
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Duplode

Felt like providing a couple coments DOS-on-XP emulation...  First of all, I'd advise people to avoid VDMSound altoegether. I used it to play under XP since I can remember, and only tried DOSBox around yesterday (for attempting NoRH-SDR). I never considered any performance issues for never having tried anything else. My initial runs unde DOSBox, however, induced me to some testing - I compared Stunts replay clock to my pulse watch results. Thing is, on my Athlon XP 2000+ with 256MB RAM, DOSBox runs on realtime and with reasonable CPU usage (setup at 12000 cycles), whereas VDM was about 9% slower! I feel cheated now... at least now its possible to race ZakStunts (non-Indy) properly! And BTW, if any newbie chooses to try DOSBox, get (from the official site) the D.O.G forntend (or anything similar). It makes the configuration process trivial...
Stunts Drivers Races / Re: NORH-R4/2007 ? ?SMART?
May 11, 2007, 02:45:56 PM
I would like to send a video on this before Sunday's checkpoint (at last I found time to setup DOSBox!). If my motherboard does not bust up till then (real possibility...), there's a fair chance of me getting a decent (for last place, that is!) lap.
Month`s Tracks - Kalpens / Re: ctr2007a.trk
May 08, 2007, 12:48:13 AM
Hello to the pair of Australian newcomers - and please note, one of them is a brave BB1.0/CC0.9 pipsqueak! Congratulations to Boussini as well for completing the switch to manuals...

Quote from: CTGOh I have no patience to powergear... Track can be done in 42 seconds.

:o good time to start our bets, right? Seems we have a movemented week already...
Stunts Drivers Races / Re: NORH-R4/2007 ? ?SMART?
May 05, 2007, 06:58:43 AM
Indeed a very neat track, Mark. By the time I get satisfied with a NORH replay on it my keyboard will have been already punched to death, but oh well...
Is it just me or for some weird bug one can't load a replay on the pause menu while racing X-Change?
Month`s Tracks - Kalpens / Re: ctr2007a.trk
May 05, 2007, 05:58:30 AM
Quote from: JTK on May 04, 2007, 08:47:26 PM
DONE! Everything should be fine and updated now!

Up and running! Uh, just a tiny detail - JTK, could you please switch the transmission type of my last entry on the scoreboard to manual?
Quote from: CTG on May 04, 2007, 06:10:26 PM
I'm still result oriented

(5 + 1) points > 0 points...
Month`s Tracks - Kalpens / Re: ctr2007a.trk
May 04, 2007, 02:25:28 AM
*newbie realization no. 1*: Shortcuts need not to destroy a track, they can simply recreate it!

Also, if Mark is really up to cut down significantly from 48'90''  :o that early, we do need to pursue efforts on making he not look as fast as he actually is on the scoreboard!  :P
Wow - a sweet lil' beast to challenge a very imaginative track design. Eager to try it...
Stunts Drivers Races / Re: RH-R3/2007 - "GEOMETRY?
April 30, 2007, 05:17:59 PM
Congratulations to AbuRaf! that was sure a tight race, making it even cooler...
Month`s Tracks - Kalpens / Re: ctr2007a.trk
April 30, 2007, 05:10:21 PM
This is getting interesting, 8 pipsqueaks from 8 countries and fierce battling ahead. 52'05'' is very tight already... now let's wait Mark beat my time and join in the fun!  ;)
Stunts Questions / Re: Hello, world!
April 27, 2007, 02:50:27 AM
but we'll see i'm currently practising the whole manual shifting phase etc.

Yay, adapting to manuals will take a while for me as well. BTW, do you guys think manual transmission advatanges are largely track-dependent (e.g. easier power gearing, etc.) or the whole automatic system sucks in general (and so one can cut off quite a number of seconds on every track)?
Stunts Questions / Hello, world!
April 23, 2007, 06:09:26 AM
Hi folks; as a newly registered member I feel proper to make some cute introduction post... I first played Stunts somewhere between late '95 and early '96, as a 7-year old kid; it probably was my second or third PC game ever. Since then, I have been racing for at least a couple months every year - there is no game with such replay value, period - , and over the years I got to slowly unveil more and more nifty tricks on this deceptive simplicity which is Stunts. So I found now a proper, if only a tad late, moment to join the community. The next logical step would be entering some competition, and indeed I intend, for now, to race Kalpen keeping a relaxed semi-amateur profile. As you will realize, I'm not a very prolific poster - I rather sit and watch people biting their heads off ;-) -, but I'll be hanging around... so, see you around, fellows.