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Football Fanats 2006 - The year of World Cup

Started by CTG, December 21, 2005, 10:43:47 PM

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I think if this rule was used, absolutely nothing would happen until the 80th minute of the matches, because neither team would like to score and lose a player earlier... Then, the last few minutes are survivable with 10 players in most cases, so more than one goal on a match would become extremely rare. (And the most common result would be 0-0, when nobody can score in the last minutes.)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: "zaqrack"Altough I'm not a football fan I've reinvented the rules. It happened because whenever I tired to watch football I gave up after 10 minutes because it's so boooring. My brother (who is a big fan :)) said it's quite a nice idea:

The change is simple but effective: The team which shoots a goal is forced to reduce the number of his players by one. So the other team could score easier, and when that'd happen, minus one player from them too.
Optional rule: at half time every team could raise it's player count by one.

Uuuuuuuuuuuh that's really a crappy idea. It's okay at a PE lesson but in real practice...  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


ok then I'll stuck to biking and stunts I guess :D


Quote from: "zaqrack"Altough I'm not a football fan I've reinvented the rules. It happened because whenever I tired to watch football I gave up after 10 minutes because it's so boooring. My brother (who is a big fan :)) said it's quite a nice idea:

The change is simple but effective: The team which shoots a goal is forced to reduce the number of his players by one. So the other team could score easier, and when that'd happen, minus one player from them too.
Optional rule: at half time every team could raise it's player count by one.

hahahahahaha!!! You sure isnt a big fan of football!
New rules for biking: How about, everytime you complete a lap in a circuit (or finish a section in tour tracks) you take off one tire from the bike ? :lol:
Probrably the third lap will be more difficult!
:-D  :-D  :-D
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


lol nice idea :)
but such a thing already exists.

ever heard about the bike messenger races?
one event is standing in one place with the bike. As some bikers could do it for hours, the rules were modified so it is a lot more intresting this way:

you start standing with your bike in one place
after 5 minutes you have to let go the handlebar with one of your hands
after 10 minutes no hands allowed
after 15 minutes you must take off one of your legs from the pedals
after 20 minutes you cannot touch the pedals

as I recall the best result was 22 minutes! :)


Quote from: "zaqrack"
after 10 minutes no hands allowed
after 15 minutes you must take off one of your legs from the pedals
after 20 minutes you cannot touch the pedals

as I recall the best result was 22 minutes! :)

Thats very hard! :shock:

Whats your best result ?  8)
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


currently 4 minutes :D but I'll try harder :)

(anyway try to beat this is harder tha it sounds :)


Quote from: "zaqrack"currently 4 minutes


So, you dont had to do anything yet, right ? The difficult part is up ahead.
:-D  :-D  :-D
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


Result from the Hungarian 1st division:

Lombard P?pa (16th, 9 pts) - ?jpest FC (1st, 56 pts) 2-1 (1-0)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


That's quite a surprise! I love it when such things happen :-)
But we can't be quite sure.


I especially like this situation if happens to Fradi (=Ferencv?ros) or ?jpest. Here are my reasons (especially for those who don't know much about Hungarian football).

FERENCV?ROS (=9th district of Budapest): the team having the best results in the past (most championship titles, etc.), but currently an average one in the 1st division. However, cheering for them is always a big fashion. (For example, a shitty beer can be sold very well under the name "Fradi Beer".) For most of their fans, fashion is the only reason for choosing Ferencv?ros. But they believe that they're the "Team of the Nation", and a true Hungarian can't cheer for any other team. They believe that playing in Ferencv?ros means something very special (having "Fradi-heart" makes them unbeatable), and hardly understand when a player doesn't feel that and leaves Fradi for more money. In this case, their former gods can become "traiters" immediately. Fradi is very popular also amongst Hungarian referees, but fans think that they've historical rights to have this advantage. The most ugly thing is that Fradi has fans everywhere in Hungary, even in cities with quite strong teams (Debrecen, Miskolc). These fans are quiet on 364 days of the year, but when Fradi plays in their city, they go to the guest sector, and abuse the home supporters together with Fradi fans arriving from Budapest. "Debrecen peasants" of "Miskolc gipsies" is very strange from the mouth of a local resident... But their greatest enemy is in Budapest: it's ?jpest, that's why Fradi fans always shout "Dicksucker ?jpest", even when celebrating a goal.

?JPEST (=4th district): the team with the 2nd best historical results, with much less fans. But these fans are probably the most unintelligent people in Hungary, together with some of the players. I'll never understand how can they have such a sense for choosing the greatest assholes... Nowadays, they've probably the strongest team, but that's no reason for their unlimited self-conceit. (However, they don't have as strong beliefs about their superiority as Fradi fans have.) The current president of the Hungarian Football Association is a former coach of ?jpest, probably that's why nowadays they get very generous presents from referees - even against Ferencv?ros... I think it's not surprising that Ferencv?ros is their greatest enemy: matches between the two teams almost always lead to serious fights around the stadium.

I can't decide which one I hate more. Perhaps Ferencv?ros, but it's always a great pleasure when any of them suck. :D
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Is ?jpest the 2nd best historical team? Maybe I'm wrong but MTK seems to be better in that...


Quote from: "CTG"Is ?jpest the 2nd best historical team? Maybe I'm wrong but MTK seems to be better in that...
They're close to each other in historical results, but I didn't looked up the data, and guessed ?jpest is 2nd. But if counting their titles, you're right. MTK: 22x champion, 12x cup winner, played final in European Cup Winners' Cup once. ?jpest: 20x champion, 8x cup winner, played final in UEFA Cup once.
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Akoss Poo, if you say lineswomen are dirty, what do you think about female referees? And what do you think if one of them referees an important match in Eastern Group of NB II? And what should I say if she "forgets" to give an unambiguos penalty to Szolnok in V?c, and that's why we can't win in the home of the leader of the championship? And this is the sad reality. The match was on Thursday, but I've just read about it. I don't find the words for that...

V?c - Szolnok 0-0
V?c, 500 spectators. Referee: Gy?ngyi Ga
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I decided not to visit any NB II football matches anymore. Maleish bitches must die!
Chürműű! :-)

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