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Messages - afullo

Team Zone / Re: Teams for 2025
January 25, 2025, 10:52:25 PM
Quote from: Cas on January 02, 2025, 05:15:11 PMI'll be happy to be on Rolling Stunts again too!
Me too! I just posted my first 2025 replay, btw...
Competition 2024 / Re: Guest tracks 2024
December 17, 2023, 03:27:27 PM
Since last month I hadn't been able to upload a new track in time, I do penance and I'll book a slot only if there will be any available after other pipsqueaks have chosen theirs. ;)
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts sequel projects
July 23, 2023, 01:14:17 PM
Quote from: dreadnaut on May 03, 2023, 07:19:50 PMIt'd be great to have an OpenGL- or SDL-based engine that can load and render Stunts resources. It could then be reused as a library by multiple experiments and projects, with different game engines. The holy grail for me would be that + the current physics code, giving us a high resolution Stunts, with a door open to implementing fancy visuals using GL shaders.
Several Doom ports allow it for that game, but of course its source code has been released a long time ago, contrarily to Stunts...
At first glance I read the Hare and the Hondt, as electoral systems...  ;D
Competition and Website / Re: Amateur experience points
January 18, 2023, 09:41:10 AM
Quote from: Duplode on January 18, 2023, 03:28:08 AM
Quote from: afullo on January 15, 2023, 02:37:32 PMFor me it is basically the same, I can revert the Wiki page, in the case...

Since dreadnaut has agreed, I have added Frieshansen back. (Unrelatedly, I have also updated the medal table.)
Ok, thanks.
Ok thanks, I will try it because my fan used to increment its speed while Bliss was open, even without asking it to perform heavy tasks...
Competition and Website / Re: Amateur experience points
January 15, 2023, 02:37:32 PM
For me it is basically the same, I can revert the Wiki page, in the case...
Competition and Website / Re: Amateur experience points
January 13, 2023, 12:48:19 PM
Quote from: dreadnaut on January 08, 2023, 05:36:46 PMThe experience points introduced with the Amateur League are finally visible on pipsqueak profiles.

For 2022, some were assigned to Frieshansen (promoted), Heretic (Amateur champion 2022), Cas and afullo (Amateur runner-ups 2022).

Ok thanks, so Frieshansen does not count for the latest amateur league, since he got promoted (well before the end of the season). I just corrected here.
Team Zone / Re: Teams for 2023
January 13, 2023, 09:57:07 AM
Quote from: KyLiE on December 30, 2022, 01:48:23 AMI'm happy for Argammon to join Rolling Stunts. :) Provided afullo agrees, which I'm sure he does, I'd say it's a done deal.
Oops, I didn't notice this post... of course I agree, thanks dreadnaut for operating!
Competition 2022 / Re: Track of the Year 2022
January 02, 2023, 10:56:09 AM
Quote from: Daniel3D on December 31, 2022, 09:53:20 PMCongratulations KyLiE, Cas and overdrijf.
And to us Rolling stunts. With a good team score of 3 tracks in the top 4  ;)
In track designing it seems, basing on earlier ratings, that I am the weak side of the team, so I have to thank you... ;D
Competition 2023 / Re: Cars and rules for 2023
December 23, 2022, 08:34:54 AM
Quote from: dreadnaut on December 21, 2022, 06:49:32 PMBefore deciding anything though, I'd like to hear from @Cas, @afullo, @Shoegazing Leo, @stan286xt, @Daniel3D, ...

Sorry but I have been particularly busy in the latest few days, so I had not the time to analyze properly the various options...
Team Zone / Re: Teams for 2023
December 19, 2022, 09:56:12 AM
Quote from: Overdrijf on December 19, 2022, 06:01:35 AM
Quote from: dreadnaut on December 19, 2022, 12:16:38 AM...Zapper, Heretic... ...Shorty...
Plus Argammon.

Proposed teamname: Zaptic Shortamon.
It's an electric type from gen 12.
He would lose grip on dirty for sure, because ground is super-effective on it... 😂

Unless, like Zapdos, it has flying as second type... 😏
Competition 2023 / Re: Cars and rules for 2023
December 11, 2022, 01:13:42 PM
In my opinion nonlinear scoring could in the case work for rac3rs, but not for teams, because it would advantage those having a single strong member, rather than two or more collaborative mid-level pipsqueaks.

So, if we switch to nonlinear, then two different score systems (one for rac3rs, one for teams) can be considered.
Competition 2023 / Re: Cars and rules for 2023
December 10, 2022, 04:32:40 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on December 10, 2022, 12:34:33 PMPoints in 2001 and 2002 were 10-1 and in 2003 implemented a super complicated system (from nascar?) 275-270-265-260...
I remember similar scores from Papyrus's Nascar Racing. The only game, apart from Doom, to cause me a Venetian blind crash once...
Team Zone / Re: Teams for 2023
December 09, 2022, 02:17:18 PM
Quote from: dreadnaut on December 08, 2022, 11:05:11 PM
Quote from: afullo on December 07, 2022, 11:10:57 AMMaybe the cutoff for which if < 1 point is awarded to a player (i.e. if a rac3r does not place itself in the first 12) no team score is awarded (in order to avoid practically useless decimals in that ranking) is implemented as ≤ 1 point, or something like that...

You are precisely right

      $teamResults[$teamId][] = $points > 1 ? $points : 0;

That's now fixed, and the scoreboard updated. Could you double check the numbers?
It is nice to reverse engineer the code on the fly. Unfortunately I do not possess the same ability for the whole Stunts... ;D

Yes, the numbers are now correct, thanks.  ;)