Lake Murray - "Stranger than fiction."
Quote from: Chulk on February 23, 2009, 09:11:53 PM
Lake Murray - "Stranger than fiction."
Indeed, I must say... :)
Colour test, can you do it without an error? Almost perfect score (0) for me for first try (score=3).
http://www.xrite.com/worldwide.aspx (http://www.xrite.com/worldwide.aspx)
Akoss: when are you going to start racing again? Come on! It's Stunts! - it's the race of our burning aspirations. Where are your screeching tyres and power gear cuts and place-fights?
Are we backed up? We should think about that.... There is the Stunts CD with tracks and replays and mods up to a certain point, but what about other things? Websites? Forum posts?
How beautiful... I hope you remember it. Write it down...
By the way, I don't understand the poll question. I tried, but I can't wrap my brain around it :)
O cives, cives quaerenda pecunia primum est, virtus post nummos!
there is no point in learning for a job interview.
They are not measuring your knowledge, but your problem solving and improvisation skills. :)
And if I am wrong and they really want you to keep 20000 pages in your memory - you better not want to work there anyway.
they will not expect you to know everything. They will expect you to know a lot, and that if you face problems or questions you don't know the answer on, then not just sit and say "I don't know".
Confidence is the key.
Coincidence? ::)
I'm sure Argy and Alain have missed being in a team together...
Anyway, hello Argammon!
probation time is one year? that is really long.
probably. but don't worry if the boss was drunk too.
on my first trip to China I had to bring my boss back to the hotel because he was really drunk. Bad impression for the employee :)
It is good to be nightspamming again finally... :)
A very old cycling record was almost broken yesterday. I did the 3,6 km distance from our garden to my mother in 6:53. The record is 6:51 since 4 May 2002. I almost had as much backwind as 7 years ago. At least I broke my time at first intermediate: 1:29 instead of 1:39 in the steep muddy downhill. Highest speed 39 kph only - I kept my power to the harder parts.
Hardly enough for even normal browsing, I see :-X
Bandwidth limitations suck. I was going to sign 3G internet at home, but the providers charge a hefty amount (R$110,00 - about 35 or 40 EUR) for a not really stable 1Mbps connection that can be cut to a tenth of that value if you download more than 1Gb/month... in the end I signed a shadier radio-based service - the signal goes off every now and then but at least there are no stupid limitations.
Funny Roller Coaster Photos:
http://www.oddee.com/item_96805.aspx (http://www.oddee.com/item_96805.aspx)
Távol otthonától kóborolt Emanuelle... ;D
Quote from: CTG on October 15, 2009, 11:06:26 PM
Real life is way too difficult...
it is all about finding the balances.
Spamszag Kazincbarcikán van!
Did CTG stole Usrin password or what?! ;D
You really did a good job on him :o
Quote from: CTG on October 30, 2009, 04:08:06 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 29, 2009, 09:06:46 PM
You really did a good job on him :o
You mean the clone at WSM? ;D
Yes, three different WSMs. And you had modified the clone slightly for every WSM! Very authentic. Showing me pictures of clouds as if he really knew something about weather phenomena...
"Lószarszag van az út mellett, lószarszag van, a kurva anyját, lószarszag van az út mellett, lószarszag van, baszd meg, de büdös!!!" (Disztraktor)
;D ;D ;D
Please send the Borsodi for tonight's new year party to me! :) :) :)
You have a project to finish AND you have problems with some teenage girl from another country.
It has to be ICE cold.
This is my 1000th post in Stunts Forum!
Huge BÖFF to everybody!
Csöcsönszarnám Emesét!!! ;)
Europe according to Hungarians:
Hey, this message is not useless!!! ;D ;D ;D Most of the textures are very true, though there are Hungarian territories in Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Austria as well.
I feel I have to post this again. All of the areas in black actually belong to Denmark. Yes, that means you JTK!
*lol* (What a fool believes!) I will for sure post no map of Germany, but one thing is for sure, Jackie: Kiel never belonged to the Danish!
Oh skid, I was wrong: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiel#Kiel_als_Teil_des_D.C3.A4nischen_Gesamtstaats (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiel#Kiel_als_Teil_des_D.C3.A4nischen_Gesamtstaats) ???
Quote from: zaqrack on January 11, 2010, 08:44:27 AM
Europe according to Hungarians:
Hey, what the hell is "pizza"? We Hungarians all know that this high-heeled-boot-shaped country is the land of cat eaters.
Quote from: Usrin on January 11, 2010, 09:58:36 PM
Quote from: zaqrack on January 11, 2010, 08:44:27 AM
Europe according to Hungarians:
Hey, what the hell is "pizza"? We Hungarians all know that this high-heeled-boot-shaped country is the land of cat eaters.
Klárinéni (our former Italian teacher, for others) said that Italian people doesn't eat cats... :o ;D
Useless fact, snow depth: 36 cm in Kazincbarcika (33 out of it fell down today and yesterday). Highest since February 2003 here.
Ah ZCT22... Great race.
This place is also full of snow. Everything is quiet and all the places look the same.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 31, 2010, 10:47:20 PM
Ah ZCT22... Great race.
This place is also full of snow. Everything is quiet and all the places look the same.
I also thought about ZCT22. I was constantly running to the CPU room sending my new replay in the 60 cm of snow, extreme cold and fog in Debrecen from my new lodging... It was a great race, yes, I managed to get 3rd, beating Argammon and CTG. That was a very memorable month.
It`s snowtime and ZCT22 time again :) Thanks for the idea! ;)
Quote from: CTG on February 01, 2010, 06:39:31 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 31, 2010, 11:29:36 PM
beating Argammon and CTG. That was a very memorable month.
Big thing, I still used auto gears. :P
Typical CTG crying... you should have tried harder to push in order to beat me, instead of finding alibis there... YOU WERE SLOWER THAN ME!!! ;D ;D ;D
-17 out there, dick freezing cold... 35 cm snow, icy fog... it's the rage of the heaviest winter of the past years here.
Edit: -20 in the morning...
Who else wanted my crap? ;D Shall I send you some of it? ;D Should it be corny, nutty, runny etc.? ;D
I guess CTG and a ghost of him voted for f*cking a horse, in order to take the lead away from my crap. Am I right? So please, CTG, F*CK A HORSE!!! ;D ;D ;D
I voted for the horse. It is by far the less dangerous situation of them all.
Quote from: Chulk on March 01, 2010, 06:42:04 PM
I voted for the horse. It is by far the less dangerous situation of them all.
Not quite sure about the "by far", even if you only account for physical risks and ignore the implications of the CNN bit...
Quote from: Duplode on March 01, 2010, 06:52:59 PM
Quote from: Chulk on March 01, 2010, 06:42:04 PM
I voted for the horse. It is by far the less dangerous situation of them all.
Not quite sure about the "by far", even if you only account for physical risks and ignore the implications of the CNN bit...
Don't know what happened with CNN, I'll see the video of the link you're probably going to leave later, gotta go to work now.
Now I'm really looking forward (in an apprehensive kind of way) to Duplode CNN link of Chulk stallin a horse.
i have just got it!! I thought (Broadcasted by CNN) was related to some video CNN had shown of somebody stallin a horse, not that the choice involved being broadcasted by CNN! LOL! Well, it's still the less dangerous, I can wear a mask and nobody would now it was me, except maybe my girlfriend... But she hates CNN!
and anyway, if CNN broadcats such an obscene material, faces are always covered. :)
You're probably right, but still I wouldn't mind if my face was seen. Tt's still less dangerous than the other options... unless Mike Tyson is so drunk he can't land a punch, which I doubt in a boxer with his skill both for punching and consuming alcohol/drugs.
Quote from: zaqrack on March 03, 2010, 08:18:54 AM
and anyway, if CNN broadcats such an obscene material, faces are always covered. :)
That wasn't a condition, so you can't take it for granted.
hohoho ^_^
Quote from: CTG on December 30, 2010, 02:57:39 AM
So Töff is in... hell?
Dark Chaser included the toffstunts mail address in the Copa Stunts mailing list. Now it is bouncing... :(
I don't think that's a great way to sell a product...
Is the girl a shemale?
hahaha I said DIE!!!!!! hahaha
Quote from: CTG on March 05, 2011, 09:55:52 PM
Poo is not in the USA, but... ;D
Quote from: FC Barcelona - Real Zaragoza
56' Edmílson <-> Pintér Á. [Zaragoza]
Probably his airplane crashed. :D
after learning German for 8 years, but not using it actively in the past 10 years, I can still understand almost anything spoken/written, but I have troubles expressing myself.
I guess thats what you call passive language knowledge :)
Quote from: CTG on November 11, 2011, 11:15:19 AM
Finally! I could catch it.
I couldn't. My boss was giving me instructions about the edition of our research report that time.
Quote from: CTG on November 11, 2011, 11:15:19 AM
Finally! I could catch it.
What, you failed in 1911?
Maurice André is dead. :'( (Guess, noone of you heard him play...)
Quote from: CTG on March 08, 2012, 10:45:04 PM
Shitty, shitty...
...shitty park after Melinda!!! ;)
summernight city
Quote from: CTG on April 06, 2012, 03:23:03 PM
Any people attacking the other physically without a real reason should be punished with prison.
Any neighbours attacking me physically because I warned them not to smoke close to our flat's door (it's forbidden to smoke in the common places of the house & diffusion made our flat smelling like a cheap pub)... well... Hungarian law won't help me to make them punished.
What he caused: haematomas, bruises, joint injuries, my left shoulder in damned hard pain, plus he spitted in my (and my wife's) face several times. What's more, he shouted deadly threat for both of us. Police said they won't do anything as long as it doesn't become more serious (so it's not enough serious, I "love" this attitude). The question: shall we wait for the next attack and call the police when it's already too late?
I hate this country, not only because of this case. Hungary is a junkyard with very few estimable people.
My advice: Get a gun, shoot his knees and then when police comes say it was self-defense. As long as you still have your bruises, you will have it your way.
Awful. In effect, this situation encourages thugs - "just don't do anything too obvious and it will be all right".
He should be punished with fines, perhaps prison sentence, and certainly with being evicted from the building. I don't think anything you can do will make things better for you, except if you can make the police do their stallin job, and if that will end in him being thrown on the street, as it should.
sorry to read this. The sad thing is that knowing the situation back home the only effective solution is to move. You must be very careful selecting your place to live in Budapest. Fortunately our Stunts HQ apartment is still relatively in a good vicinity (though degrading slowly through time) - residents don't smoke in the building, only the cleaning lady does (which is kind of surreal if you ask me).
The only issue is the crazy women living on the 7th floor who is shouting with herself on some nights, and recently I heard she came to ask our neighbors (who live above her) not to throw dead bodies out the window. :)
There are many problems with China but at least the police is reasonable, well-respected and do their job well. Also the punishments aer quite strong. Result = almost no violence here and much less crime. However people are allowed to smoke (and do smoke) almost everywhere - fortunately it is restricted and fined through CCTV in our compound.
(btw there are 5 big pharmaceutical companies just on my 7km trip to work in case you plan to move :))
I can't re-asleep... (I was very sleepy at 6 p.m., I went to bed then...)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah - THW! THW! THW! Best handball team ever!!! :-)
http://www.thw-provinzial.de/thw/ethw.htm (http://www.thw-provinzial.de/thw/ethw.htm)
Thunderstorm here... it's pouring...
I ate hot lecsó today. I'm farting now heavily. ;D This is summer, and now i'm on holiday. 8)
Quote from: Akoss Poo on July 26, 2012, 11:57:04 PM
I ate hot lecsó today. I'm farting now heavily. ;D This is summer, and now i'm on holiday. 8)
Oh my god, they're extremely smelly!!! :o
The lecsó induced sh!t has arrived to the last corner in my bowels. Well, let's drink a morning coffee... ;D ;D ;D
No coffee enhancement was needed. Until the water boiled, I had to run to the toilet!!! ;D ;D ;D
Now let's drink my coffee, and write my German homework - and wait for Round 2. ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: CTG on August 10, 2012, 10:25:45 AM
Poo: ne húizonlájnkodj! >:(
Ich habe gepischált!!!
(for others: it's half German, half Hungarian)
Well CTG, you've finished another legendary spam session. Most of the posts are really useless, but I would like to say thanks because it's really more interesting than no posts.
Vera - Vera -
What has become of you...?
Probably you all know the games with truck / racing car / airplane / etc. cards, competing in HP, top speed, length, weight, whatever. It would be fun to make Stunts pipsqueak cards (number of races, victories, forum messages, WSM participations...)
ooh what an idea - though I am not sure others are familiar with these kind of cards, as far as I know it is a Hungarian (or regional) specialty. I am totally in for Stunts cards as someone who created numerous card decks (cars, classmates, fictional characters). Let's decide on the stats to put there. Who will be the "Mindentviv?"?
I had loads of these in kindergarten and early school years. I still remember some of them vividly because I nerded them so much.
I had many decks! Road cars, Rally cars, Airplanes, Float planes, Hydroplanes, Ships, Rockets, DC heroes and villains, Countries... It would be great to create some stunts cards!
Umberto Ácsó (brother), Marci (brother) and Sampi (cousin) are relatives, Schila and Eszti are ex-girlfriends and Trx is friend of Zak.
Petmorgo is the brother of Eszti.
HSM 2003: Akoss, CTG, Usrin, Zak (+Umberto Ácsó and Schila? appeared too) = yes
WSM 2004: Akoss, Bonzai Joe, Dinmor, CTG, JTK, KHR, Usrin, Zak (+Umberto Ácsó)
WSM 2005: Akoss, Bonzai Joe, Diesel Joe, Dinmor, JTK, Krys Toff, Zak
WSM 2006: Akoss, Bonzai Joe, CTG, Dinmor, JTK, Lise, Usrin, Zak (+ Lupuszka? Umberto Ácsó?)
mini-WSM 2008: Akoss, Bonzai Joe, CTG, Usrin, Zak
Other relationships:
Zak and Schila visited the Töff family in France.
Bonzai Joe and Super Brian were drinking together in a bar.
Böbszlee and Zak met in our university hostel when Zak came to help in a computer trouble (2004).
Duplode and Renato made a Brasilian mini-meeting, so did Rotoi and Gutix in an Argentinian edition.
- Krys Toff, Diesel Joe, Akoss and Zak traveled in the same car from Hamburg to Aarhus.
- Thijs Wiegerinck is the brother of Roy Wiegerinck
- Ivan (2012) is the son/relative of someone?
- CTG had several ghosts
- DieselJoe is still drinking
I almost met SuperBrian's brother, Flemming, a.k.a. Pavekiller. I don't remember exactly where or when or why, but I've met him. If we count pre-Zakstunts races, we must not forget my friend Christian (ManOnMoon) :-).
I think I met Zak's brother (Roberto/Umberto Ácso, not Marci). I also passed by Eszti somewhere in Budapest, but didn't actually spot her. Does that count? :-) If not: Zak, Roberto, Akoss Poo, CTG, Usrin, JTK, KHR, Diesel Joe, Krys Toff, Dinmor, Lise, SuperBrian, Pavekiller = 13 (+2).
