
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Duplode

Congratulations on the release, @Erik Barros ! The Megapack provides a snapshot of our universe of cars, and offers an easy way to try them out (if you're looking for a specific car, use the spreadsheet attached to the first post to find the pack it belongs to). Furthermore, the pack selection tooling is 100% DOS-based, which should make it usable mostly anywhere (and, in particular, on Android DOSBox setups).

Quote from: Spoonboy on July 22, 2024, 11:47:37 AMAlso, Simple Garage seems to 'park/retrieve' the selected cars quite slowly, is this normal? (Not used s.g before)

It's probably normal. I think the delay happens because Simple Garage has to (try to) move all of the 200+ cars listed in the config file out of the game folder before bringing in the selected ones.
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 14, 2024, 02:48:27 PM

1. 1:08.70
2. 2:10.60
3. 3:12.50
4. 4:13.50
5. 5:14.25
6. 6:15.40
7. 7:16.60

8:00.00 entering the corner after the pipe (by the second segment of kerb).


1. 1:08.70
2. 1:01.90
3. 1:01.90
4. 1:01.00
5. 1:00.75
6. 1:01.15
7. 1:01.20

55 jumps.
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 14, 2024, 02:32:06 PM
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 14, 2024, 01:53:23 PM
And I'll pick purple  :) Only minutes to go; I'll report to the chatroom shortly!
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 12, 2024, 02:13:42 AM
Count me in as well!!

Quote from: Spoonboy on July 11, 2024, 11:22:15 PMCan someone give me a one paragraph description of how to compete?

From the "Go!" command in the chat room, you'll have 12 minutes of actual time to both complete an replay that's 8 minutes long in-game and post it here on the race topic. Don't try to cross the finish line at the end, just keep driving laps around the track. The results are according to the number of completed laps, then by how far along you are at 8:00.00 in the final, incomplete lap. RH is allowed, but don't get carried away or you won't be able to finish in time.

(These are the "Le Stunts" rules, the most common ones in our live races -- but indeed not the only ones!)

It's a good idea to have a countdown timer or something else to keep track of time next to you, and also to set "Don't warn on new replies made while posting" in your Look and Layout settings so that simultaneous posts during the deadline rush don't delay you when posting your replay.
Custom Cars with Stressed / Re: Baronetti HEXA
July 12, 2024, 01:31:19 AM

It's an honour to have a nameplate on one of your Baronetti cars 🥲 Thank you @alanrotoi , thank you for it all!

Everything looks and feels great. And that dashboard -- everywhere you look there's something to enjoy!

P.S.: Default test drive 1:09.55  :)
Quote from: dreadnaut on July 08, 2024, 09:46:45 AMHaven't seen @KyLiE in a while, whom I would have placed in the first group. Anyone heard from him?

Having a sabbatical after an intense season last year. He's still around at R4K though, running the show along with Cas!
Stunts Related Programs / Re: Pretty Garage
July 08, 2024, 05:57:15 AM
A little late, but I have finally added the March 8th release of Pretty Garage to the Southern Cross downloads.
ZCT275 ratings update: in this round, personal best ratings were reached by Mark Nailwood, Spoonboy and me. Also, I'm glad to note we have two new entrants in the rankings: Mortimer McMire and ZdnBurns! Here is the updated evolution chart:

Indeed, the lead battle has been pretty interesting to watch -- let's see what the second week will bring!
Chat - Misc / Re: Dissociation Game
July 06, 2024, 01:44:15 AM
Competition 2024 / Re: ZCT274 Mirage
June 24, 2024, 06:57:27 PM
Quote from: ZdnBurns on June 24, 2024, 06:37:20 PMI can't find a option to insert a file here... Even an image I would have to insert a link.

You have to click the Reply button below (or above) the thread to open the full interface; there will be an attachment button there. (The Quick Reply box, which was added by a forum upgrade not too long ago, doesn't have that button indeed.)
Competition 2024 / Re: ZCT274 Mirage
June 24, 2024, 06:01:34 PM
Quote from: ZdnBurns on June 24, 2024, 04:56:46 AMCould you publish the files (.TRK) that you used to generate the images for your catalogue?

I think most of those tracks can be downloaded from the posts in mrdires' threads here, either the catalogue one or the other one.

On sharing tracks: you can start a topic on the Stunts Chat subforum, and also, if you want to open a scoreboard for it, upload it as a challenge at the DOS Game Club leaderboard.
Quote from: Duplode on February 16, 2024, 12:25:41 AM
Quote from: Cas on February 15, 2024, 10:05:30 PMHow far back can this be done?  Is it possible to have a condensed graph of the whole 21st century?  (That is, beginning with the opening of ZakStunts in 2001)

The data does go all the way back to 2001. That graph might become a little busy, but if can do it, why can't we? :)

All right, here is the full history graph! I'll eventually tidy it up a bit and add to the site proper.

This uses the same chart library than the aforementioned, and so the controls are the same: hover to show the legend and highlight individual pipsqueaks, click to the left of the vertical axis to clear highlights, drag horizontally to zoom, double-click to reset zoom, drag the lower right corner to resize. All races up to ZCT274 are covered, with ZCTP1, ZCTP2 and ZCTP3 being displayed as 14.5, 15.5 and 16.5 for the sake of expediency.

(Cc @Cas , @Argammon , @alanrotoi and everyone else curious about seeing more of the historical data  :))
Live Races / Re: Stunts Online race (2024-06-15)
June 19, 2024, 02:38:35 PM
Having to remember to save each improved replay might be a little awkward, but I think it is workable, specially if we assume that the saved replays is a nice-to-have thing rather than the source of truth for the race results (that's the online scoreboard). Besides, it's a solution that's ready at hand, so it could be useful at least until we get over the technical hurdles in the way of, say, hook ing into the Stunts saving code, or reliably dumping the replay data from memory.

Auto-uploading saved replays already gets rid of needing to type the file names to download them at the end of the race, which is at least as inconvenient than saving in-game (and potentially even more so). If the time spent saving is a concern, we might add a minute or so to the round time to cover for that.