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Football Fanats 2006 - The year of World Cup

Started by CTG, December 21, 2005, 10:43:47 PM

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AGF Aarhus will be relegated after 29 years in the best league :(

So 30 matches against crap teams next year. Well, then maybe at least we can win some matches.
But we can't be quite sure.


I've found a newspaper from Monday at home. Let's see what N?plap (daily newspaper of our county) wrote about the match KBSC-Szolnok! Sorry, it's in Hungarian, but I think Akoss Poo is the most interested in it. :)

Quote from: "Szolnoki N?plap"
Kazincbarcika, 300 n., v. Tak?cs J.

Kazincbarcika: SZ?NTAI - Han?sz, HARN?CZ, KOV?CS R. - Engi, Badalik (De?k, sz?netben), Ordab?na, Elek, (D?vid, sz?netben), Kerekes - Kov?cs P., Dar?k (Fekete, 60.). Vezet?edz?: K?d?r Zsolt.
Szolnok: R?zs? - Pint?r L., ANTAL, BALOGH, SZALAI - B. T?th, Gr?z, Pozs?r, FORG? - Kotula (Bali, 52.), BARDI. Vezet?edz?: Kis K?roly.

82. perc: R?zs? a hazapasszolt labd?val telibe tal?lta De?kot, a lepattan? v?g?l D?vid el? ker?lt, aki k?t m?terr?l a kapuba gur?tott, 1-0.

Az els? f?lid?ben nem forogtak vesz?lyben a kapuk, ?m sz?net ut?n a Szolnoknak k?sz?nhet?en meg?l?nk?lt az iram. A tal?lkoz? helyzet?t is a k?k-s?rg?k jegyezt?k, azonban Pint?r elv?tette a lehet?s?get. Ezt k?vet?en egy egy?ni hiba eld?nt?tte a meccs sors?t.

K?d?r Zsolt: - A h?rom pont megszerz?se volt a legfontosabb, s ezt teljes?tett?k.
Kis K?roly: - A g?lig mi uraltuk a j?t?kot, ?m ellenfel?nk egyetlen helyzet?t kihaszn?lta.

5 GOOD players in Szolnok, only 3 in Kazincbarcika (and one of them is the goalkeeper) - that tells almost everything about the two teams. :D

(Before you ask: writing "Ordab?na" is not my fault, it was written this way in the newspaper...)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

But yesterday we lost a match when simply we played better, and I was angrier than any time this spring season:

Baktal?r?nth?zi Tirp?k VSE - Kazincbarcikai SC 2-1


Ferencv?ros - ?jpest 1-2 (1-0)
G.: Lipcsei (penalty, 19.) vs. Kov?cs Z. (92.), Rajczi (penalty, 96.)
Sent off: Botis (95.) vs. B?jte (90.), Kov?cs Z. (after the match)

My opinion about this match is around the same as LucaToni says in Nemzeti Sport forum, in Hungarian:

Avanti AC Fiorentina

Csatlakozott: 2005 November 13. , Vas?rnap, 16:06
Hozz?sz?l?sok: 2388
Tart?zkod?si hely: Budapest
Elk?ldve: 2006. ?prilis 16., Vas?rnap 13:30    Hozz?sz?l?s t?m?ja:    


nem nagyon ?rtam m?g ide, s?t m?g egyszer sem, aff?le k?ls? szeml?l?k?nt olvasgattam a dolgokat, de most nem ?llom meg, hogy ne ?rjam le hogy mit k?v?nok Sask?inek...nagyj?b?l annyit, hogy vegyen be valami olyasmit ami el?g hossz? ?s el?gg? eml?keztet egy nagy sz?r?s p?niszre...ezek ut?n fogni k?ne ?s anettk?val meg a t?bbiekkel egy?tt kil?ni a vil?g? vezessen meccset ha akar...hihetetlen ez a magyar j?t?kvezet?s...
Chürműű! :-)

2990.82 km


Easy victory in the home of Soroks?r (we've overtaken them on the scoreboard with this result):
Soroks?r - Szolnoki M?V 0-2 (0-1)

Szolnok is 6th with only 19 games after the 20th round. If our match against Orosh?za (much weaker team) hadn't been postponed and we had won, we would be on 3th place. B?FF!
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Today - Milan X Barcelona. Who wanna bet ?

My bet:
Milan 1 x 1 Barcelona.
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Today's match, my bet:

Arsenal-Villarreal 1-2
Chürműű! :-)

2990.82 km


Colour of living being is determined by the gene.



But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"Arsenal - Villareal  4-0

LOL, you'll get a beer if they really play 4-0 now.  :)


Arsenal 1 x 0 Villareal

Its sad, but in the finals of champions league, the numbers of goals are very low.

But, if BJ will be right, then good for football! :-D
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


Arsenal-Villarreal 1-0, Vamolo's tip was correct. :) But Bonzai Joe knew something:

Quote from: ""?gy t?nt, a spanyolok nem ?ssz?k meg n?gy alatt, de a hazaiak t?bb helyzetet elpusk?ztak(...)
(="It seemed the Spanish couldn't survive it with less than four goals, but home team missed many chances for scoring.")
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


UEFA Champions League, semi-finals: 4 matches, 2 goals... Oh my God, is it the revived era of boring game without goals?


It looks like that. Hopefully the final will have 3 or more goals, like the past year.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


Altough I'm not a football fan I've reinvented the rules. It happened because whenever I tired to watch football I gave up after 10 minutes because it's so boooring. My brother (who is a big fan :)) said it's quite a nice idea:

The change is simple but effective: The team which shoots a goal is forced to reduce the number of his players by one. So the other team could score easier, and when that'd happen, minus one player from them too.
Optional rule: at half time every team could raise it's player count by one.