Lupuszka is my sister. Szabee, competing only in one race in 2002, he was my 'classmate' at the university. (He said that he loved this game but got found then too weak to continue.)
Attended SMs: HSM 2003 (meeting all people mentioned here there), WSM 2004 (m. a. p. m. h. t.), WSM 2005 (m. a. p. m. h. t., plus Aignur, and his penis ;D... yes, it is STILL very funny ;D), WSM 2006 (m. a. p. m. h. t.), mWSM 2008 (m. a. p. m. h. t.).
Plus many private meetings with Usrin and CTG (plus one very short one with Zak in a Burger King, that was the very first time when I met someone who I knew only from Stunts sites before) - yes, they were my classmates.
Edit: Lupuszka was found in WSM 2006, people who saw her: BJ, Dinmor, Usrin, Zak(, me). But I think CTG also saw her a few times live.
We had these vehicle card games too! Here they went under the name "Super Trunfo". I certainly had a few decks, though I best remember obsessing over the degenerate, Pokémon-based versions of the game with cards being acquired from snack bags. And +1 for a Stunts deck! Just as for Zak, that brings me some nice memories... :D
Quote from: CTG on August 23, 2012, 10:28:38 AM
Date of first Stunts race
Which would win then -earliest or latest date? (I remember one of the car versions of the game which had aerodynamic coefficient as a stat, which I used to find quite perplexing...)
Quote from: CTG on August 23, 2012, 10:59:36 AM
Duplode and Renato made a Brasilian mini-meeting, so did Rotoi and Gutix in an Argentinian edition.
Pending confirmation: I think I once read an old post somewhere about a larger-scale MeganiuM meeting, which might have involved AbuRaf and others. I also remember Chulk mentioning having met Ayrton in La Plata a few years ago...
Quote from: zaqrack on August 23, 2012, 12:07:58 PM
- Ivan (2012) is the son/relative of someone?
Gutix's nephew.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 23, 2012, 07:53:08 PM
I also passed by Eszti somewhere in Budapest, but didn't actually spot her. Does that count? :-)
No, that was Andi. We just got together 2 days before the 2006 WSM and she passed us with her bike on the Danube bank while going home from work. Six years passed an now we're married with children :)
Quote from: zaqrack on August 24, 2012, 08:06:08 AM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 23, 2012, 07:53:08 PM
I also passed by Eszti somewhere in Budapest, but didn't actually spot her. Does that count? :-)
No, that was Andi. We just got together 2 days before the 2006 WSM and she passed us with her bike on the Danube bank while going home from work. Six years passed an now we're married with children :)
No, it was Eszti :-) It was in 2004, on the day we arrived. You picked us up at the train station, and then we took a tram to somewhere, and on the tram station, you suddenly caught sight of her and then told us that you felt a bit weird because you just saw your past girlfriend through 3 years, and it was the first time you had seen her since then and she didn't even turn her face. Or something like that.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 24, 2012, 09:07:38 AM
Quote from: zaqrack on August 24, 2012, 08:06:08 AM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 23, 2012, 07:53:08 PM
I also passed by Eszti somewhere in Budapest, but didn't actually spot her. Does that count? :-)
No, that was Andi. We just got together 2 days before the 2006 WSM and she passed us with her bike on the Danube bank while going home from work. Six years passed an now we're married with children :)
No, it was Eszti :-) It was in 2004, on the day we arrived. You picked us up at the train station, and then we took a tram to somewhere, and on the tram station, you suddenly caught sight of her and then told us that you felt a bit weird because you just saw your past girlfriend through 3 years, and it was the first time you had seen her since then and she didn't even turn her face. Or something like that.
Yes I remember now. It was on Hungária körút near the Mexikói út station.
15,001st message of Chat-misc!
lots of them on Richard's clothes ;)
plenty of pharmeceuticals in Shanghai :) My favorite equals a good linguistic joke in Hungarian (I pass their site every day while going to work): Shanghai Tasly Pharmaceutical Company.
Have contact in HR @ BMS. Need an introduction?
Quote from: CTG on November 12, 2012, 12:09:50 PM
And now I missed it again. Stupid small thing, but I find it annoying.
This is the worst of all those you missed, as this is the last month/day/year you'll be alive to see. Next would be 01/01/2101 so...
No matter how awesome CTG's airplane set may look, don't try this at home kids! :o
Quote from: CTG on November 12, 2012, 07:03:59 PM
Quote from: Chulk on November 12, 2012, 04:11:47 PM
Quote from: CTG on November 12, 2012, 12:09:50 PM
And now I missed it again. Stupid small thing, but I find it annoying.
This is the worst of all those you missed, as this is the last month/day/year you'll be alive to see. Next would be 01/01/2101 so...
Right, stupid me living a couple of months in the future... do you want me to tell you what you'll get for X-mas?
Here we all are.
Quote from: CTG on December 12, 2012, 12:14:27 PM
Yeeeeeeees!!! I saw it! (12/12/2012, 12:12:12)
And... Nothing special happened. :P
Just like nothing will happen 21st of december for winter solstice, whatever the Mayan calendar says. ;)
Quote from: CTG on December 12, 2012, 04:09:12 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 12, 2012, 03:12:13 PM
Quote from: CTG on December 12, 2012, 12:14:27 PM
Yeeeeeeees!!! I saw it! (12/12/2012, 12:12:12)
And... Nothing special happened. :P
Don't compare this to the Maya bullshit. 12/12/12 12:12:12 looks very cool, nothing more.
It doesn't look cool, or else binary would look cool too.
Binary doesn't look cool, except when numbers are dropping from top of screen to the bottom and are written in green. :P Yeah, I'm still a Matrix fan. ;D (but 2nd and 3rd movies are disposable, 1st one is the best).
Quote from: CTG on December 24, 2012, 08:34:20 AM
Using the forum with a cell phone sucks.
In other words: Merry Christmas! :)
Quote from: CTG on December 24, 2012, 07:29:16 PM
It's only a religious bullshit
It's not even religious anymore. Just a tradition I remembered I loved as a child and that I will love my children to enjoy. But I think it should only be for kids, gifting grown ups is a bit silly IMO
Messi xmas!!
You are wierd.. (:D :D :D I say that..) I was very pleased with all presents (mostly socks, handkerchieves and shirts) given to me. None of them is useless.
I love my presents. Some great books, theater tickets and an excellent LEGO set - I am sure JTK would like this one too :)
They are not Christmas presents though, we celebrate a different holiday :)
Quote from: zaqrack on December 26, 2012, 11:38:39 PM
I love my presents. Some great books, theater tickets and an excellent LEGO set - I am sure JTK would like this one too :)
They are not Christmas presents though, we celebrate a different holiday :)
nice lego! :) what do you celebrate?
My Xmas presents were tickets to Molotov and Nightwish shows back in December, so I got a 'symbolic' gift (to keep my little nephews from suspecting something if kids were the only ones with presents). It was a football short I needed as the red one I use with Czech Rep shirt is really old and closer to pink than red...
(I guess I'll gift Jamiroquai tickets for February myself)
Quote from: CTG on December 29, 2012, 11:39:21 AM
Meganium guys, have you ever visited this "town"? :o
Nope, but I think that would be a nice stop on a trip further south
Quote from: zaqrack on December 26, 2012, 11:38:39 PM
...and an excellent LEGO set - I am sure JTK would like this one too :)
Whoaaaa - great! I want it, too! :D :D :D
Quote from: CTG on January 10, 2013, 01:37:35 AM
I wonder who will discover it first...
Discover what?
(Seems like the correct place for drunken posting)
Sky Vodka, Jamison Whiskey, Admiral Nelson Rum, (Polish) Vodka. Some of the many drinks I've had tonight... I've tried to comprehend the rules of live stunts racing posted by Duplode, but being up all night (8:30am now) and alcohol really setting in is really compromising my comprehension... lol...
Quote from: CTG on January 14, 2013, 07:13:38 PM
Quote from: Komeuppance on January 14, 2013, 05:32:07 PM
(Polish) Vodka
Zubrowka? :D
I think it's Debowa, according to an internet search, comes in a wooden cartridge/bullet shaped bottle.
If that looks like lipstick to me, does that mean I'm gay?
You can say it's a bullet or a bottle of vodka... and you say it's a lipstick!?!? You are Gay!!! haha kidding :D
I thought it was a lipstick too, until I saw the word 'military'.
LOL... guess I should have posted a larger picture. Didn't know you guys had a vicious crush on Skid Vicious.
Quote from: Duplode on August 24, 2012, 07:13:35 AM
We had these vehicle card games too! Here they went under the name "Super Trunfo".
Nostalgic mood came to me when an '80s love facebook page posted this pic. I guess a few of you will feel the same way
Stingray Vette I believe.
I learned a few new words, cool post. Helicopteros!!
I got an original pack this christmas from my brother. Great russian cars within :)
Quote from: zaqrack on January 18, 2013, 11:08:18 AM
I got an original pack this christmas from my brother. Great russian cars within :)
Quote from: Komeuppance on January 18, 2013, 10:47:51 AM
Stingray Vette I believe.
I think so too
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1440266/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1440266/) something for my hungarian friends.. now in 3D..
Quote from: Chulk on January 18, 2013, 02:45:48 PM
Quote from: zaqrack on January 18, 2013, 11:08:18 AM
I got an original pack this christmas from my brother. Great russian cars within :)
Here you are, a nice selection :)
Nice! I had a card game of cars too! I'll search it.
I found it http://www.match4cromy.com.ar/autos/cartas.html
But also I had a similar game with common argentinian cars from 80's.
Was curious who will notice first :)
Quote from: CTG on January 30, 2013, 02:51:12 PM
I think most of the communist cars are overestimated on these cards
Of course, this is the essence of communism. :P
Quote from: zaqrack on January 30, 2013, 04:21:11 PM
Quote from: CTG on January 30, 2013, 02:51:12 PM
I think most of the communist cars are overestimated on these cards
Of course, this is the essence of communism. :P
That is the essence of ********ism. No matter what you put on those *, everybody will always overestimate their things and underestimate the rest
Version 0.0, raw sample, just to make the mood. ;)
Quote from: CTG on February 14, 2013, 09:47:18 PM
Version 0.0, raw sample, just to make the mood. ;)
Loved it!
Quote from: CTG on February 14, 2013, 09:47:18 PM
Version 0.0, raw sample, just to make the mood. ;)
Excellent! :)
Quote from: CTG on February 14, 2013, 09:47:18 PM
Version 0.0, raw sample, just to make the mood. ;)
Nice! I had the same idea when I played Lineage 2. I created the cards from all the characters in my Clan. They are all here:
I did some Magic The Gathering fake cards too with some characters of mine.
Quote from: alanrotoi on February 20, 2013, 12:06:43 AM
Quote from: CTG on February 14, 2013, 09:47:18 PM
Version 0.0, raw sample, just to make the mood. ;)
Nice! I had the same idea when I played Lineage 2. I created the cards from all the characters in my Clan. They are all here:
I did some Magic The Gathering fake cards too with some characters of mine.
:D major drop - cotton pants :) excellent :)
hahaha! ;D
Quote from: Friker on February 20, 2013, 06:14:48 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on February 20, 2013, 12:06:43 AM
Quote from: CTG on February 14, 2013, 09:47:18 PM
Version 0.0, raw sample, just to make the mood. ;)
Nice! I had the same idea when I played Lineage 2. I created the cards from all the characters in my Clan. They are all here:
I did some Magic The Gathering fake cards too with some characters of mine.
:D major drop - cotton pants :) excellent :)
How come I missed that? Nice!!
What about real pipsqueaks cards CTG? (not kidding xD) It would be fun watch I.e. Ben snel's card :D
Just to name an oldie.
CTG, Is Dennis Gabor some kind of family of you?
BTW I realize The Hungarian embassy changed it's address :O. That's why I couldn't find it when I went to the Alto Palermo Shopping with my girlfriend :D
I had the "tradition" of saying when I passed in front of its door. I always said "Magyar Posta". It's an internal philatelist joke :D
Chicholina is Hungarian.
Yes I know it's Cicciolina in Italian, but that's the spanish way :D
And about Dennis Gabor I asked because he is the Hungarian who inventing holography :D :-* :-*
Live-stunts in the park.
Quote from: CTG on February 28, 2013, 05:39:04 PM
Running in the park or playing Stunts? That's the question now.
Borrow a laptop and run while playing stunts
maybe I'll start Aikido with a friend but it's too expensive :(
Didn't know about Seagal + Aikido :D I don't like his movies.
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 12, 2013, 03:40:32 PM
Didn't know about Seagal + Aikido :D I don't like his movies.
Aikido is Judo's little gay brother... try judo instead! Or Muay Thai, Sagat style!
Judo is Judith husband so I won't.
Aikido is 50 or 60 years newer than Judo. It was created in XX century.
They come from the same Samurai style, Jujutsu. In fact, Aikido creator Morihei Ueshiba was a Judoca.
Main differences in what they teach you today are Judo's Katame Waza which includes 'osaekomi-waza' (holding techniques), 'shime-waza' (strangulation techniques) and 'kansetsu-waza' (joint luxations techniques) and is a lot more complete than Aikido's.
Alan will get it!
Quote from: CTG on March 19, 2013, 09:07:05 AM
trange or not, I'm happy with that. It wasn't fun to be alone lately.
She's hot, isn't she?
Quote from: CTG on March 19, 2013, 05:01:12 PM
Only her body. :D
That's what "hot" means to me.
Great body = Hot
Great face = Pretty/beautiful
Quote from: CTG on March 19, 2013, 07:16:17 PM
Quote from: Chulk on March 19, 2013, 05:32:05 PM
Quote from: CTG on March 19, 2013, 05:01:12 PM
Only her body. :D
That's what "hot" means to me.
Great body = Hot
Great face = Pretty/beautiful
As for me, the face has an important role in being hot.
For me, too. :-)
A friend of mine made this.
http://gargaj.umlaut.hu/gfx/hungary-infographic.png (http://gargaj.umlaut.hu/gfx/hungary-infographic.png)
Same guy who did the porn stats?
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on March 21, 2013, 12:39:22 PM
Same guy who did the porn stats?
no, I have nothing to do with that ::)
Quote from: CTG on March 21, 2013, 12:54:00 PM
Quote from: zaqrack on March 21, 2013, 11:19:15 AM
A friend of mine made this.
http://gargaj.umlaut.hu/gfx/hungary-infographic.png (http://gargaj.umlaut.hu/gfx/hungary-infographic.png)
Nice. But still, I hate my own country. Never mind, I hate the neighbourhood a lot more.
There is no worst thing that somebody hates his own country.
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 21, 2013, 04:43:19 PM
There is no worst thing that somebody hates his own country.
Of course there is. Your country is only the piece of land under your feet when you were born. You can love and hate things related to it at the same time. Blind patriotism is just stupid.
Rapers, muerderers, corrupted politics, thieves. All of those are worse than somebody just "hating" their own country.
CTG hates his country, yet he does no harm to people.
American soldiers love their country, and they show this by killing people in other to take their oil.
Who is worst of this two?
Well it's a matter of lenguage, when I say "country" I mean not only my land, the own culture and people too. You don't have a country only with land.
What about North Korean people who hate their own country?
