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Messages - Daniel3D

Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts sequel projects
June 27, 2020, 09:35:02 AM
In Stunts I can control the car, it's mostly predictable and it feels good.
Also the physics are surprisingly good for its time.
How many race game do you know that implements downforce good enough to drive upside down in the tube. (If you have the right car and enough speed)
I've never seen an other.

Ultimate stunts doesn't give me a sense of control.
But maybe I should give it more time to get used to..
Is it possible to work the other way around?.
Built a solid but basic rendering engine with a test track.
Then a (modular) physics engine that rocks.
Then build on the rendering engine.
(Btw, Which language do you use?)

Because if you can't get the physics to work you'll  have an other ultimate stunts..

Chat - Misc / Re: Association game
June 26, 2020, 05:21:31 PM
Yellow snow.
(The yellow snow where the huskies go)
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts sequel projects
June 26, 2020, 12:30:47 PM
Nah, it has not improved. Extended scenery only as far as I can tell.
Still drives like crap.

I fear it's a game engine optimization problem.
(I would make that my first priority, but who am I  8))
Expanding the current engine would be very difficult I imagine. Stunts was built for very limited hardware.
I like the idea behind ultimate stunts. But not the result.
It looks fake and drives like excrement.

But some terrain features are nice.

I'm looking forward to a driving test  ;D 
Chat - Misc / Re: Association game
June 25, 2020, 04:07:20 PM
captain blackbeard
Chat - Misc / Re: Numbers about yourself
June 25, 2020, 03:48:58 PM
 8) thanks.

I usually don't do forums because I can't keep up.
But here the most post actually have some degree of depth. And at a good pace  ::)

I've also downloaded it now that it's Windows proof.  ::)
It looks really nice. It has the right atmosphere.

I have played many stunts clones and remakes. and most go banana's with graphics but forget gameplay.
This is nice and clean. If the end result play's like the good old stunts but with better graphics i'd be happy.
other fun stuff can be added later.  (at least, that's what i think  ;) )

I'll try and figure out the object editor when i have some time..

Chat - Misc / Re: Numbers about yourself
June 24, 2020, 12:05:28 AM
Hi All,

this is as good a place as any to introduce myself a bit.

I'm Daniël and Stunts fan since 1992.
I've been around here as guest on and off for about 5 years.
been around JTk's site way longer, before the millenium i think.

Height: 186 cm
Weight: 81 kg
Fat ratio: ~12%
Shoe size: 43
average hours of sleep: 4-6
hours needed: 6+
age: 40
Wife: 1
Kids: 4 (8y, 5y, 2y and 8m)
stunts driving experience: 28 years
Number of legal copies owned: 0 (never even seen it)
Computers owned at this moment: 4 for me 1 for the rest  8)
working phones and tablets: 4 for me 3 for the rest
Time available to play stunts: never enough
Time spend on playing stunts: always to much.

That's it for now.