
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Politics around the world

Started by CTG, November 17, 2006, 11:30:32 AM

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Somehow I think Obama won't be a president for a long time. What do you think?

He'll be the president for 8 years.
7 (31.8%)
He'll be the president for 4 years.
7 (31.8%)
He'll fail earlier because of the economical crisis.
1 (4.5%)
He'll be murdered earlier by terrorists/Ku Klux Klan/McCain/Hillary Clinton :D
7 (31.8%)

Total Members Voted: 21


That police problem is serious. I agree with CTG about the point that those policemen could as well have been black, so the "racism" tinge in the matter is purely made up. I do not deny that there are many cases of abuse by cops probably in all countries and in some more than others, but this does not mean that "the police is bad". If people continue to complain and demonstrate against "the police" (by the way, songs by The Police always transport me to the 80s... anyway...), this will weaken a force that at least very often, defends us a bit and crime will ramp up. The concept of a police is a good concept and I defend it. If a cop, or any other individual, commits an abuse, of course, they should pay for it, but the concept of police and the force as a whole should be defended by us civilians, as we are the ones it was made for.

In other lines, Argentina is again in a super-crisis. Coronavirus cases are shooting up. This is, of course, to be expected. In my opinions, all countries will have or have had a point of maximum coronavirus cases. Argentina has it later because it had a more restrictive and longer quarantine, that's all. I don't even blame the government for that (even though they suck). But people are thinking the cases went up because of reasons that nothing have to do with this simple fact. In the meantime, the regime is... trying to help with the CoViD cases?  No, of course!  Trying to break the judges to achieve impunity and stay in power forever. Completely expected and foretold long ago. You know, before the Roman Empire, Romans had a Republic. Then it fell to demagogues and became an Empire, which is a fancy costume for an absolute monarchy. It remained on until its end, roughly a thousand years later. If people who vote and people who protest would study first!
Earth is my country. Science is my religion.



Everyone safe? Nobody bombed by Putin yet?

Should we be making plans for surviving WW3?

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: Overdrijf on February 24, 2022, 09:33:01 AM
Everyone safe? Nobody bombed by Putin yet?

Should we be making plans for surviving WW3?

Maybe I am the one here who lives the closest to Ukraine (border ~150 km away), but I am safe, fortunately.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: Overdrijf on February 24, 2022, 09:33:01 AM
Everyone safe? Nobody bombed by Putin yet?

Should we be making plans for surviving WW3?

I am not interested. Life after WW3 will suck anyway.

Quote from: Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister on February 24, 2022, 10:00:32 AM
Maybe I am the one here who lives the closest to Ukraine (border ~150 km away), but I am safe, fortunately.

If you were not safe, that would mean WW3, where distances do not really matter anymore. Chances may be slightly better for the South American pipsqueaks.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


I'm ready to fight WW4 with knifes and clubs, in the case.


WW4 will be a social media insult fight.


Quote from: Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister on February 24, 2022, 10:00:32 AM
Maybe I am the one here who lives the closest to Ukraine (border ~150 km away), but I am safe, fortunately.

Good to hear!

Areas so close to the border will probably have to deal with refugees and wounded in the coming days. That might put extra strain on hospitals too, which are already under Covid pressure. Hopefully, EU / UN will not mess this up, and send sufficient medical support.


I feel they already messed up. On the other hand. This is a political nightmare. We want to sanction Russia, but are dependent on it's gas supply.
So Russia can hurt Europe without having to resort to nuke's.
Edison once said,
"I have not failed 10,000 times,
I've successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work."
Currently running over 20 separate instances of Stunts
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Europe should stop doing everything dady USA asks. This conflict and sactionts rises the price of gas in Europe up to now about a 40%. That's insane. There are other ways than invading or expanding military organizations (NATO). Let Ukraine alone both of them, NATO and Russia.


Quote from: alanrotoi on February 24, 2022, 07:43:27 PM
Europe should stop doing everything dady USA asks. This conflict and sactionts rises the price of gas in Europe up to now about a 40%. That's insane. There are other ways than invading or expanding military organizations (NATO). Let Ukraine alone both of them, NATO and Russia.

NATO has never invaded anything: it is a defence pact, and any country can ask to join. That's what the Baltic republics did, feeling threatened by Russia. And that's what Ukraine would have liked to do as well: if they were part of it, they would have allies and be a more difficult target.

The main issue here is that Western Europe has a "we can be rich by being nice to each other" approach, and expands by convincing other countries to be nice to each other. Russia has historically been an imperialistic country, which expands by force (military or otherwise), and is threatened by the concept of "being nice". Ukraine was becoming too nice, Belarus was getting there, and Putin decided it was too risky for him and Russia's power structure.


Quote from: dreadnaut on February 24, 2022, 08:03:49 PM

The main issue here is that Western Europe has a "we can be rich by being nice to each other" approach, and expands by convincing other countries to be nice to each other. Russia has historically been an imperialistic country, which expands by force (military or otherwise), and is threatened by the concept of "being nice". Ukraine was becoming too nice, Belarus was getting there, and Putin decided it was too risky for him and Russia's power structure.
I completely agree. Russia has a very low GDP per capita compared to most of the other great powers, with strong disparities between oligarchs and lower classes, it is natural that a country would prefer to affiliate with EU or more in general Western institutions.


Quote from: alanrotoi on February 24, 2022, 07:43:27 PM
Let Ukraine alone both of them, NATO and Russia.
That would have been a solution that would probably have prevented this war. Unfortunately, that was never up for debate. For me, that would have been a deal that both sides could live with.


Quote from: dreadnaut on February 24, 2022, 08:03:49 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on February 24, 2022, 07:43:27 PM
Europe should stop doing everything dady USA asks. This conflict and sactionts rises the price of gas in Europe up to now about a 40%. That's insane. There are other ways than invading or expanding military organizations (NATO). Let Ukraine alone both of them, NATO and Russia.

NATO has never invaded anything

I was talking about Russia's current invasion. But yes, NATO did invade Yugoslavia. They bomb the country without a war declaration or UN authorization. It means a war crime.

This is not a good vs evil sides... both are evil and in the middle is the people. You, me, Ukranian people, etc. Europe (eastern and western) would live better without USA and Russia pushing the countries to do what they want.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: Usrin on February 24, 2022, 11:22:08 AM
where distances do not really matter anymore. Chances may be slightly better for the South American pipsqueaks.

Well, I would ask Norwegians whether they chose Stavanger or Debrecen airport to stay at in this case. Or to drive M3 highway in Hungary or some Southern Norwegian highways.

Quote from: alanrotoi on February 24, 2022, 07:43:27 PM
Let Ukraine alone both of them, NATO and Russia.

With this perception, World Map would be totally different than you could see now.

Oh, yeah, let ethnic Hungarians, independently from Czech/Romanian/French/British/Russian interests, come back to be annexed to Hungary or at least let them found the autonomous state of Erdély/Vajdaság/Felvidék...

Unfortunately, World Map isn't drawn by ethnic and religious borders. That is the driving force of New World Order.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km