Do you "hate" any countries? Are people from those countries also stupid if they agree with you?
I hope you don't hate any countries :)
If someone hates a whole people, that's racist, no matter if it's his own people or another. I don't think CTG hates Hungarian people in general.
I get pretty tired of Danish culture and mentality sometimes. Maybe it's because I come so close to it, so I can see the bad sides clearly...
How do you know in N Korea some people hate their country? I guess if there is hate would be against their government, not against the country and culture.
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 21, 2013, 11:49:27 PM
How do you know in N Korea some people hate their country? I guess if there is hate would be against their government, not against the country and culture.
I hate some things about my country. The government and politicians in general for a start. And that part of "Argentinian culture" according to which it is best to be "piola/vivo/pillo" and take advantage in unethical ways. I hate that about Argentina and it's culture.
So in other countries there aren't politicians "vivos/pillos/piolas". Come on, that it's not culture, it's inherent of human race to take advantage to others. We are animals after all.
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 21, 2013, 11:49:27 PM
How do you know in N Korea some people hate their country? I guess if there is hate would be against their government, not against the country and culture.
I can't know that. Actually, Iran is a better example. After the 1979 revolution, not only the political situation, but the whole culture in the country has changed. Traditions have been uprooted and new, religious ones introduced. How do you think the Iranians who loved the old, Persian culture feel about their country now? They might consider what they loved "Iranian", but the next generation will think of the same culture as "un-Iranian" because it is so much in contrast to the current islamic culture.
Anyway, I'm not a fan of hate in general, so I agree no one should hate his own country.
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 22, 2013, 06:53:05 AM
So in other countries there aren't politicians "vivos/pillos/piolas". Come on, that it's not culture, it's inherent of human race to take advantage to others. We are animals after all.
You mixed my complaint about politicians and "vivos/pillos/piolas", but they were two separate things. The problem here is that people think they are "mas vivos" for stealing some candies, illegal getting cable TV, and such stupid things. People do it around the world, everywhere. But it's the Argentinian people that things this is not a felony but instead is just being smarter than the rest. That's what I hate.
Quote from: Chulk on March 22, 2013, 03:19:22 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 22, 2013, 06:53:05 AM
So in other countries there aren't politicians "vivos/pillos/piolas". Come on, that it's not culture, it's inherent of human race to take advantage to others. We are animals after all.
You mixed my complaint about politicians and "vivos/pillos/piolas", but they were two separate things. The problem here is that people think they are "mas vivos" for stealing some candies, illegal getting cable TV, and such stupid things. People do it around the world, everywhere. But it's the Argentinian people that things this is not a felony but instead is just being smarter than the rest. That's what I hate.
You MUST know that's not an argentinian thing only. There is a speech about how latin americans are so stupid, bad and uncultured. And Europeans are so good, so fine, so cultured, so sober, so white... With arguments said by argentinians like "Argentinians are the worst shit", "our politicians are the worst", etc. But when they speak about USA or Europe they say that's the best people of the world, the best economy, best culture, best blablabla. STOP IT! It's not true! Stop being an anti-argentina you MUST fight for your things. Do you think that "we are the worst shit in the world or almost" is something that fit with us? Do you think there aren't stupid "pillos" in other countries, such other from latin america or USA or Europe or Africa?
You MUST know bad people are everywhere, bad politicians bad lawyers, bad taylors.... You may hate CFK a lot, but she is not the whole country. To be an "anti" is to be nothing and it makes worse if you are an anti your own people! I strongly suggest you to reconsider if we are all a stallin shit or almost or not.
The same with the south american region, some argentinians feels "more european" (as if it would be better) than the others, not only for the skin color or blood, because their money haha. I think our last crisis, if it had a good thing, was to put us again in our place in the map, SOUTH AMERICA!
I insist, the speech "we are the shit" is long time known. Don't play that game.
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 22, 2013, 05:19:31 PM
"Argentinians are the worst shit"
Did I ever said that?
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 22, 2013, 05:19:31 PM
Stop being an anti-argentina
I'm not anti-argentina. I love my country but there are things I hate about it. I'll say it in Spanish, because English is not clear enough about it.
Se que hay ladrones y tranfugas en todos lados, pero el aplaudir al que se cuelga del cable o al que le encuentra la vuelta al sistema es tipico de argento.
En el mundo entero se hace, pero aca se festeja como una piolada. Eso es lo que me molesta y mucho.
Anda a decirle a un japones que das vuelta el medidor de gas para que te llegue menos a fin de mes y fijate cuantos te aplauden. Aca la mayoria te aplaude, porque se creen todos vivos.
Eso nada mas, no digo que somos la peor mierda ni muchisimo menos. Pero lo que el argentino mismo define como "argentineadas" (esas cositas por fuera del sistema, con el unico fin de creerse mas vivo y piola que el resto) las odio.
Yo soy argentino y me parece penoso que alguien tome esas actitudes. Y no soy un tipo exepcional que tengo los ojos sin vendas ni nada, soy un tipo normal con sentido comun. Como tambien me da pena que nos comparemos con otros y que siempre se llegue a la conclusion que el otro es mejor, como acabas de ejemplificar.
Lo que vos señalas como "la mayoria te aplaude" son grupidos de boludos, no representan a nadie ni influyen en nada. Lo de Japon no se realmente, no vivi en Japon, vos? Lo que si puedo decir con seguridad es que es logico pensar que va a haber mavivientes en todos lados, incluido Japon que se vanaglorean de sus no tan buenas intenciones. Repito, es una condicion humana, no es etnica, ni conoce de fronteras.
Lamento que estes tan desencantado con nosotros mismos, pero si queremos poner un granito de arena tenemos que no solo señalar nuestros errores sino proponer una solucion. Y la gente inteligente o mejor dicho con empatia social tiene aun mas responsabilidad para intentar generar esa mejora, porque son concientes de la realidad. Construir algo es complicadisimo, en cambio destruir algo lo haces en un minuto.
Quizas soy demasiado moralista o inocente, esperando que todos nos demos cuenta que nos necesitamos juntos y unidos. Suena un poco utopico, dada la historia que tenemos en los ultimos 200 años y mas.
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 22, 2013, 10:26:37 PM
Quizas soy demasiado moralista o inocente, esperando que todos nos demos cuenta que nos necesitamos juntos y unidos. Suena un poco utopico, dada la historia que tenemos en los ultimos 200 años y mas.
Exacto, Alan. Utopico es la clave. Lamentablemente, la sociedad ha avanzado en una direccion en la que los piolas son cada vez mas y los que tenemos sentido comun y respeto por las normas (tanto legales como morales) somos cada vez menos.
Quote from: Chulk on March 22, 2013, 06:52:18 PM
Eso nada mas, no digo que somos la peor mierda ni muchisimo menos. Pero lo que el argentino mismo define como "argentineadas" (esas cositas por fuera del sistema, con el unico fin de creerse mas vivo y piola que el resto) las odio.
Not really an argument, but I must confess Chulk's lament really stunned me, because 1) here in Brazil similar assessments are commonplace (replace "argentineadas" with "jeitinho brasileiro"); and 2) one positive stereotype about Argentinians here is that they stand comparatively better in terms of civic spirit and political involvement. I guess that fits Alan's words...
Thanks! "Viveza criolla" is in every country. Finally! :P
Same here. It's the coldest March in 26 years. Maybe it's coldest March in Europe ever?
The Kingdom come.
Quote from: CTG on April 01, 2013, 12:05:49 AM
never ever
Quote from: CTG on April 01, 2013, 09:01:35 AM
Quote from: Chulk on April 01, 2013, 01:44:55 AM
Quote from: CTG on April 01, 2013, 12:05:49 AM
never ever
Quote this to Akoss Poo and he'll be mad. ;D
Why would that be?
a- He hates niggers (and consequently, one of the girls)
b- He hates religion (and consequently the 'Saints')
c- One or more of the saints is wearing picsasipoo
d- His ex loved this band/song
e- Any other reason
Quote from: CTG on April 01, 2013, 01:30:05 PM
Quote from: Chulk on April 01, 2013, 01:11:12 PM
Quote from: CTG on April 01, 2013, 09:01:35 AM
Quote from: Chulk on April 01, 2013, 01:44:55 AM
Quote from: CTG on April 01, 2013, 12:05:49 AM
never ever
Quote this to Akoss Poo and he'll be mad. ;D
Why would that be?
a- He hates niggers (and consequently, one of the girls)
b- He hates religion (and consequently the 'Saints')
c- One or more of the saints is wearing picsasipoo
d- His ex loved this band/song
e- Any other reason
e ;D
(it is related to Noja (K))
Who the heck is Noja?
In situations like this, I don't thnk we should forget about Costa (R).
No, but it's not too late. I would also like to know some more about these people.
Beauty is relative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=onm-8xCTrCM&feature=fvwp
Would you meet such a girl? And the one at the end of Photoshop madness? Does the look change anything? Is it still worth to pretend that personality is the most important factor? Homo sapiens is the smartest animal of the planet but still we behave like all the other subordinate species when we have to find a partner.
I beg your pardon for writing that much tonight. Mood is coming and going, today it found me in the better form.
Yes, monkey attraction is important. But attraction is only the beginning. To enjoy being with each other, you need some other factors to be in place.
Ironically, I'd rather go out with her before the whole tirade, because afterwards, my body registers that she is "out of my league", and doesn't bother to get me excited about her.
Quote from: MiroX on April 30, 2013, 11:46:41 PM
Beauty is relative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=onm-8xCTrCM&feature=fvwp
Would you meet such a girl? And the one at the end of Photoshop madness? Does the look change anything? Is it still worth to pretend that personality is the most important factor? Homo sapiens is the smartest animal of the planet but still we behave like all the other subordinate species when we have to find a partner.
I beg your pardon for writing that much tonight. Mood is coming and going, today it found me in the better form.
Ugh, after the editing is not a pretty picture.
Attraction is the starting factor, and personality keeps it going. Dated and knew plenty hott chicks with crazy ass personalities that made me say it's time to go... maybe if I was able to put up with stupid drama, but I can only take so much.
Girls know they have the advantage, weak guys let them keep it. Those are the guys who are whipped lol.
Quote from: CTG on May 21, 2013, 06:54:59 AM
The first workday of this week - started with caffeine overdosage.
Sounds like an average workday for me...
Quote from: CTG on May 28, 2013, 08:46:26 PM
Akoss Poo is a n*gger guy! (just ask him, he'll admit! :D)
Yes, I am. I was saying the N-word at Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles with Hungarian pronounciation in a sentence when a n*gger girl and a friend of hers started to stair at me. ;D I think they could hear out the N-word and had understood me! ;D
In America, it's the worst word you can say - bar none. You really should be careful, because you could get into a fight.
And you might hurt people. As you are yourself an emotional nationalist, just think of the worst possible insulting phrase to use against Hungarians, and imagine how you'd feel.
it is an issue coming from language differences. In Hungarian:
the word néger, which is the Hungarian translation of nigger is the politically correct term and not insulting at all.
whereas if you say:
fekete, which means black, it is considered rude and you may risk a beating. (not that are that many black people in Hungary...)
So exactly the opposite of English usage where black is politically correct, and the other version not really. Yet, you should be aware of US/English customs before travel - and after all, nobody will understand "fekete", so that is much safer anyway :)
In America most are overly sensitive, and lash out onto any racial profiling... quite annoying when they won't let it go and it's taken too far.
I do see the humor in differences of other cultures and even poke fun at my own, but most can't handle a little humility and get upset if they don't feel they are the "best"... damn white people. LOL...
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on May 29, 2013, 10:31:12 PM
In America, it's the worst word you can say - bar none. You really should be careful, because you could get into a fight.
And you might hurt people. As you are yourself an emotional nationalist, just think of the worst possible insulting phrase to use against Hungarians, and imagine how you'd feel.
Well, the strange thing is that I generally like n*ggers. But I just simply like to call them n*ggers. Partly because it sounds good, partly because it is funny how they act when they are called n*ggers (most of them get really hurt, some call themselves n*ggers proudly). For deeper understanding of this paradox, see the Lewis Hamilton topic...
I think in Europe, you can say "nigger" without too much trouble. Of course it's a lame thing to say, but most people will not react very strongly. In America it's totally different. Black people can use it about themselves or other blacks, but if a white person says "nigger", it's a scandal and a cause for fist fights.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on June 03, 2013, 10:38:25 AM
I think in Europe, you can say "nigger" without too much trouble. Of course it's a lame thing to say, but most people will not react very strongly. In America it's totally different. Black people can use it about themselves or other blacks, but if a white person says "nigger", it's a scandal and a cause for fist fights.
Yeah, even in Stockholm? Europe es the worst society about discrimination.
Quote from: CTG on June 05, 2013, 12:50:05 PM
Are there any n*ggers in ARG?
I guess Alan Rotoi is a n*gger. Btw, the problems in Stockholm (Paris, London, etc.) are not with n*ggers, but rather with Muslim (mostly Arabic) people, and neither they are hated because of the colour of their skin. It is their religion and lifestyle which is not compatible with the Western society.
Quote from: Usrin on June 05, 2013, 02:11:51 PMIt is their religion and lifestyle which is not compatible with the Western society.
Where "their lifestyle" = "they are not well integrated and not well-off immigrants" and "Western society" = "mildly xenophobic and celebrating money, fame, expensive things".
Blaming religion and habits as the fundamental causes of discontent is oversimplifying, pointing fingers, and ignoring responsibilities —what news outlets are best at, actually.
I didn't write that Eastern/Muslim culture has less/worse values compared to the West. However they are very different, too different for existing together in peace. If Europeans move to an Arabic country, it's natural that they must accept the local rules about alcohol consumption, women's clothes, etc. If they come here, they should be similarly flexible, and accept our valuex to avoid the everyday tensions. (Non-Muslim n*ggers are way more successful in that.)
Quote from: CTG on June 05, 2013, 03:03:41 PM
Quote from: Usrin on June 05, 2013, 02:11:51 PM
Quote from: CTG on June 05, 2013, 12:50:05 PM
Are there any n*ggers in ARG?
I guess Alan Rotoi is a n*gger. Btw, the problems in Stockholm (Paris, London, etc.) are not with n*ggers, but rather with Muslim (mostly Arabic) people, and neither they are hated them because of colour of their skin. It is their religion and lifestyle which is not compatible with the Western society.
I already see some muslim terrorists looking for Usrin... :D
The mighty Slovaks will kick their ass. 8)
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 05, 2013, 05:38:08 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 05, 2013, 08:57:00 AMEurope es the worst society about discrimination.
Without large immigrant groups, it's easy to tell that. Btw, in Latin America it's the wealthy class which discriminates the poors of their own nation... What is the chance for a clever Argentinian child in an underclass family to go to university and have a good job?
I'm getting a bit tired of Islam also. It's like Christianity, but even more stupid (in practice. The books are about equally stupid.)
It's just a system of thought which - if strictly obeyed - restricts people and makes them suppress others. Looser interpretations of Islam (such as sufism and 'non-practicing') are far less annoying.
As far as I can see, cultural differences rooted in historical economic practices (ultimately rooted in geography and climate), and levels of economic affluency, control the strength of radicalization in a religious society. External circumstances like wars are also important.
