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Custom Cars with Stressed / Re: Baronetti HEXA
Last post by Duplode - July 12, 2024, 01:31:19 AM

It's an honour to have a nameplate on one of your Baronetti cars 🥲 Thank you @alanrotoi , thank you for it all!

Everything looks and feels great. And that dashboard -- everywhere you look there's something to enjoy!

P.S.: Default test drive 1:09.55  :)
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
Last post by Spoonboy - July 11, 2024, 11:22:15 PM
Looks fun and the HEXA is a starship  ;)

Can someone give me a one paragraph description of how to compete?
How does the time/lap limit work?
Are there multiple paths?
Not sure if it's the same in every live race.

PM is fine, or just a general idea of what to expect on here, as I may have to act fast if I do get the chance.
Or jump to an alternate dimension!  ;)
Custom Cars with Stressed / Re: Baronetti HEXA
Last post by Spoonboy - July 11, 2024, 11:16:55 PM
Love the body, gears, rpm, it's out of this world! ;D
Very unlikely I'll get a chance to race it for real this time, but will stay hopeful.
Custom Cars with Stressed / Re: Baronetti HEXA
Last post by dreadnaut - July 11, 2024, 09:29:13 PM
Love the gears display!
Custom Cars with Stressed / Re: Baronetti HEXA
Last post by Erik Barros - July 11, 2024, 08:53:42 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 11, 2024, 05:05:38 PMYou cannot view this attachment.
You cannot view this attachment.

Baronetti automobile is pleased to announce the release of the new car: HEXA.
This car has innovative features such as sphere wheels (it helps on the air drag), 80's futuristic design but without losing the identity of the brand, a new dashboard concept, new gearbox concept, new tachometer concept, new time lap concept.

This car is also a tribute to a very important member of the Stunts Community and one of the best pipsqueaks ever: Duplode. The name of the car, HEXA, demonstrates the number of titles in ZakStunts so far (six), being the most important competition in the community. The main colors correspond to Southern Cross site and favourite color of our honoree.

This is a way to thank Duplode for its constant willingness to help and participate in any project that comes his way. His importance and influence in the community leads to the need to make this tribute. Enjoy the car and thank you!

Great work, it's great to see such a well done job with a more than fair tribute, a car that combines @Duplode and @alanrotoi favorite colors has everything to be legendary
Custom Cars with Stressed / Re: Baronetti HEXA
Last post by Matei - July 11, 2024, 08:44:54 PM
In my games the wheels were always spheres, so your innovative feature is at least 14 years old, but it never occured to me to make them look like spheres. Why would I do that? Another thing: the first time I saw the icy road in Stunts I thought something was wrong. WTF why is the road white? The game was working fine last time I played it.
Custom Cars with Stressed / Baronetti HEXA
Last post by alanrotoi - July 11, 2024, 05:05:38 PM
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You cannot view this attachment.

Baronetti automobile is pleased to announce the release of the new car: HEXA.
This car has innovative features such as sphere wheels (it helps on the air drag), 80's futuristic design but without losing the identity of the brand, a new dashboard concept, new gearbox concept, new tachometer concept, new time lap concept.

This car is also a tribute to a very important member of the Stunts Community and one of the best pipsqueaks ever: Duplode. The name of the car, HEXA, demonstrates the number of titles in ZakStunts so far (six), being the most important competition in the community. The main colors correspond to Southern Cross site and favourite color of our honoree.

This is a way to thank Duplode for its constant willingness to help and participate in any project that comes his way. His importance and influence in the community leads to the need to make this tribute. Enjoy the car and thank you!
Live Races / Re: Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
Last post by alanrotoi - July 11, 2024, 04:33:38 PM
This is the map of a version of Timewarp track. The idea is to have a basic known of the track to have a fair  and tight race without surprises. This is an explanation about the wave we have to travel to be free from the time warp. Follow the next dance steps: 1st hill, put your hands in your hips. 2nd bridge, a jump to the right. 3rd bridge, jump to the left. Follow the red arrows 8)
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Competition 2024 / Re: ZCT276 - Bonkstad - The Bo...
Last post by Spoonboy - July 11, 2024, 01:13:56 PM
Quote from: Erik Barros on July 11, 2024, 12:13:14 AMThe differences in strategy are quite interesting, I generally like to do several laps before starting a more serious lap, to get used to the layout. But there are players who prefer to advance only when they have their maximum at each checkpoint on the track.

PS 1 - I'm curious about @Mark Nailwood method, he's been competing since the 90s, a legend. And he feels a big difference between what competitions were like in the past and what they have today.

PS 2 - There's a very good article by @BonzaiJoe, I don't know if you've seen it, there's a lot of gold mining on the website and the forum  :)  (

Yes, reconnaissance is always a good plan!

It is interesting to look old races and see the chat during them. I've also found my teammates' knowledge of previous races, maybe seeing rare tricks before, has been so valuable for context in the modern races.

I remember reading @BonzaiJoe's article soon after I started. It taught me a lot about my approach to races, and made me realise that there was a lot more to Stunts than just driving fast. There are many subtle aspects and hidden depths that you only realise by being an active part of the community!
Competition and Website / Re: New features 2024
Last post by dreadnaut - July 11, 2024, 12:30:09 AM
Quote from: Erik Barros on July 11, 2024, 12:04:33 AMA very useful update, thanks for the great work.
You're welcome, always a pleasure!

For earlier this year, but good to record it: the pipsqueaks list can now be sorted by "Season participation" (seasons with replays), in addition to the existing "Career length" (years in the community). Data from 2001-2003 is still not included.

Note that a server upgrade has broken links to pipsqueak profiles that contain a space. I've just spotted it, I'll fix it in the coming days.