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Football Fanats 2005

Started by Shoegazing Leo, January 16, 2005, 08:29:11 PM

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Sausage, p?linka, dirty jokes, muscles, football fanatism, leading ability - man.


No, you are generally femalish. Cooking is just the point on i.


Quote from: "CTG"Sausage, p?linka, dirty jokes, muscles, football fanatism, leading ability - man.

love, hate, dislike, don't have, could never understand, not capable of it - ok maybe I'm femaleish. :)

but I like it this way so who cares :)



I have never denied this fact!


maybe you would be a good lesbian.  :-D

Btw when did we talk about real football in topic?


You guys are really strange, but fortunately you are only living half a life, and I am living a whole one, so I don't have anything to be sad about  :-)  If one day Akoss finds out he wants to cook, or that he wants to spend some quality time playing with his children, or maybe dance? (the beachside dance doesn't count), he will never do it, because he will think "those are femaleish things" - so he will suppress his own impulses, and even when he doesn't want to, he will watch football, drink beer, shout etc.

But the crucial thing is that women WANT to do things that you consider maleish - why should they be denied this? They are human beings too. In the past, men have always dominated because of our physical power and egoism, women have always been suppressed and forced to do the things men didn't want to do - this has nothing to do with "destiny" (are you religious?), what has changed is simply that mankind has grown more diplomatic, and men, though physically more powerful, allow women to also make some of their dreams come true, and do some of the things they want to. In that way they will also be happier, and be much more interesting for us men than if they were just breeding/cooking machines.
But we can't be quite sure.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "zaqrack"It doesnt want to show that women are superior, rather that the differences between the two gender are not so big as people believe.

Because these differences are getting smaller and smaller. I have a theory for this. Men and women have children if they can find each other. But it's not too easy, because there are differences between the sexes, they are afraid of each other a bit. But there's evolution, which is (natural) selection in a relatively shorter time interval. Imagine if from 100 woman, 3 is born to be very slightly maleish, and from 100 men, 3 is born to be very slightly feminine. These 3-3 will find each other easily, because they have more in common, they can approach each other's mental world and heart easier. Ergo these slightly maleish girls and slightly feminine boys will have children, not those who has the 100% maleish/feminine characteristic. In the next step, in the next generation we will find more maleish girls and more feminine boys. Genders are coming closer to each other. Is it good? No it isn't.
After the sexes getting close enough to each other, they will announce the equality and emancipation. It has happened. There's chaos, men are losing their head, because they have to face a problem they never had: there are twice as many opponents for the maleish positions (maleish jobs for example) as they had had before. Is it good? It is partly good because there's equality, this is apparently a more fair society. But it is disharmonic. A more fair society is a more disharmonic society. Sexes are sometimes against each other, many are trying to prove that their sex are superior. Single women doesn't want to marry, they doesn't want to have children, because they consider theirselves to be superior. They forgot the main task of us: to carry on the life of mankind. (And they are very egoist: if somebody brought them up, they really should bring up some children - they owe with this to the life.) We are here not to earn much money, we are here to carry on the life and to be happy. With such a disharmonic society, with creating chaos for ourselves with announcing the emancipation, we are not happy. With all women are working, there's big unemployment (this is a by-product of emancipation, and not of capitalism). And with this, with this selection (which is certainly NOT natural selection), we are endangering the sustainment of mankind: if men and women are in disharmony, they won't attract each other, and they won't have children, they won't carry on the life of mankind.
But this selection doesn't affect everybody, it is the mainstream only in evolution. We, who stayed real men, we are still here. But we get on with life much harder, because the majority is not like us. It is nonsense that they are the product of the regressive evolution of the stupid mankind, they are in majority. We, who are still natural, are at the brink of extinction. Many people think that we are the stupid, because we are the minority. We are just stayed natural - and male. And we will never accept this disharmonic, confused and ill society - the twilight of mankind.
Chürműű! :-)

1854.55 km


Is this really the Football Fanats Thread? :D
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"Is this really the Football Fanats Thread? :D
Yes, it is. Forever FC Eger-Tengely-K?zm?! :D B?FF!!!
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

This evening there will be the decisive match in Group 8 of the European WC Qualifyers for 3rd place:

Bulgaria - HUNGARY Sofia, 17 CET.
Chürműű! :-)

1854.55 km


Don't you (Akoss and CGT) think a child needs a father figure? If women raised the children alone, the children would miss all the things a father is able to give and which a mother can't give.

I guess the women are "the one in the kitchen" in most homes, but isn't that just because there are more women who like to cook, than men? My place is "in the kitchen", but that's only because I love to cook. If Zak (and others) also love it, they would be the one in the kitchen.
You (men) can also help in the kitchen. Maybe just one ouf of ten's really really cozy to cook together!

And why can't men be femalish? There's nothing sexi'er than a man who isn't afraid to show this part of his personality...come on, you all have something feminim in you!


Finally a very interesting discussion.

I must say Akoss Opinion is a bit oldfashioned.But Bonzai Tree and Zak have already pointed it out.
Nothing more boring than a women who is only interested in kitchenwork and vacumcleaning.

Let's do the akoss Test:

Sausage, p?linka, dirty jokes, muscles, football fanatism, leading ability

UGH,Huh??,depends,more than the average stuntser,only for lower society level,some

I think I passed it barely.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "Argammon"Let's do the akoss Test:

Sausage, p?linka, dirty jokes, muscles, football fanatism, leading ability

UGH,Huh??,depends,more than the average stuntser,only for lower society level,some

I think I passed it barely.

It was CTG test by the way. Well, let's test myself:

Sausage: yes, I like it, good=4
(If you thought about the sausage between my legs, it's big enough, good=4)

P?linka: yes, I like it, and I can drink it, good=4

Dirty jokes: definitely a very good=5

Muscles: just enough to be maleish, and just because of my legs, adequate=2

Football fanatism: you can see, I'm well at home in this topic, very good=5

Leading ability: i have some, not too much, but I have, mediocre=3.

I passed this test!!! :D Average: 3.83=GOOD. :D:D:D


Bulgaria - Hungary 2-0 (1-0).
Chürműű! :-)

1854.55 km


New results of the 2nd division are very disappointing for the Looping Warriors. :(

ESMTK (15.) - Szolnoki M?V (2.) 0-0
Orosh?za (13.) - Kazinczbarczika (10.) 4-1

Our 2nd place is not as good as it sounds - we've 16 pts, 6 pts more than Kecskem?t (12.) and 7 pts less than V?c (1.). And we've played 9 matches yet, but many teams have only 8...
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.