As far as I can see, it's been 300 years since any popular branch of Christianity was as brutal and destructive as radical Islam is today. It might be 300 more years before those muslims calm down, and it might never happen at all.
To me, the battle is not between Islam and Christianity, nor is it between Islam and everything else. The battle is between humanism-relativism and aggressive absolutism of any kind, e.g. people who want to use violence to control other people's behaviour based on arbitrary ideas (Islam currently being the most important brand of this).
Don't forget Judaism and Zionism. The State of Israel born thanks to terrorism.
I don't think Judaism or Zionism is like that at all. Can you name one single instance of Jewish people killing others for not living up to the Jewish ideals, or of Jewish regimes suppressing citizens for following different ideals?
I'm very much against what Israel does in Palestine, the "security" policy of Israel and the settlements. But it's important to keep these things separated.
BJ you have to read about history. If you only see the holocaust from Jewish history you are wrong. Today David is Goliath.
Jewish terrorism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing
These are wikipedia articles, a 30 secs search.
Oh and this is from a month ago. Israel striked and killed 300 syrian (on syrian territory) meanwhile they are in civil war. A coward attack against them.
On the Alan/Usrin discussion...
Quote from: Usrin on June 05, 2013, 06:01:16 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 05, 2013, 05:38:08 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 05, 2013, 08:57:00 AMEurope es the worst society about discrimination.
Without large immigrant groups, it's easy to tell that. Btw, in Latin America it's the wealthy class which discriminates the poors of their own nation... What is the chance for a clever Argentinian child in an underclass family to go to university and have a good job?
...I'm not sure if it is possible to find out which continent "wins". There is a qualitative difference between eliminative racism (according to which the other group has no right of being "here", or of being at all, as in xenophobia and antisemitism) and subordinative racism (that is, when it is fine for the other to be "here" if kept in its place, as seen in places with a past of large-scale slavery like the USA or Brazil) which makes a direct comparison rather difficult.
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 05, 2013, 07:27:59 PM
Don't forget Judaism and Zionism. The State of Israel born thanks to terrorism.
Finally, something with which I agree. But what does it have to do with the Muslims in Europe? In Israel the situation is the opposite. It was the homeland of the Arabs, where in a normal world they could govern themselves. Instead of that, the Jews started to migrate there, and forced the Arabs to escape from their homes. But it doesn't give them the right for "occupying" Europe, forcing their rules and habits on us.
Btw, I know that Israel is the ancient homeland of the Jews - but imagine what would happen if all nations started to occupy the areas where their ancestors lived 2000 years ago. It's nonsense.
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 05, 2013, 10:27:05 PM
BJ you have to read about history. If you only see the holocaust from Jewish history you are wrong. Today David is Goliath.
Jewish terrorism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing
These are wikipedia articles, a 30 secs search.
Oh and this is from a month ago. Israel striked and killed 300 syrian (on syrian territory) meanwhile they are in civil war. A coward attack against them.
Okay, you have proven that Jewish religious terrorism does exists or has existed, and that there have been maybe 10 incidents since 1948. I don't think this is of any significance. Even Buddhist terrorism exists (see south east Asia). But Islam has a clear world record when it comes to inspiring people to commit violence. This is not because of anything ethnic, or because Islam is necessarily like this. It's because the Quran is full of evil, just like the Bible and the Torah, and because the cultures in which Islam thrives at the moment are for some reason poorer, less developed, and further out of the grasp of relativism and rationality, which leads to all the crap in the religious books turning into actual violence easier.
The case of Israel is special because their violence stems from nationalism, but the nation is founded on religion. Still, the difference is that it's not the people in Israel that are radicalized - it's the state that's radicalized, and in a political way, not a religious way. I blame the people for voting on the shit parties they vote for, but I don't think those same people would kill for their religion, censor criticism of their religion, ostracize family members for blasphemy, or sabotage scientific research for religious reasons.
Then the NATO, who puts its nose everywhere and now is giving weapons to the rebels in Syria, are the worst terrorist of the world. Oh wait, they go for democracy! Come on!
The case of Israel is different you say... sitting on 200 hundred nuclear weapons, and attacking A LOT of times since this state born to their neighbours. Did you read the articles I showed? Seems not. You have a partial view about it and you don't want to see what's happening.
And you are trying to minimize the fact that Israel is terrorist because they only "there have been maybe 10 incidents since 1948"? This is serious?
Quote from: CTG on June 06, 2013, 11:27:17 PM
Israel fans vs the rest of the world... LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE! ;D
And CTG is on the same side with Rotoi. :o Am I dreaming? HIHETETLEN!
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 06, 2013, 06:28:10 PM
The case of Israel is different you say... sitting on 200 hundred nuclear weapons, and attacking A LOT of times since this state born to their neighbours. Did you read the articles I showed? Seems not. You have a partial view about it and you don't want to see what's happening.
I don't think BJ is justifying the actions of the Israeli state, but merely pointing out that Zionism is not primarily driven by religion - Israel is no theocracy, after all. While that does not make Israeli aggression any more acceptable, there is a big difference from that to uncompromising interpretations of Islam, which add an outright political - yet transnational - dimension to religion.
I didn't say he's justifying, I said he is minimizing the facts with this: "there have been maybe 10 incidents since 1948. I don't think this is of any significance."
Yes, judging by the article links you put here, Jewish terrorism is very rare and insignificant.
I'm not talking about the violent actions of the Israeli regime. Those are terrible, similar to violence committed by the regimes of Sudan, North Korea, USA etc. That's the whole point. I'm trying to tell you that religions and states are not the same thing.
If you think I'm justifying Israel, you're seeing ghosts. Go start a fight in a bar instead.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on June 07, 2013, 10:11:52 AM
If you think I'm justifying Israel, you're seeing ghosts. Go start a fight in a bar instead.
Ok, for 3rd time: I know you are not justifying it. I know! I say you are minimizing the fact they are violent too when you say: "there have been maybe 10 incidents since 1948. I don't think this is of any significance."
Also they killed 300 syrian soldiers last month in a missile attack against this country that is in civil war. That's fair and brave huh! I can name a lot of attacks like this.
Online Dictionary:
Justify: to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable.
Minimize: to reduce or keep to a minimum.
Okay, once again:
When I say there have been about 10 incidents since 1948 and it's of no significance, I'm talking about Jewish terrorism, that is, violence targeting civilians, intended for maximal destruction and based directly on Jewish religious ideals. Tactical actions of the Israeli military, however disastrous, are not counted in this.
The state of Israel is one of the most violent states in the world, but it's not because the prime minister reads the Torah every evening and gets inspired to kill people in the morning.
The reason why it's important to remember the difference: these kinds of violence, while resulting in the same kinds of misery, occur for dramatically different reasons, and if we want to stop them, we need to work on it in two different ways.
Ok we are agree then. But, violence is violence. It doesn't matter if you have an aggressive interpretation of the Coran or if you read how to invade in People magazine.
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 09, 2013, 08:24:55 PM
Ok we are agree then. But, violence is violence. It doesn't matter if you have an aggressive interpretation of the Coran or if you read how to invade in People magazine.
That's right. Violence is violence. And when USA and others start talking about stopping dangerous regimes, they should stop Israel first, because they are much more dangerous than Iran.
Moreover, the change I want to make to the world, which is to introduce critical thinking, rationality and consciousness about their own fallibility in everyone, would eliminate islamic terrorism, but it would not eliminate Israel style state terrorism.
And how that change would be? What the ex terrorist would think/believe now?
Well, I just wish no one was so sure their ideology is correct that they're prepared to kill to defend it. Or to suppress others. If everyone was able to think critically, there would be no religion and no terrorism. However, there would still be lots of violence because people are poor and hopeless. Poverty is the most important thing to eliminate. The next thing is to bring education to the world.
Did you read "Utopia" by Thomas More (or Tomás Moro in Spanish)?
Actually no. I have it on my bookshelf though. Should I read it?
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on June 11, 2013, 10:35:20 AM
Actually no. I have it on my bookshelf though. Should I read it?
Definitely yes! As a matter of fact, as soon as I finish reading "The grand design" I'll read it again
Okay, I'll read a book about plant microbiology instead.
You'll never know what the other think if you stay in the "micro".
It was for BJ.
But I was only teasing CTG. Of course Utopia is much more important, unless you happen to be a botanist.
Mr. Poo, have you ever heard about Fernando Poo?
Quote from: CTG on June 28, 2013, 07:57:03 AM
Duplode is listening some classics... :o
(Wagner? Beethoven? Ouch! :D)
Also, It doesn't show in last.fm that at work I am listening to this (http://culturafm.cmais.com.br/guia-do-ouvinte) non-stop at work. Great music, and it does wonders to my concentration (with, say, rock music I would be too compelled to do counter-productive things such as following the lyrics, or else be forced to prepare a carefully manicured playlist of instrumentals).
Too bad for these people who translated my article into Latvian:
Not for me. I usually read there. Most of my life revealing insights and understandings come during shower time (I admit it takes me only 5-10 minutes to clean, but I take half an hour in the shower)
I still cannot understand how people can spend more than 2 minutes on the toilet.
Quote from: zaqrack on July 30, 2013, 10:01:34 PM
I still cannot understand how people can spend more than 2 minutes on the toilet.
Well, shitting needs a different amount of time depending on the type. The runny shit, along with the fast-outcoming, hard and consolidated one, can be out within 2 minutes (even within 1 minute), but there are some types (e.g. after eating chili beans) which demand even 15 minutes. And yes, it is the right place to bear some important thoughts there.
(Btw a friend of mine spends 15-20 minutes on the toilet on average per occasion. He often plays on his telephone some games there or makes telephone calls. A workmate of mine does the same.)
Other way: masturbation.
I read in the toilet. When I had more time in the past I read in the bathtub (google translate). I read there the 3 books of Foundation (Isaac Asimov), 2 books of Tales of Earthsea (Ursula Le Guin) and some other. 8)
Oh and two robot novels from Asimov too!
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 31, 2013, 05:31:28 PM
I read in the toilet. When I had more time in the past I read in the bathtub (google translate). I read there the 3 books of Foundation (Isaac Asimov), 2 books of Tales of Earthsea (Ursula Le Guin) and some other. 8)
Oh and two robot novels from Asimov too!
I also read on the toilet in most of the cases, for example I learn German there, or I play with Jackson-Livingstone type of books (especially a parody type of them). I also check there tourist maps or map of constellations.
I can also use the Internet there (home: WiFi, at my girlfriend's: extra long UTP cable). Sometimes I listen to music there on my phone+headset.
Quote from: CTG on July 27, 2013, 05:49:24 PM
Internet time travel: http://archive.org/web/web.php
And we will be there: http://archive.org/details/wiki-wikistuntshu
Yesterday evening a house exploded 2 streets from our Budapest flat. Supposedly there was a big explosion, but I was sleeping tight :)
Quote from: zaqrack on August 07, 2013, 09:06:50 AM
Yesterday evening a house exploded 2 streets from our Budapest flat. Supposedly there was a big explosion, but I was sleeping tight :)
And this happened yesterday in Rosario, Santa Fe. Apparently, there was a gas leak on a main pipe... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_IvUuI6HWg
~40-41°C in the southern northwestern part of the country. 40°C is already reached in Györ and Szombathely.
Quote from: CTG on August 08, 2013, 03:54:02 PM
Ouch... It is also horrible to leave or enter an air-conditioned building - the sudden +/- 15 degree change is shocking for the human body.
During winter you can almost every day experience this.
Quote from: alanrotoi on August 10, 2013, 09:32:10 PM
I was about to post the same thing...
Yes I like her since Spice Girls.
Spice Girls in order of fuckable:
2.Mel B
3.Mel C
5.The blond one.
(light-years gap)
Mel C
(Gap big enough to go from fuckable to non-fuckable)
Mel B
Quote from: CTG on August 12, 2013, 07:32:50 AM
Quote from: Chulk on August 11, 2013, 11:01:22 PM
(Gap big enough to go from fuckable to non-fuckable)
Mel B
You fuckin' racist!!! ;D
Wrong. There's no way I would skid a racist...
Being Shrödinger's 126º birthday, I post This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LITbqHprNL0) as a tribute to his work.
Nice! +1
1. Ginger
2. Sporty
3. Baby
4. Posh
5. Scary
I just couldn't help laughing at this...
China has replaced workday to Satruday and Sunday - sucks even more!
if you cut slacking time (e.g. forum browsing from work, facebook :)) your effective work time is not more than 6 hours anyway.
I would probably watch the video.
A happy country that backs and sent troops to Irak and Afghanistan invasions. Also backs a military strike against Syria. That's happyness.
I hope so. It's good to mark that. The government of 2001 sent troops to afghanistan, the government of 2003 sent troops to Irak and the present government is ok with another invasion against Syria this time, again out of UN regulations.
It's because we're happiness vampires. Other people's misery makes us happy. We're just getting happier and happier.
Quote from: CTG on September 11, 2013, 04:27:09 PM
Quote from: Chulk on January 14, 2008, 07:06:56 AM
Chulkj is drunbk after 7 50-50 Fernet Brsanca - Coke! B?OOFFF!!!!!!
My favorite post from Chulk. ;D
I wonder why was I drunk on a Sunday night... it was nobody's birthday or anything and I had to work the next day.
Quote from: CTG on September 11, 2013, 05:37:40 PM
Why would you need a special reason to get drunk?
I just do
Why do you need a special reason to get drunk, but you don't need a special reason to need a special reason to get drunk? ???
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on September 11, 2013, 06:44:57 PM
Why do you need a special reason to get drunk, but you don't need a special reason to need a special reason to get drunk? ???
This is a typical BJ post. :D
I must confess I don't get drunk since years :O Maybe since 2007 or 2008.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on September 11, 2013, 06:44:57 PM
Why do you need a special reason to get drunk, but you don't need a special reason to need a special reason to get drunk? ???
I'll clarify further. I don't like the feeling the next day after being drunk (not just a slight hangover but being completely wasted and unable to even move a finger without feeling dizzy and throwing up). So I don't drink much unless it's a special day for somebody close to me and the person is worth the awful feeling.
Would you get drunk if you win a zakstunts season?
Quote from: alanrotoi on September 12, 2013, 01:15:37 AM
I must confess I don't get drunk since years :O Maybe since 2007 or 2008.
1981 here 8)
You were too young to get drunk... oh wait.
Quote from: alanrotoi on September 12, 2013, 02:29:05 AM
Would you get drunk if you win a zakstunts season?
Of course I would!
Quote from: CTG on September 12, 2013, 07:37:47 AM
Sounds like mission impossible. ;D
Not really, I've got drunk before :D
"On Sundays, I procrastinate because it's Sunday. The rest of the week, I procrastinate because I'm a stallin slob."
Somebody made a video about Ghost Adventures in Zakstunts ;D
Scary, but to be fair, the numbers aren't particularly worse 2010-2012 than 2007-2010.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 31, 2013, 08:16:59 AM
Scary, but to be fair, the numbers aren't particularly worse 2010-2012 than 2007-2010.
All other 3 countries managed to improve, Hungarian data are the same.
