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Football Fanats 2006 - The year of World Cup

Started by CTG, December 21, 2005, 10:43:47 PM

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Hungarian football is lower and lower... ?jpest sucked against FC Vaduz at Budapest by 4 goals - not so big news. On the other hand, the scandal of Hungarian Football Association with allowing or not allowing Ferencv?ros and V?c to start in the first class is getting to be more than ridiculous.

Hungary wants to organize EURO 2012...

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Decision has born, Vác can start is first class, Ferencváros is relegated to second class - first time in their history. I don't like them but they didn't deserve this. Dirty Kisteleki! Dirty purple league!


But we can't be quite sure.


It seems that Ferencvaros is low on money ! :o
105 years of history and 28 national tittles... too bad! :'(
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


It's totally about money. Ferencv?ros couldn't pass the criteria of some stupid economical rules. Their better players will leave the team, the rest... well, they can have problems with second class. I give only 60 percent for them for coming back to first class in a year.


But if they started in 1st division, they would surely go bankrupt in a few months - the strict financial rules are made for avoiding these situations. And if a team backs out during the championship, it means they can start the next season only in 3rd division. (Well, it would be even funnier. :)) Last weekend Ferencv?ros played a training match in Felcs?t (50 km from Budapest), and they simply couldn't afford ordering a bus - Felcs?t had to send its own bus to Budapest for the "famous" guests...
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


I will miss them from NB I. The championship needs a dirty Ferencv?ros. Vasas? LOL.


Best 16 teams for me in NB I:

Gy?ri ETO

REAC, Vasas - GO TO BLASZ!!!
Kaposv?r to NB II!!!



CTG: I agree that our championship needs Ferencv?ros and its fans, even if they're very dirty... But relegation to NB II was the best decision that MLSZ (Hungarian Association of Football) could make in the current financial situation of FTC. Now they have a good chance for getting back to the first division in one year. But if they had to give up NB I in the middle of the season, it would probably mean the end of their history. (Do you remember Szeged FC from 1999 or 2000?) And don't forget that current situation is the fault of the present and previous (Torgy?n...) leaders of Ferencv?ros, and not anybody else.

Btw, why do you think that Western & Central (see V?c) Hungary deserves so many strong teams? Si?fok (not more than 30000 inhabitants) should have a team in NB I, while B?k?scsaba (55000 inhabitants, football is much more popular and has much stronger history, team was regularly within Top 6) shouldn't? Or the 4th biggest city of Hungary (Szeged) can't have a good football team? I think the best NB I would be the following:

- Ferencv?ros
- Kispest
- ?jpest
- Gy?r
- Halad?s
- Zalaegerszeg
- P?cs
- Feh?rv?r
- Tatab?nya
- Sopron
- Di?sgy?r
- Debrecen
- Ny?regyh?za
- B?k?scsaba
- Szeged

(At first I wanted to write Kecskem?t instead of Tatab?nya or Sopron, because it's two times bigger than the mentioned Transdanubian towns, but I'm afraid football would never be such popular there. In the past, Kecskem?t never had more than a few hundred fans in NB II...)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Interesting matches of NB II Eastern Group in this year & predictions of MLSZ'99 :)
Bad news: KBSC comes to Szolnok in March, so summer/autumn bicycle tour can't be organized for that match. :(

19 Aug
Szolnok - Ferencv?ros 1-1 (0-1)
3791 spectators, weather: rain, 4?C.

26 Aug (during Metnet meeting...)
Kazincbarcika - Szolnok 1-1 (1-1)
565 spectators, weather: clear, 3?C.

4 Nov
Kazincbarcika - Ferencv?ros 1-3 (0-3)
1905 spectators, weather: clear, 28?C.

Btw, I'm afraid I would have to improve the weather forecasting part of MLSZ'99. :)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Lot of things to mention.

First, the NB I should look like the following:

MTK Hung?ria
Budapest Honv?d
Videoton Sz?kesfeh?rv?r
Gy?ri ETO
P?csi MFC
Di?sgy?ri VTK
Debreceni VSC
Szeged LC
Eger FC
Salg?tarj?ni BTC
Kecskem?ti TE
B?k?scsabai EFC
Ny?regyh?zi VSC
Kazincbarcikai SC

Yes, we need Ferencv?ros in NB I, and we also need ?jpest, even if they are dirty. The Eastern half of the country is much bigger than the Western, so we need much more Eastern teams in the NB I. Because of bad financial circumstances, we always see only a few Eastern teams in the league, and some famous Eastern teams in the regional divisions (e.g. Eger). So Eastern teams need some compensation, and yes, we need that much of Eastern teams in the first division - now let West suck.

Well, it's sad to see KBSC-Szolnok will be during the MetNet meeting, I'll probably miss the match... but of course I'll go to watch the KBSC-Ferencv?ros match in November.

We can organize the bicycle tour of course in early autumn (that would be the best), it's a pity that we won't see the match.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Halad?s and Zalaegerszeg are needed anyway in NB I... I can't believe that a Kecskem?t-Eger "derby" would be as interesting as Halad?s-Zalaegerszeg. The latter would be played in front of 8000-10000 spectators even if the two teams are far from the "podium", while Kecskem?t-Eger (or Eger-Kecskem?t) wouldn't have more than 2000 spectators in the same situation. 10000 would be totally unreachable for them even if they fought for the championship....

Salg?tarj?n seems to be a better idea, they regularly had 1500-2000 spectators in NB III, so we can expect how popular would they be in NB I... So just a little change in my list: I replace Sopron with Salg?tarj?n. (Tatab?nya is bigger than Sopron, and has a long history of good football.)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


KBSC in NB I is a bad joke. :D Btw Usrin, make a prediction for the following champonship with rankings and for the top3 of NB II groups. Akoss and I made our tips:


1 debrecen
2 mtk
3 ?jpest
4 feh?rv?r
5 gy?r
6 sopron
7 di?sgy?r
8 kispest
9 zte
10 vasas
11 p?cs
12 tatab?nya
13 kaposv?r
14 v?c
15 paks
16 reac

NB II east: 1 ftc 2 mak? 3 ny?regyh?za
NB II west: 1 halad?s 2 p?pa 3 gyirm?t


1. Debrecen
2. MTK
3. ?jpest
4. Feh?rv?r
5. Kispest
6. Di?sgy?r
7. P?cs
8. ZTE
9. Tatab?nya
10. Kaposv?r
11. Gy?ri ETO
12. Sopron
13. Vasas
14. Paks
15. REAC
16. V?c

NB II East:
1. Ferencv?ros
2. Ny?regyh?za
3. Szolnok
NB II West:
1. Felcs?t
2. Halad?s
3. Si?fok