And if we take into consideration that the price of food has risen since 2006 to double (or even higher), in 2006-07, the overhead expenses, especially heating expenses has risen at an exceptional rate, let alone the costs of public transport, which also became very expensive in 2006-07 (now people say the Slovakian public transport costs are 50% lower than here)... well, the situation is very dark here...
There's a saying that goes "better the devil you know". The Hungarian people should have remembered this in 2010. Or, as Usrin put it: Gyurcsány Férenc is a liar - Orbán Viktor is a liar AND and asshole. (forgive me if I spelled the names wrong).
I'm really sorry about what's happened to Hungary. Unfortunately we're seeing the same thing in other European countries. An inefficient left is booted in favour of a near-fascist, and also inefficient, right. But Hungary is the most extreme case because the nazi party also received 17% of the vote, versus 6,8 in Greece.
Quote from: CTG on October 31, 2013, 08:34:48 AM
Still, my favorite from György Matolcsy (former minister of economy, Fidesz): you can live great from 47000 HUF/month! (=160 EUR). No comment.
According to INDEC (the official statistics organization), we can eat a well-balanced diet for AR$200 a month (about 25 EUR). Beat that!
The minimum salary here is AR$3.300 (about 411,60 EUR).
Quote from: alanrotoi on November 01, 2013, 01:35:58 AM
The minimum salary here is AR$3.300 (about 411,60 EUR).
This would great if
a- everyone was paid this much (there is still a lot of people who work outside the system and are paid a lot less)
b- INDEC values were actually true, but a Kg of bread (nothing special, just regular bread) is 2,5 EUR
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 31, 2013, 03:27:53 PM
There's a saying that goes "better the devil you know". The Hungarian people should have remembered this in 2010. Or, as Usrin put it: Gyurcsány Férenc is a liar - Orbán Viktor is a liar AND and asshole. (forgive me if I spelled the names wrong).
I'm really sorry about what's happened to Hungary. Unfortunately we're seeing the same thing in other European countries. An inefficient left is booted in favour of a near-fascist, and also inefficient, right. But Hungary is the most extreme case because the nazi party also received 17% of the vote, versus 6,8 in Greece.
The same Nazi party is now campaigning for 2014 with love.
Love was important for the German nazi party and for contemporary nazis too. It is the kind of love which also involves hate. Love something (your fatherland or your ethnic group, for example), arbitrarily. Stoke the love with romantic imagery and made-up nostalgia, and incite one another to "fight for what you love" (which normally means "fight against what you hate", which means "fight against whatever stands in the way of the interests of what you love"). At this point, declare yourself an authority on what is the interest of your fatherland or your ethnic group. Now, use the "love" you share with millions of others to control these millions. Claim that people you don't like are acting against the "fatherland" or the "cherished culture" or something like that. Incite your comrades to "fight for what they love". You now have an army, millions strong, ready to attack whichever minorities you don't like or you feel threatened by.
This is also the explanation why voting with emotions instead of intellect results in Auschwitz.
Here in argentina therre are neonazis too. They are pathetic, think about it: they fight for an ideal ethnic, "the arian race" BUT MOST OF THEM (if not all) ARE LATIN AND SOUTHAMERICANS, so their ideal says they should be slaves or die. I cant understand them, but they are violent too.
Then you find nazis called " Maza", a spanish last name... where in which universe an arian would be have a spanish last name???? Are you stupid or something?? His blood is an insult already for them, why he fights for these ideals then? Its a mistery for me.
Jobbik is only a puppet party, they are not a real Nazi party, just stealing the votes from people who have enough of the system... Of course they are also a reason to shout at us that we are a Nazi country, while we are not more Nazi than the western countries...
Quote from: Akoss Poo on November 08, 2013, 11:41:45 AM
Jobbik is only a puppet party, they are not a real Nazi party, just stealing the votes from people who have enough of the system... Of course they are also a reason to shout at us that we are a Nazi country, while we are not more Nazi than the western countries...
So what you mean is that Jobbik's voters don't actually agree with Jobbik's nazi policies, but are only voting for them to protest against the 'established' system?
By the way, your quote reminds me of this dialogue from the movie Cabaret:
"The Nazis are just a gang of stupid hooligans, but they do serve a purpose. Let them get rid of the Communists. Later we'll be able to control them."
"But who exactly is 'we'?"
"Germany, of course."
Many clever people know that Jobbik is only a puppet party or something like this, the reason is what CTG said about Vona and Morvai. They are not Nazi. The main reason of the increasing number of Jobbik voters is that the people are disappointed with MSzP and Fidesz politics. They don't want to see them again. Jobbik promises a radical change. Radical parties always become more popular when there's trouble in a country, this is taught in school, and this is true. They promise to the people what people want to see: changes. Okay, that would include the uniting of all Hungarians inside and outside our borders and they would terminate the positive discriminacy of the ethnics (...) living here... but that's far from Nazism. Canada and France could even expel gypsies from their country... then who is Nazi in your opinion?
yes i love synthpop but i would not go this far :)
Hobbit is nazi, so Sauron was the good guy?
Quote from: alanrotoi on November 08, 2013, 09:42:16 PM
Hobbit is nazi, so Sauron was the good guy?
I'd probably vote Sauron over Jobbik. At least Sauron is fair. He wants to bring evil to the whole world, not just the ethnic groups he doesn't like.
Did you know this day is called and celebrated as singles' day in China? It started as a day for singles and ended up in a shopping craze in the past years.
Interesting! I'm getting in my Google Earth capsule and going there immediately!
Maybe it's the numbers are fake because it's just a Chinese publicity stunt. I wouldn't put it past them...
I built a track for France Stunts called "French Antarctic Territory" :D
Everybody is faster than that.
Buenos Aires major Mauricio Macri paid about half a million dollars for that stupid show...
two to go but today will surely seem extra long... management party yesterday ::)
Well, I don't have any complaints. There were the three of us only, we had some good food and jokes then my boss took us a to a strip club. ::) I honestly thought I will not like it but it was quite fun.
(yes, my wife knows where we went and she is completely fine with it - a good wife indeed 8))
Haha indeed!
How many days of holydays you have?
Happy Holidays from Oregon USA!!
This how we gather Christmas trees here lol, it needs the Airwolf theme song.
There you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDsv-sZbulw
PS: That's some really cool method!
Quote from: alanrotoi on December 20, 2013, 01:30:58 PM
Haha indeed!
How many days of holydays you have?
around ten pubic holidays for everyone and 20-30 vacation days depending on age and number of children.
You are ver lucky.
I have 25 dec and 1st jan, then I work as usual :( Only 2 days.
Quote from: CTG on December 28, 2013, 04:33:01 AM
Why am I awake? :-\
I was just wondering the same thing...
¿Será CTG el Fantasma de la B?
I wrote it in correct spanish just for you :)
Quote from: CTG on December 28, 2013, 05:00:59 AM
Maybe the X-mas food... it fucked up my stomach. :D (addition: I had a nice chat with an xy years old chick)
At least that means we can be sure she's not 11...
Didn't know you liked old ladies :D
Quote from: alanrotoi on December 28, 2013, 08:17:43 AM
¿Será CTG el Fantasma de la B?
Y ya lo ve, y ya lo ve...
Quote from: CTG on December 29, 2013, 04:15:10 PM
Well, I'm 30. It would be a "bit" weird to hunt for 14 years old girls.
Not to mention illegal...
That's what Atila said :D
Quote from: CTG on December 31, 2013, 11:31:57 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on December 31, 2013, 03:46:39 AM
That's what Atila said :D
Atilla, the hun? (the hun nation has no relation with hungarians...)
He has. Due to political efforts in the past 2 centuries, now we are related to Finnish and Estonian people... but we have the most in common with the Turkish. Still they (the Turkish) consider us their close relatives, and mention the name of Attila to us as our ancestor.
Many Chinese believe Hungarians are descendants of the Hun people who were chased away from western-China a few hundred years before we arrived to the Carpathian basin.
I happen to believe you're all descendants of some guy named Gary.
Quote from: CTG on January 01, 2014, 01:47:01 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 01, 2014, 05:49:41 AM
I have to agree.
Sorry, I have to correct this. What I actually meant was BÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖFFFFFFF !!!!
Where is the Turkish language? Btw: http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%B6r%C3%B6k_nyelv (Btw somewhere I read before that even the Finnish and Estonian language has something to do with Turkish languages.)
Romanian is a created latin-like language, they are relatives of the Albanians, as it can be seen in the figure. The intermediate language: http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arom%C3%A1n_nyelv (So they has nothing to do with ancient Romans, and the daco-roman continuity is a lie.)
I love philology
Of course :D
Quote from: CTG on January 08, 2014, 11:51:14 AM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on December 31, 2013, 09:19:45 PM
Quote from: CTG on December 31, 2013, 11:31:57 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on December 31, 2013, 03:46:39 AM
That's what Atila said :D
Atilla, the hun? (the hun nation has no relation with hungarians...)
He has. Due to political efforts in the past 2 centuries, now we are related to Finnish and Estonian people... but we have the most in common with the Turkish. Still they (the Turkish) consider us their close relatives, and mention the name of Attila to us as our ancestor.
But still... :D (the map shows nothing about origins, only about the similarities between each languages)
This map is everything but not exact... Is Hungarian closer to Latvian than to German based on the vocabulary? :o
Btw, it is always forgotten that relationship between languages has nothing to do with genetical relationship between people. Compare the looks of Akoss Poo and Kimi Räikkönen, and you'll see that Hungarians and Finns definitely had different ancestors. Hungarian and Turkish faces generally look way more similar. But it is very possible that ancient Hungarians and Finns lived close to each other 1500-2000 years ago, and their languages strongly influenced each other. So I don't believe that defining Hungarian as a Finno-Ugrian language is a political conspiration. It is a valid scientific theory - but only in linguistics, and not in genetics or history.
Why there isn't a topic about Lise on TV, yet?
seems TV2 to me
I knew it! I said it only 3 years ago: she'll be on TV within 5 years.
I'm so proud of her. She's come so far.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 16, 2014, 11:28:14 AM
I knew it! I said it only 3 years ago: she'll be on TV within 5 years.
I'm so proud of her. She's come so far.
So am I :)
Oh, I see this is what Zak meant. What is she doing on TV?
I'm not sure exactly what she was doing there, but she's doing a Ph.D. on gender culture and Lady Gaga, so probably talking about something to that effect. Probably something about portrayal of women in the media and its effect on how women think of themselves. The show she was on is an everyday-life talk show kind of thing where they invite all sorts of people. Semi-famous people, people who have been through something unusual, and also 'experts', which I think Lise was.
So this was a one-time thing. I thought she was a journalist or something (weirdly enough, the idea of her being an actress never crossed my mind)
No, it must have been a one-off. But I think she will be back before long...
I have many customers in Europe and I like when they are from your countries. For example I'm writing a letter to a customer in Vanlose, Denmark. I had some customers from Denmark but never from Aarhus.
About Hungarian customers they're all from Budapest. Lithuanians are (or "is" I don't remember more than one) from Vilnius, not from Klaipeda.
Where are you from dreadnaut? I send letters regularly to Italy but I don't know where are you :D
And the Brazilian guys, Renato is from Sao Paulo I guess and I don't know about Dups.
Vanløse is just 5 km from where I'm sitting. My roommate lived in Buenos Aires for more than a year total though, so I already felt close to you...
Nice! Why he lived here a year? Where (in the city) and how was his experience?
Quote from: CTG on May 27, 2014, 09:13:30 AM
Maybe he wanted to taste fernet... ;D
I don't think so. If he had tasted fernet he would have never left
CTG, will you be there? ;D 8)
OMG! I should be there!!
I can imagine you talking to the car. ;D
Quote from: CTG on June 18, 2014, 02:49:33 PM
Now it's possible (and probably easy) to create text based adventure games, like Szakadt Csöves '88. Akoss Poo should dig up his old idea about the Ultimate WSM Game... ;D
LOL! That is absolutely superb!!! If I have time, I'll create my game! :-)
I'm selling some stamps from Lajtabansak in 1922 :)
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 27, 2014, 07:39:46 PM
I'm selling some stamps from Lajtabansak in 1922 :)
Lajtabánság. That's in Austria.
Yes, now it's on Austria, but it was Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1922.
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 27, 2014, 08:40:25 PM
Yes, now it's on Austria, but it was Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1922.
And was the Hungarian part of Austria-Hungary before the nation-killer Treaty of Trianon (1920).
Another letter to Hungary. This time to Szolnok. :)
Well, first of all we should keep in mind that a week is a sequence of seven days: Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday . It's okay if you start the sequence on another day than Monday. Wednesday-Wednesday is still a week. The first and last day in the sequence don't have to be full days of 24 hours either. But you can't piece together a week out of small time-bits from who knows what days and claim you have a week just because it amounts to the same amount of time as seven days. I don't think you can even call it 14 days. A day is celestial event. It is a revolution of the Earth.
It's true that if I were to catch up with Chulk as fast as possible, imagining that he stayed completely offline, the time I would have to spend online, starting now, would be 14 revolutions of the Earth. But that is only academic. Chulk comes online from time to time, and realistically my online time will be split into random bits on random days.
It would be more correct to talk of online time in hours because hours are more arbitrary. Their primary significance is as units of blunt time.
In any case, it's very complicated.
"Is very difficult" Tevez said.
I can hardly think of anything more pointless to do.
Yes well I deleted the message before your response.
I was wondering how would be called our personal football clubs. I.e. Panathinakoss or Argammonaco :D
I'm cooking veal stew with boiled potatoes! I'm drinking wine! I'm listening to various music! I'm watching a football match! This is my last night without a common-law partner!
I usually drink only water but today I bought peach juice ^_^. Yay!
Send your best replay to Akoss just in case. :D
Another letter to Hungary. This time to Vecsés :)
Thank you! I like the details :)
Quote from: Akoss Poo on August 09, 2014, 10:03:27 PM
I'm cooking veal stew with boiled potatoes! I'm drinking wine! I'm listening to various music! I'm watching a football match! This is my last night without a common-law partner!
I hope it doesn't mean that this was your last night with the listed activities!
(If it does, then CTG correctly defined you as
papucs.) ;)
Quote from: Usrin on August 15, 2014, 11:37:45 AM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on August 09, 2014, 10:03:27 PM
I'm cooking veal stew with boiled potatoes! I'm drinking wine! I'm listening to various music! I'm watching a football match! This is my last night without a common-law partner!
I hope it doesn't mean that this was your last night with the listed activities!
(If it does, then CTG correctly defined you as papucs.) ;)
Ildi would break up with me if I were 'papucs'. Of course I will do the listed activities in the future, too!
Another letter to Hungary. This time to Fazekas street, Budapest :D
Wow another letter to Hungary! It goes to Veszprém.
Tell me something about this city :)
Quote from: alanrotoi on August 29, 2014, 06:16:38 PM
Wow another letter to Hungary! It goes to Veszprém.
Tell me something about this city :)
My ex-girlfriend was born and lived there. It's a nice town between the mountains of Bakony with 60,000 inhabitants.
Quote from: alanrotoi on August 29, 2014, 06:16:38 PM
Wow another letter to Hungary! It goes to Veszprém.
Tell me something about this city :)
pleasant small town in the Bakony mountains. The name of the city means "buy fur"
Buy bananas from Ecuador :P
They sell them even in Japan!
Quote from: CTG on September 05, 2014, 12:04:26 PM
Have you ever suffered from sudden calf cramp (getting worse and worse despite of the usual cramp-killer exercises) during an important work meeting with bosses? It must be the effect of energy drinks...
Chilli, chilli, chilli beans in pina!!! ;D 8)
Did you know the biggest flying object that flew over Buenos Aires was Graf Zeppelin (LZ 127) in 1934?
Letters to unusual countries today: Dominican Republic and Bahrain.
Quote from: CTG on September 05, 2014, 12:04:26 PM
Have you ever suffered from sudden calf cramp (getting worse and worse despite of the usual cramp-killer exercises) during an important work meeting with bosses? It must be the effect of energy drinks...
Sometimes, but not during an important work meeting with bosses. It can be prevented with taking magnesium - maybe there's something in energy drinks which decreases its absorption in the body? (I never drink energy drinks, but I have cramps without extra Mg - due to the extremely soft Norwegian tap water.)
Today's rare destinations: Reunion and Slovenia :o
I love Slovenia. 8)
Quote from: zaqrack on September 29, 2014, 02:44:42 PM
I love Slovenia. 8)
Not a bad place, but Slovakia is even better. :D
Usrin The Slovak
So far, Slovakia is my favourite country starting with "Slov". Uruguay is my favourite country ending with "guay".
What about Paraguay? "guay" is a Guaraní word.
Rare destination letters for today: Bahrain, India.
Also there is a letter to Rødovre, Denmark.
PS: About Guarani people, their mythology and legends are very interesting.
If you're interested: Rødovre is a Copenhagen suburb - it's a "working class" neighborhood, made up of half desolate tower blocks and half small houses with privet hedges. It's cut up by motorways and big access roads.
I can't think of anything notable ever having happened in Rødovre, but it lies just next to Hvidovre, which is home to the club that fostered Peter Schmeichel (before he went to Brøndby and then Manchester United).
Thank you! I love when you add info about the cities. :D
Say no to biszembaszom!!!
Rare destinations for today: Guatemala, China (it's not unusual customers from China but I guess it's the first time I send a letter to Zhenjiang). Zak, something to say about this city? :)
Unfortunately there are post offices susceptible to robbery. Most of Central American and the worst by far is Costa Rica. Middle East has a big problem too. There are unlikely chances to reach a letter to a customer from Oman. Other countries India, Thailand, China in a lower rate, (let's see Brunei if the letter I sent last week arrives). From Europe I only remember a trouble with deustche post, they lost a letter.
All the letters with a registered number to track them of course.
When I'm doing that work I play a game trying to guess where is from the customer only reading his name. For example a Spanish name would be a customer from Spanish speaking countries but also may be from USA. Slavic names are hard to guess too. And of course the last twist is that for example a guy called "Gomez" (a classic Spanish last name) would buy from Norway, an immigrant or descendant of immigrants, who knows :D
I just realized that the Madrid's subway station "Concha Espina" makes sense.
Argentina: Concha = pussy
(in spanish) Es = Is
Hungary: Pina = pussy
PS: yeah, bored at work ;D
Good point. However, I think it's wrong. Pussy is not pussy.
What is pussy if it's not pussy then? :D
BTW no rare destinations so far.
Well, pina is rather equal to cunt. Pussy is rather "PUNCI".
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 06, 2014, 05:56:51 PM
What is pussy if it's not pussy then? :D
It varies. Sometimes it's one thing, sometimes a completely other thing.
OK haha
Unusual destination today: Lebanon!
Also I sent a letter to Lithuania :)
It's for a neighbor from Vilnius :)
Sampi (you know, my former Stunts pipsqueak cousin who lives now in Copenhagen) has a very nice girlfriend from Kaunas Lithuania. I met her on my brother's (you know, Umberto Ácsó, former Stunts pipsqueak) wedding. My brother's wife is not from Lithuania though.
It reminds me of Alvyda :D
Oooh! You play hard bad boy!
Unusual destination: Uruguay! Yes, it's on the other side of the river but I don't send letters there. We usually go there or they come here :D
None rare destinations today.
I have a letter to Budapest ALAPÉRTELMEZÉS. What it means?
I don't know. The letter goes to Street, "Budapest, ALAPÉRTELMEZÉS" and then the ZIP code. That's all I know :D
Oh :( I expected something better :D
Maybe it's not part of the adress but maybe the site translated a non-filled address space as "default" or "ALAPÉRTELMEZÉS".
Pictures! :)
I'm almost sure I don't appear in street view. I should watch a couple of places yet but I won't be there :(
BTW watch Carlos Thays Botanic Garden, I love this place. It's the most peaceful place in Buenos Aires. It's in the middle of high traffic avenues but only few metters inside and you can't hear the city sounds.
Quote from: CTG on November 03, 2014, 10:36:57 AM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on November 01, 2014, 05:50:06 PM
Pictures! :)
It's useless because human faces are blurred in Google Street View.
I don't care about your face. I just think the situation could be interesting to see.
Nice. Did you notice the car? It seems like you're looking at it.
Should I go pretending I'm interested in the house and seduce her?
I'll talk her about my stunts titles, she'll fall in love instantly. Her husband is a rockstar, but what girls like more a rockstar or a stunts pipsqueak? :D
You should challenge her husband to a game of Daytona 500.
Yeah! Daytona USA and guitar hero :D
I've never played Guitar Hero but I guess it should be his game :D
I played guitar for a summer about 15 years ago. No stallin clue how this shit sounds :D
I'm cooking bean soup! There will be farting in the evening! :-)
This is a useless post. I am writing it on my sister-in-law's iPad because I'm minding her kids while she's seeing Morrissey. <3 Morrissey.
As I sit down to write useless things, I find myself more inclined to write sentimental stuff but I won't. There's a toy zebra standing on the floor before me. Zebras have three things going for them:
1) they look cool and easily capture the eye.
2) their name starts with a Z and is catchy
3) the Norwegian zebra song
Because of these things, zebras are a lot more popular than, say, buffalos or wildebeests. In this way, zebras enter the brand economy of humans because humans are such a powerful species. However, it's not certain that this benefits zebras at all. It's fairly certain that no zebras are walking around the savannah feeling proud because there are toy zebras like this one being made in their image. In this regard, zebras resemble indians and pirates. Everyone wants to dress up like indians and pirates at costume parties, but does that help actual indians and pirates at all? Not at all. Indians are still living in reservations and pirates are being shot down from battleships. It's hollow love. Something you love only for your own sake, playing a game with yourself.
Quote from: CTG on November 09, 2014, 11:05:46 PM
Sure. Polar bears are not cute at all. They would fuckin' kill you.
Don't be affraid, in the following 2-10 years the North pole may be ice free in Summer.
How a locked animal would funcking kill you?
Maybe you deserve it if you pay to watch that aberrant and Medieval situation. ;D
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on November 09, 2014, 10:59:48 PM
Indians are still living in reservations
You mean Native Americans or actual Indians?
I mean native Americans. I didn't say "native Americans" because nobody ever dressed like a native American at a costume party. The post-colonial stereotype of 'Indian' is the point in what I'm saying.
It's kinda embarrasing to be dressed like this. Unless it's a different kind of party :D
BTW How the hell he's dressed like that?? This is a Yámana (an exterminated ethnic in XIX century) from Tierra del Fuego island, the most southern land in the continent (and in the world until Antactic continent). It's 55ºS, it's stallin freezing and he's naked just like that.
PS: Ok maybe he's like that only when he's fishing, but I can't be like that here at winter.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on November 11, 2014, 06:31:46 PM
I mean native Americans. I didn't say "native Americans" because nobody ever dressed like a native American at a costume party. The post-colonial stereotype of 'Indian' is the point in what I'm saying.
I thought that was what you meant, but I wanted to make sure.
What's better, 1st place or last place? :D
Ohhh... it's maniacs, not Manic
Hello, Leo Ramone!
Good to see you - and a great song to re-introduce yourself with.
How are you?
What are you doing?
Did you hear Ride is regrouping?
Best regards
Bonzai Joe
Here's one of my favourite Manics songs:
Tsunami is a great song.
How are you?
I'm fine
What are you doing?
I'm unemployed after several years.
Did you hear Ride is regrouping?
Yes, Ride is back. PLEASE RIDE COME TO BRAZIL. (maybe in Arena da Baixada... Ok... Jokers or 92 is OK).
My experiences:
lottery: never spent money on it. when i was a child, my mom asked me to fill one a few times. once i won 39 HUF on it with two hits (that was enough to eat cca. two four-bulb ice-creams those times).
totó: I filled it three times during my teen years. all four times i had 9 hits...
btw this 37-38-39-40-45 series was a talking topic today even at my workplace...
As far as I can calculate, the probability of a 5-in-a-row series in a game with 6 numbers is about 1 in 40,000. If we subtract the probabilities of all the other possible combinations that would be considered incredible (2-4-6-8-10-x, 3,14,15,9,26,x, 1,2,3,4,7,9 etc.) and divide by the number of draws that have been made in this lottery throughout history, we'll probably end up at around 2.
I only played Casino roulette in Bariloche.
I only played brazilian Mega-Sena: 6/60
Quote from: Akoss Poo on January 05, 2015, 08:01:38 PM
totó: I filled it three times during my teen years. all four times i had 9 hits...
That's one hell of a feat to accomplish!!
On the bus stop: this name of the character on card:
Thinking about the life: one of my driving instructors in 2004 looks alike Smokin' Joe Stalin.
Bonzai Joe, the fashion model :D I saw his picture in a mall last weekend.
Don't be jealous :D
We are almost 32 (me three or four days before you)
A caiman inception!
(Caiman is jacaré in portuguese and the nickname of bodysurf in Brazil is jacaré too, because looks like a caiman)
If portuguese used the same translate of european spanish Huguinho, Zezinho e Luisinho would be Joãozinho, Jorginho e Jaiminho.
Quote from: CTG on February 10, 2015, 07:50:30 PM
German Language Compared to other Languages:
Okay, the Hungarian is also quite unique:
aeroplane = repülögép (the "ö" is a long one, but this forum cannot display that character)
surprise = meglepetés
butterfly = pillangó
pen = toll
daisy = százszorszép
ambulance = mentöautó (long "ö" again)
science = természettudomány
hippopotamus = víziló
sex = szex
sorry = elnézést
hospital = kórház
Cinderella = Hamupipöke (long "ö" again)
canary = kanári
In brazilian portuguese
aeroplane = avião
surprise = surpresa
butterfly = borboleta
pen = caneta
daisy = margarida
ambulance = ambulância
science = ciência
hippopotamus = hipopótamo
sex = sexo
sorry = sinto muito/desculpa(s)
hospital = hospital
Cinderella = Cinderela
canary = canário
Quote from: CTG on February 10, 2015, 07:50:30 PM
Cinderella = Hamupipöke (long "ö" again)
Is the long "ö" sound similar of "Poo" in Akoss' nick?
No. Poo is Pú
In Spanish:
aeroplane = avión / aeroplano (less used)
surprise = sorpresa
butterfly = mariposa ???
pen = lapicera
daisy = margarita
ambulance = ambulancia
science = ciencia
hippopotamus = hipopótamo
sex = sexo
sorry = lo siento
hospital = hospital
Cinderella = Cenicienta
canary = canario
Quote from: Chulk on February 11, 2015, 06:13:32 PM
In Spanish:
aeroplane = avión / aeroplano (less used)
surprise = sorpresa
butterfly = mariposa ???
pen = lapicera
daisy = margarita
ambulance = ambulancia
science = ciencia
hippopotamus = hipopótamo
sex = sexo
sorry = lo siento
hospital = hospital
Cinderella = Cenicienta
canary = canario
In portuguese exists mariposa too, but it's a wider concept. All borboletas are mariposas, but not all mariposas are borboletas.
Just to have where get this image
Goal vs Brazil in the World Cup quarter final. The last glory days of the Danish national team.
The first goal was scored by Martin Jørgensen who has just retired at the age of 38 after playing his last four seasons for his youth club, AGF. Brian Laudrup retired when he was young and is now doing ads and expert commentary.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on February 17, 2015, 03:38:04 PM
Goal vs Brazil in the World Cup quarter final. The last glory days of the Danish national team.
The first goal was scored by Martin Jørgensen who has just retired at the age of 38 after playing his last four seasons for his youth club, AGF. Brian Laudrup retired when he was young and is now doing ads and expert commentary.
I made this celebration several times
Gayskol? Then look this gay episode :D
Krys Toff would love this diagram for sure. :D
However, I like the massage related bullshit. I don't believe it works, but the massage itself is great.
Great graph! All of those things really are complet bullshit. The only two that I have a little respect for are:
Feng Shui: It should not be understood literally, more like mythology. As I understand it, it's common sense advice with supernatural reasoning, like monster stories for kids. Interior design is an area that has not been properly researched yet.
Automatic writing: can be a great way to find out what's going on in your own mind, and that's a valuable thing. Of course it has nothing to do with objective truth.
I'm quiet interested in some of them. Believe? None. Respect? To most of them. Against? Those who are against the human integrity like Anti-Vaccination (stallin jerks, this is the biggest nonsense just like veganism. If you want to apply to yourself it's OK but it's a crime to obligate your kids to this. These people should be in jail.) and of course those who earn profit from the others faith.
Chinese country names are also interesting.
Only a few countries of the world have "talking" names in Chinese, most are just something close in pronunciation, without a specific meaning.
Some talking names:
Germany = deguo = land of the brave
UK = yingguo = land of the heroes
USA = meiguo = beautiful land
France = faguo = land of the laws
Russia = eguo = land of the hungry
Hungary = xiaongyali = barbarians with sharp teeth
and of course China = zhongguo = middle kingdom
some non-talking name examples:
Denmark = Danmai
Italy = Yidali
Argentina = Aigenting
Brazil = Baxi
Brasil is a tree.
In portuguese, Peru is turkey (animal), and Turkey (country) is Turquia.
Not a country but in spanish "Laponia" = "La ponía" has sexual meaning :D
I know how to say three things in Hungarian:
1. "Your mother is a bítch, fùck you!"
(Kurva anyád, baszd meg)
2. "I like to fart"
(Én szeret fingani)
3. "I would like a (bottle of) sour cream"
(Kerek szépen egy tejföl)
I wonder what kind of conversation I could hold with just these phrases. How long could I pretend I was fluent by using just these three phrases? What would I do if I went on a date with a Hungarian girl who spoke no English at all?
Actually I think your Danish vocabulary would get you further in Denmark than my Hungarian vocabulary would get me in Hungary. As long as you stay in bars with really drunk people and also learn to say "skål" (cheers).
CTG, don't you know FISSE??? :D
Quote from: CTG on February 26, 2015, 11:25:36 AM
csapolt sör = beer from tap
draught beer
Btw it's also useful to drink Unicum (spirit with herbs, 40% alcohol) at pubs!
Quote from: CTG on February 26, 2015, 01:00:37 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 26, 2015, 12:48:48 PM
Quote from: CTG on February 26, 2015, 11:25:36 AM
csapolt sör = beer from tap
draught beer
I've already seen a few Hungarian pubs with "Beer from tap" or "Tapped beer" on the drink list.
That's something like FRIED POTATOES IN HAWK for héjában sült krumpli... That was also on a menu card...
Fried potatoes in hawk is honestly one of the funniest improper food translations but nobody beats the Chinese in this!
Quote from: CTG on February 26, 2015, 01:34:51 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 26, 2015, 01:12:34 PM
That's something like FRIED POTATOES IN HAWK for héjában sült krumpli... That was also on a menu card...
Not exactly, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_tap
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.
Quote from: Akoss Poo on February 26, 2015, 01:44:03 PM
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.
You need help.
Quote from: zaqrack on February 26, 2015, 01:20:03 PM
Fried potatoes in hawk is honestly one of the funniest improper food translations but nobody beats the Chinese in this!
Huahauhauahuahauhauahuahauhauhauhauahauhauahuahuahauhauahauhauhauahuahauhauahau... (a breath) .. hauhauahuahuahauahuahuahauahuahauhauahauhauahauhauhauahau... (another breath) hauahuahauhauhauahauhauahuahauhuhuahuahauahaua...
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on February 26, 2015, 11:03:12 AM
Actually I think your Danish vocabulary would get you further in Denmark than my Hungarian vocabulary would get me in Hungary. As long as you stay in bars with really drunk people and also learn to say "skål" (cheers).
I think CTG would rather like to impress teenager Danish girls. For that, I can recommend something like "har du lyst til å fjerte, spis masse bønner". :)
Quote from: CTG on February 27, 2015, 01:34:43 PM
3, I'm too lazy to open Google Translator, but I guess fjerte means something pervert and/or disgusting. ;D
If you find it disgusting, then you're really too old now. :) But maybe it's not an existing Danish word anyway. (Just checked Google Translate, and it is recognised only in Norwegian.)
Quote from: CTG on February 27, 2015, 02:28:43 PM
Quote from: Usrin on February 27, 2015, 02:10:50 PM
Quote from: CTG on February 27, 2015, 01:34:43 PM
3, I'm too lazy to open Google Translator, but I guess fjerte means something pervert and/or disgusting. ;D
If you find it disgusting, then you're really too old now. :) But maybe it's not an existing Danish word anyway. (Just checked Google Translate, and it is recognised only in Norwegian.)
Damn, it's so similar to the English word and I did not recognize it... ::)
More hints: spise=speisen (German), bønner=beans (English). :)
That looks like a living creature! A shit-coloured snake, reaching for its prey. :-)
Quote from: Akoss Poo on March 06, 2015, 08:38:36 PM
That looks like a living creature! A shit-coloured snake, reaching for its prey. :-)
No, that is a real poo :o
Quote from: CTG on March 07, 2015, 06:25:22 PM
Noodles made of chickpeas flour sucks... ::)
Quote from: CTG on March 07, 2015, 10:53:43 PM
you did a cat scan of your brain? How nice.
To be fair, that's a whole lot harder for Zak because you make 20-50 times as many posts as he does. So if you settle for ignoring each other, you should offer him some kind of compensation for the extra ignore-work he has to do.
It's not unlikely that you logged on as a guest and viewed that topic a lot of times, just so you could make that post.
Quote from: CTG on March 08, 2015, 07:07:48 PM
Okay, I don't want to enter in a useless personal shit throwing show. If we consider the skills, Zak is smart enough. But it has nothing to do with the fact that we are disgusted by eachother.
What about simply ignoring eachother?
I am not disgusted, just feel sorry for you. Feel free to ignore all my posts.
Then CTG is just like Gollum! Multiple personalities, the people feels sorry for him so nobody kills (ban in this case) him...
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 10, 2015, 05:34:49 AM
Then CTG is just like Gollum! Multiple personalities, the people feels sorry for him so nobody kills (ban in this case) him...
Except his other personalities agree with him 100% of the time
They found this outside ZCT163 track:
Thanks god Disney ignore us
Gaucho Goof (1943) is a story from the Pampas
Yep and I loved it in my childhood. The best from disney was ducktales. I didn't miss an episode :D
Brazilian opening for Duck Tales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxhK8Tp7ejA
Who sings is Luiz Ricardo, an actor who made one of the Bozo Clowns of brazilian Bozo version.
Black metal band
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 21, 2015, 12:57:57 AM
Thanks god Disney ignore us
Eastern Europe is also well under-represented.
Quote from: zaqrack on March 26, 2015, 03:26:05 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 21, 2015, 12:57:57 AM
Thanks god Disney ignore us
Eastern Europe is also well under-represented.
Only with Anastasia and Hotel Transilvanya.
Brazil is only with Rio and Rio 2, only because have a brazilian director on the studio and he made two cartoons about brazilian birds.
For the people are not from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (!?): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pampas and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaucho
There is a place of Gaucho Culture: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centro_de_Tradi%C3%A7%C3%B5es_Ga%C3%BAchas (only in portuguese)
There is an uruguayan born brazilian singer (I'm surprised what he was only naturalized brazilian in 2009) http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ga%C3%BAcho_da_Fronteira who had a song covered by Engenheiros do Hawaii, a band from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul's capital, and remembers my childhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOaVhEI7_8s
Isn't "Big Hero 6" city (San Fransokyo) a fictional place?
Graffitti in São Paulo:
Is this real world?
Game of Thrones opening with capitals of brazilian northeastern region: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j39vlmqLqig
OK I can't sleep- There are some mosquitoes that I couldn't kill all and in my patio there is a bug that makes a very loud noise similar of a cricket but constant. I have a stallin jungle tonight!!!!
Such nights can be so long. But maybe you'll wake up having done an epic trick on ZCT165.
I couldn't sleep because of incredible amounts of snot in my head. Forgot to appreciate the absence of mosquitos.
Quote from: alanrotoi on April 21, 2015, 09:20:37 AM
OK I can't sleep- There are some mosquitoes that I couldn't kill all and in my patio there is a bug that makes a very loud noise similar of a cricket but constant. I have a stallin jungle tonight!!!!
Play with your dick, and after orgasm, you'll be tired and relaxed enough to fall asleep soon.
A name (there are a lot of regional names) of mosquito in brazilian portuguese is pernilongo, and we make a lot of pun with "picada do pernilongo" (mosquito's sting) with "picadura do pênis longo" (a pun with "sting" and "hard cock" of long penis).
The another name of generical mosquitoes: carapanã, muriçoca, sovela, mosquito-prego.
It's stallin autumn there shouldn't be mosquitoes. And the other stallin noisy bug I couldn't find is as stubborn as a human being.
Result: 3 hours of sleep, a wall full of shoe marks and a bad mood. Now it's funny but definitely it wasn't last night.
Incredible pictures from Calbuco volcano eruption 2 days ago:
Quote from: alanrotoi on April 24, 2015, 05:24:06 PM
Incredible pictures from Calbuco volcano eruption 2 days ago:
It's like my stomach when I eat beans.
There are several towns and cities under the ashes. I hope it won't get worse.
Bariloche is one of this cities.
For the Argentinian pipsqueaks
Chimarrão is also a drink from southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná). The cool version, Tereré, is popular on northern Argentina, Paraguay, Western region Paraná and Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul states.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on April 24, 2015, 09:51:11 PM
For the Argentinian pipsqueaks
Nice mate drinking! How did you drink sweet or bitter?
Mate is a great companion for desk jobs, writing, reading, studying, etc. And of course for sharing with friends :)
Mate is the name of Chimarrão on Argentina. In Brazil is only bitter.
I've only tasted this one variant, so I'm not quite sure. I think/hope it's the bitter one, though :-)
I have a night shift at the hotel reception tonight and I'm feeling good.
Bitter is better ;D
I didn't know you work in a hotel!
It's my new part time job to help me afford my bohême lifestyle. I work at night but it's a really big hotel so there's lots to do.
Of course right now I do have time to write this message, but still :-)
what does a boheme lifestyle comprise?
I have the same question. What or how is a XXI century boheme?
In my case, it's a question of waking up and not knowing what I'm going to do today. Maybe working on an article. Maybe writing something else. Maybe spending the entire day in the "studio" working on a song. Maybe just taking a really long walk or bike ride. Maybe not getting out of bed. Maybe posting on the Stunts forum. Now I've signed up for a "creative" office community where I'll sit in the daylight hours working on various writing projects with other people working with undefined creative projects. Then if it's sunny I'll spend the afternoon looking beautiful on a doorstep or by the lake, and if it's rainy I'll spend the afternoon looking beautiful walking in the rain. There's tenthousands of us here.
I could be much more bohême, of course. I could be traveling from country to country. I could be an alcoholic. I could be living in a factory building and staging enormous theme parties. I could be having orgies. I'm not. But I'm also quite far from having a working week and being a normal citizen.
Skate track
skid Village
(Piraquara, Curitiba Metropolitan Area)
skid Village! LOL! ;D
I wonder if they ever played this film in Hungary... :)
btw. there is a similar village in Austria:
and a nice map:
I also like this Austrian village:
Temperature in our living-room: 29.7 oC, season record, despite thoughtful ventilation and curtain operation.
I'm stallin freezing here :-\
I disagree. NOW I'm stallin freezing! Still autumn and 0.6ºC. Seems this winter comes hard.
La Plata 6ºC
Rafaela 11ºC
(where are you dreadnaut??)
Here after a cold front, the weather has become milder. Only 23 oC today, that's not very high for a summer day. But good for doing sports. Yesterday I did a good bike trip in the nearby villages and hills.
But soon we'll experience the cool Norwegian summer, so it's better to get accustomed to lower temperature.
Curitiba have a schizo climate. Tuesday, the temperature reached 0,6°C at morning. Wednesday, reached 22°C at the afternoon.
Quote from: Shoegazing Leo on June 18, 2015, 06:51:58 PM
Curitiba have a schizo climate. Tuesday, the temperature reached 0,6°C at morning. Wednesday, reached 22°C at the afternoon.
Well, I think this is far from being schizo. That can happen easily in April in Hungary.
today is raining with 20°C.
The koppen classification here is Cfb
About to meet a girl. I'm so nervous! LOL
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 30, 2015, 07:11:10 PM
About to meet a girl. I'm so nervous! LOL
The number one tip is: don't be yourself.
How did it go?
Everything's fine but she's so cold :-\ Like a robot, protocol, educated and mannered but without feeling. No feeling.
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 01, 2015, 11:50:09 PM
Everything's fine but she's so cold :-\ Like a robot, protocol, educated and mannered but without feeling. No feeling.
Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrRSEVRgqVY
Or this? :D
No, like this:
;D ;D ;D
Bizarre act? Is the writer virgin?
It's from the Daily Mail, so
1) I'm not clicking
2) The writer is very likely to be a basic jerk
Quote from: Akoss Poo on June 14, 2015, 06:19:05 PM
Temperature in our living-room: 29.7 oC, season record, despite thoughtful ventilation and curtain operation.
Awful weather, very hot one and a half week here... 35-38 oC daily maximum, 18-20 oC daily minimum... Southern European daily mean temperatures...
It means new season record in our living-room: 30.0 oC is reached at the moment.
Waiting for the cold front in the night, which would lower the air temperature out there to around the July average.
Quote from: Akoss Poo on July 25, 2015, 05:28:49 PM
Quote from: Akoss Poo on June 14, 2015, 06:19:05 PM
Temperature in our living-room: 29.7 oC, season record, despite thoughtful ventilation and curtain operation.
Awful weather, very hot one and a half week here... 35-38 oC daily maximum, 18-20 oC daily minimum... Southern European daily mean temperatures...
It means new season record in our living-room: 30.0 oC is reached at the moment.
Waiting for the cold front in the night, which would lower the air temperature out there to around the July average.
30.2 is the final max., thanks to boiling maize in the early evening. Now: only 28.7, ventilation, thunderstorm, cold front... finally... good cold Köbányai in my hand.
Today I went off with 11 degrees, gone to 17 with a hot sun and arrived home with 10. Southern brazilian winter.
we had 14-19 yesterday. Unusual but not uncommon Hungarian summer :)
I get a lot of middle-aged, Brazilian tourists at the hotel at the moment, and they are the worst at speaking English. Most of them barely know "hello". They are also quite demanding, but not rude.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 17, 2015, 11:09:38 AM
I get a lot of middle-aged, Brazilian tourists at the hotel at the moment, and they are the worst at speaking English. Most of them barely know "hello". They are also quite demanding, but not rude.
high possibilities to be rich brazilians or "new" middle class' ones.
They must be quite rich to travel so far for fun. What characterizes the "new middle class"?
I think like this picture. This apply to more or less every country with a democratic system. I must go now so no time to explain right now. Coul you Leo? :)
I get it :-) Clever. USA is somewhere around 2 o'clock right now. In Denmark, we're at 5 o'clock. UK too.
Damn, just like us. Greece is between 9 and 12 o'clock. Spain at 7 o 8 o'clock.
I don't get it.
Sorry, my bad. I'll translate as best as I can :D
12 o'clock: A left-winged government is elected.
3 o'clock: The middle class grows
6 o' clock: The middle class feels itself like an oligarchy and supports right-winged politics.
8 o'clock: Right-winged politics destroys middle class.
9 o'clock: The impoverished middle class vote a left-winged government.
And the cycle begins again and again and again :D
Argentina is at 6 o'clock right now. Back to 2001 we were at 8 o'clock, then 2003 at 12 o'clock, then 2009 at 3 o'clock.
Facts: 2001 Argentina declared a default, 2003 a popular government is elected, 2009 a report from World Bank says Argentina duplicated the middle class (from 9,3 million to 18,6 million people).
Brazil in same stage of Argentina.
Quote from: alanrotoi on August 18, 2015, 05:15:24 PM
Sorry, my bad. I'll translate as best as I can :D
12 o'clock: A left-winged government is elected.
3 o'clock: The middle class grows
6 o' clock: The middle class feels itself like an oligarchy and supports right-winged politics.
8 o'clock: Right-winged politics destroys middle class.
9 o'clock: The impoverished middle class vote a left-winged government.
And the cycle begins again and again and again :D
Thanks! I don't think this fully applies on the situation in Hungary, but if it does, we are somewhere at 7:30.
The problem in Hungary is the right wing government was clever enough to foresee its own downfall by the turning of the democratic clock and to eliminate democracy as a precaution.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 19, 2015, 12:19:55 AM
The problem in Hungary is the right wing government was clever enough to foresee its own downfall by the turning of the democratic clock and to eliminate democracy as a precaution.
Orbán's regime never was a right wing government...
Quote from: Akoss Poo on August 19, 2015, 11:16:22 AM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on August 19, 2015, 12:19:55 AM
The problem in Hungary is the right wing government was clever enough to foresee its own downfall by the turning of the democratic clock and to eliminate democracy as a precaution.
Orbán's regime never was a right wing government...
true! That's why I said it cannot be fully applied on Hungary :)
What is it then?
an extreme-right wing, near the assistant referee?
What an article!!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surra_de_Bunda
I was very excited last night when a guest pulled out a passport from the small Caribbean island nation of Dominica. I was even more surprised because he had an Arabic name and his place of birth was listed as "United Arab Emirates".
Then I did some research (it was a quiet night at the hotel), and I found out that Dominica is giving out citizenships to investors in order to attract investments. This is handy for Arabic people because a Dominican passport lets you travel visa-free to more countries than a U.A.E. one.
So this person must simply have been some kind of oil-based business man who has never even been to Dominica but has simply invested in the country in order to attain a new citizenship.
What he was doing in Denmark? No idea. But he probably got here easier because of his Dominican passport.
"Turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa has led to a surge of interest in programs that let investors buy citizenship or residence in countries around the world in return for a healthy contribution or investment. Most are seeking a second passport for hassle-free travel or a ready escape hatch in case things get worse at home.
Nowhere is it easier or faster than in the minuscule Eastern Caribbean nations of Dominica and St. Kitts & Nevis.
It's such a booming business that a Dubai-based company is building a 4-square-mile (10-square-kilometer) community in St. Kitts where investors can buy property and citizenship at the same time. In its first phase, some 375 shareholders will get citizenship by investing $400,000 each in the project, which is expected to include a 200-room hotel and a mega-yacht marina. Others will get passports for buying one of 50 condominium units."
I wish we would be neighbors to New Zealand. It would be so much simpler to emigrate to NZ :)
I'm from "Belarus", with parents from "Hungary".
We're already very close to Estonia, France and UK, so I don't think I'd want to move to the Brazilian Denmark. We also currently have a lot of islands here and I like that.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on September 19, 2015, 09:45:12 PM
We're already very close to Estonia, France and UK, so I don't think I'd want to move to the Brazilian Denmark. We also currently have a lot of islands here and I like that.
the Brazilian Denmark is Rio de Janeiro State.
Oh, then I guess we are not close by population :D
Wow. 5.6 million people in Denmark. I'll ask you some questions about your country in Politics topic :)
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on September 20, 2015, 05:25:26 PM
Oh, then I guess we are not close by population :D
There are 16,5 million people living in Rio de Janeiro State, 6,3 million only in the capital city, Rio de Janeiro.
Removed because it wasn't really fun.
lol sexism.
lol rape.
The best Digimon ever:
Strange side effect ;D
Quote from: Shoegazing Leo on October 04, 2015, 04:53:50 AM
The best Digimon ever:
jajaja noooooooo!!
Why it's digimon and not pokemon. I know they are different anime but just for the pic I can't say the difference.
Un momento!! Don Ramon in Brazilian translate is "Seu Madruga"! :P
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 07, 2015, 06:49:25 AM
Un momento!! Don Ramon in Brazilian translate is "Seu Madruga"! :P
Yes, because of a swimmer's moustache. The swimmer was Djan Madruga.
This is the way I'm know to skate:
It's a hoverboard!
That board is edited with skateblaster :D
"no" because it's a banner not a flag :D
Is Varga Pál an usual name or a known guy? His name is in some stamps from Hungary.
It seens legit
Laughing around the world:
Meanwhile in Argentina:
What does that mean? Why are you posting it?
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on October 21, 2015, 05:29:17 PM
What does that mean? Why are you posting it?
A version of newspaper from Argentina about Back To The Future
Mixing things about the movie and Argentina.
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on September 14, 2015, 03:52:58 PM
I was very excited last night when a guest pulled out a passport from the small Caribbean island nation of Dominica. I was even more surprised because he had an Arabic name and his place of birth was listed as "United Arab Emirates".
Then I did some research (it was a quiet night at the hotel), and I found out that Dominica is giving out citizenships to investors in order to attract investments. This is handy for Arabic people because a Dominican passport lets you travel visa-free to more countries than a U.A.E. one.
So this person must simply have been some kind of oil-based business man who has never even been to Dominica but has simply invested in the country in order to attain a new citizenship.
What he was doing in Denmark? No idea. But he probably got here easier because of his Dominican passport.
"Turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa has led to a surge of interest in programs that let investors buy citizenship or residence in countries around the world in return for a healthy contribution or investment. Most are seeking a second passport for hassle-free travel or a ready escape hatch in case things get worse at home.
Nowhere is it easier or faster than in the minuscule Eastern Caribbean nations of Dominica and St. Kitts & Nevis.
It's such a booming business that a Dubai-based company is building a 4-square-mile (10-square-kilometer) community in St. Kitts where investors can buy property and citizenship at the same time. In its first phase, some 375 shareholders will get citizenship by investing $400,000 each in the project, which is expected to include a 200-room hotel and a mega-yacht marina. Others will get passports for buying one of 50 condominium units."
Reading this story brought BJ's anecdote to mind: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/11/the-bizarre-scheme-to-transform-a-remote-island-into-new-dubai-comoros
Interesting. I suppose all the languages I haven't heard of belong to native peoples. But why is Japanese the second most common mother tongue in a large, Amazonian province?
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 07, 2015, 12:15:31 AM
Interesting. I suppose all the languages I haven't heard of belong to native peoples. But why is Japanese the second most common mother tongue in a large, Amazonian province?
In Pará there are a city with a lot of japanese immigrants and descendents: Tomé-Açu. In this city, the japanese introducted the pepper agriculture.
The non-eurasian languages are native. Curious that Tupi had their language as a common language used for religious and some regions, but there are tupi people in all country. There are Jê (Macro-Jê language) in almost the entire country too. Maranhão is very far away from Santa Catarina (the southern state with german and italian), but some of my ascendents are from kaingang, a people of Macro-Jê ethnic group.
Symbol-bird of each brazilian state (names in portuguese):
I was about to tell you that there are two Japanese biathletes called Tachizaki. Fuyuko Tachizaki is a woman, while Mikito Tachizaki is a man. They have very funny names IMO.
Well, I was about to neglect this, but a new and even better name was found last weekend among the alpine skiers. Let me introduce Yumenosuke KAKIZAKI from Japan, who raced Saturday's world cup Giant Slalom in Yuzawa Naeba (Japan), but did not qualify for the second run.
;D ;D ;D
The new Facebook's likes as Adriano:
The word "two" in indo-european languages:(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cglr9m5WwAAmXD7.jpg)
You forgot "Reutemann" as noun of "two" :D
Hey look I have a more than 100 years postcard from Aarhus :D
nice slalom lampposts :)
Quote from: Shoegazing Leo on April 21, 2016, 10:37:17 PM
The word "two" in indo-european languages:(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cglr9m5WwAAmXD7.jpg)
don't want to brag being the odd one out again, but in Hungarian this is "kett?"
Quote from: zaqrack on May 09, 2016, 12:58:57 PM
Quote from: Shoegazing Leo on April 21, 2016, 10:37:17 PM
The word "two" in indo-european languages:(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cglr9m5WwAAmXD7.jpg)
don't want to brag being the odd one out again, but in Hungarian this is "kett?"
The double dot is missing, it is: KETTÖ (more precisely, it is a double accent, but it can't be shown here). It is one of our few numbers which are not of Finnish-Ugric origin (in Finnish, it is KAKSI, also not shown here).
Of course these two (Finnish, Hungarian) are not Indo-European languages.
Your forgot "d'oh" :D
Brazilian version:
RIP Rubén Aguirre, el Professor Girafales
RIP Bud Spencer
Learning Spanish:
google translate says: flame flame flame burning in flames
Yep: "llama" could mean "flame" or "he/she calls". That's why a picture of a llama burning with a telephone :D
A wild Psyduck appears!
Eternal Fall
Huge BÖFF!
Merry Christmas (with a slight delay) also here! :)
Happy '19, pipsqueaks!
Happy New Year also here! ;)
Quote from: CTG on April 22, 2019, 03:24:46 PM
From now on, 5 days without my daughter. Kinda strange situation. I should be free, drink like a party animal, enjoy the opportunity to be the good old "myself". I feel blue and lonely instead.
Did Leia bring balance to the
booze force?
I'm frequently "de-coupled" for work reasons, sometimes for more than a week. And in those days I don't really feel free either. Mainly, alone.
Cars with wheels... too few, or too many
Whow - great cars! I really love the design of the 10-wheeled Cadillac.
Quote from: CTG on August 14, 2019, 11:37:30 AM
I can imagine it being something rude, but what does it mean? :P
QuoteA distracted driver plunged his car into a river just 10 minutes after passing his driving test. The dramatic moment the young motorist drove his car into the water was caught on video. The incident took place on Laoping Bridge in the Chinese province of Guizhou.
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/03/man-drives-dock-canal-10-minutes-passing-driving-test-12341994/?ito=cbshare
He was an Unskilled Driver, but now he is a Laoping Warrior!
He escaped safely, otherwise it would have been black humor... or yellow humor, given his ethnicity... ;D
Quote from: afullo on March 04, 2020, 11:13:48 PM
He escaped safely, otherwise it would have been black humor... or yellow humor, given his ethnicity... ;D
:facepalm: that's pretty low, please don't do that.
And it's usually called
dark humor ;)
Eheh... of course the scope beyond making falsely racist gags is to show how, indeed, the real racism is stupid :)
That is phototype VI, technically.
Quote616,92 km
What's this in CTG's signature? Post your interpretation!
Quote from: CTG on April 05, 2020, 07:40:12 PM
Actually, it's the distance completed by bike in 2020 (the same in Akoss Poo's signature).
Ooooh, that's quite good. I'm just above 400km, mostly commuting, but since I'm stuck home the number won't improve for some time :(
Quote from: dreadnaut on April 05, 2020, 06:25:46 PM
Quote616,92 km
What's this in CTG's signature? Post your interpretation!
The total cumulative amount of more length his previous lovers had expected?
... I was going to post before CTG said something similar himself, but apparently I never clicked post.
... Ah skid it, the comment is still open, I can still click post.
Quote from: CTG on August 06, 2020, 12:17:52 PM50 yottaparsec. That's my size.
On the topic of ridiculous units, I find it cool that since the speed of light is pretty close to a billion km/h, you can measure walking speeds in nanolights, or nc. The speed of sound is not very close but close enough to a uc, and the kind of speeds you need for interstellar travel can be measured well in mc. All the steps line up with something you can compare your number to. Plus you don't need to go below nano for most everyday discussions, and as a sort of biologist that is my confort zone.
I couldn't understand the poem :P But regarding metric units, I'm about 17GÅ tall (17 giga-Ångströms), if my calculations are correct :)
Quote from: CTG on January 01, 2021, 03:08:11 AM
Isten, áldd meg a magyart
Jó kedvvel, b?séggel,
Nyújts feléje véd? kart,
Ha küzd ellenséggel;
Bal sors akit régen tép,
Megb?nh?dte már e nép
A múltat s jövend?t!
God, bless the Hungarians
In good spirits, in abundance,
Give him protection? kart,
If you are fighting an enemy;
Left fate tore a long time ago
Bring her a happy year
This people had already grieved
The past and the future!
You brought us up
Carpathian holy wages,
You have won a beautiful homeland
The blood of Bendeguzz.
And where his foams roar
Tisza, Danube,
The heroic fetuses of Árpád
They are flourishing.
We understand the fields of Kunság
You waved a ripe ear,
On the groves of Tokaj
You dropped nectar.
Our flag is often planted
Wild Turkish ramparts,
And he moaned to Matthias's sad army
Vienna is a proud castle.
Hajh, but because of our sins
Anger burned in his chest,
And you struck your lightning bolt
Dörg? in the sky
Now robber Mongolian arrow
You hummed over us,
Then from Turkish to rabbi
We took it on our shoulders.
How many times did he ring his lips
To the wild people of Ozman
We beat the bones of our war
Victory song!
How many times did your tenf attack?
My beautiful country, on your bosom,
And you became a fetus
Your fetus to ashes!
He hid in the persecuted, s
Sword reached in his cave,
He looked all over him
Your homeland in this country,
It passes into a rent and goes into a valley
Boo s in doubt,
Bleeding at his feet,
And over a sea of ??flames.
There was a castle, now a pile of stones,
Pleasure and joy flew,
Death growl, mourning
It's happening instead.
S ah, freedom does not flourish
From the blood of the dead,
Tears of torturing bondage are falling
Orphans h? out of sight!
God intends the Hungarian
Who do I vomit,
Give him protection? kart
Torture at sea.
Left fate tore a long time ago
Bring her a happy year
This people had already grieved
The past and the future!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar 8)
Happy new year,
Ha, ha... I had seen this image before, but it's funny every time I see it. These things show why patents really are an obstacle for technology, not helpful at all.
Oh, man, you really are? ::) Oops! XD
Quote from: CTG on April 09, 2021, 12:39:52 AM
Don't worry, I also hate patents. :D
Tell us a positive thing about them! (beyond "they give me a job" :D )
;D ;D ;D cool!
I'm a newbie here, I'm thinking about change the asphalt color, maybe something with graduation, trying to give some depth notion... And just for fun too! Has anyone here tried something similar?
That would be cool!
Quote from: CTG on February 23, 2022, 07:44:53 AM
Quote from: ZdnBurns on February 23, 2022, 02:44:12 AM
;D ;D ;D cool!
I'm a newbie here, I'm thinking about change the asphalt color, maybe something with graduation, trying to give some depth notion... And just for fun too! Has anyone here tried something similar?
See here: http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=1062.msg59887#msg59887
It's not difficult to change the colour of the track.
But it may take you a bit to get around in stressed.
So make sure to backup. There is no undo option. Once saved it's set. So make sure to backup previous success before trying something new.
Otherwise. Have fun with it.
Quote from: CTG on October 06, 2022, 05:24:36 PMThe eponymous of the famous Okány Driving Style celebrates his 40th birthday today. :o
We are getting old!
Quote from: CTG on October 06, 2022, 05:24:36 PMThe eponymous of the famous Okány Driving Style celebrates his 40th birthday today. :o
We are getting old!
It is still Okány-Style Driving, as it was originally labelled ~25 years ago.
Quote from: CTG on October 06, 2022, 05:24:36 PMThe eponymous of the famous Okány Driving Style celebrates his 40th birthday today. :o
We are getting old!
Just wait until you are the answer to life, the universe and everything..
8) 8)
Welcome to the club.
how is everyone doing? ;-)
Quote from: Argammon on November 15, 2022, 05:33:21 PMHello,
how is everyone doing? ;-)
Hey! Welcome back! Everything is fine here. How are you?
I am fine, thank you. :)
I am on my phone, so I cannot write a long post. It is amazing this community still exists. I have played other online games, and you can barely find traces of their communities nowadays.So I am impressed with you guys for keeping this place alive.
That's right. I always kept an eye on the community, sometimes racing or commenting but I'm back since last year. Everything is in its place and more!
Give a try at ZakStunts and you'll find you're still one of the best :)
Quote from: alanrotoi on November 16, 2022, 12:02:25 AMThat's right. I always kept an eye on the community, sometimes racing or commenting but I'm back since last year. Everything is in its place and more!
Give a try at ZakStunts and you'll find you're still one of the best :)
Thanks for the offer. Among other obligations, I have a job and a family (two kids), so I do not have the time to compete at a decent level right now. RH competitions are really time consuming for most of us.
I may join a race in the future when an opportunity opens. :)
Nagyon szar dolog a hasmenés. Sőt, FOS!
Okay, that one hurts... ;D
How to make your Christmas decor more exciting! :D
Have you shat today?